
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 11, 2018

Publicación del Dossier "Salud Mental y Ciudadanía"

Acaba de publicarse el número 134 (segundo semestre de 2018) de la Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría (AEN), que incluye un Dossier coordinado por Enric Novella (Profesor de Historia de la Ciencia e investigador del Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero) sobre "Salud mental y ciudadanía". El sumario es el siguiente: - Introducción: Salud mental y ciudadanía, ENRIC NOVELLA. - Locura, salud mental y ciudadanía: del individualismo posesivo al neoliberalismo, HARRY OOSTERHUIS. - Gobernando la experiencia: salud mental y ciudadanía, MARÍA JOSÉ AGÜERO DE TRENQUALYE, GONZALO CORREA MOREIRA. - La condición del diálogo. Saberes profanos y nuevos contextos del decir, MARTIN CORREA URQUIZA. - Los cuidados en el marco de una ciudadanía inclusiva, JOSÉ LEAL RUBIO. - Malestares de género y socialización: el feminismo como grieta, CLARA BENEDICTO. Todos los contenidos se encontrarán próximamente en acceso abierto en www.revistaaen.es Imagen de

Call for applications Tomás y Valiente 2019 UAM-MIAS

Call for applications Tomás y Valiente 2019, MIAS-UAM Profile: Holders of a doctorate obtained between 01/01/2008 and 31/12/2015 Duration: 3 years, renewable for an additional two years Number of contracts offered in 2019-2020: 2 Disciplines: Human and Social Science disciplines as listed in the application portal. Financial conditions: Gross salary of 31,600€ Contract of local Spanish law Provision of accommodation in the Casa de Velázquez facilities duringthe first year of the contract (*) Application deadline: 11 December 2018 at 17h (Madrid time) For more information see: https://www.madrid-ias.eu/en/what-we-offer/call-for-applications/

Ciclo de seminarios on line: En el centenario del Armisticio: salud, medicina y humanitarismo a raíz de la I Guerra Mundial (1914-1918)

Cicle de seminaris : En el centenari de l’Armistici: salut, medicina i humanitarisme arran de la I Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). / "In the centenary of the Armistice: Health, Medicine and Humanitarianism during WWI (1914-1918) and its aftermath ". Coordinadors : Àlvar Martínez-Vidal (Institut López Piñero, Universitat de València) en col·laboració amb Josep Lluís Barona  (Universitat de València) i Jon Arrizabalaga  (CSIC, Barcelona). Resum del cicle : La signatura de l’Armistici de Compiègne, entre Alemanya i les forces aliades, el dia 11 de novembre de 1918 va significar la fi de la I Guerra Mundial, una contesa que es va saldar amb vora deu milions de víctimes mortals i un incalculable nombre de ferits i de mutilats. Les potències contendents havien posat en joc tots els seus recursos militars –començant per la carn de canó dels soldats de lleva– per tal d’infligir el màxim dany possible a l’enemic. Com no s’havia conegut mai a tan gran escala, la

CfP: Special Edition about The Upsurge of Irrationality (Disputatio | Madrid)

Critical thinking, the general capacity for the critical assessment of arguments and scientific literacy, face several problems that hinder both its public acceptance and its screening by responsible institutions. Although social irrationality is not a novel issue, its sophisticated use by social movements that, flirting with pseudoscience, seek to exploit negligence in decision-making is rising. In this regard, many of these contemporary forms of motivated irrationality show harmful political implications, such as “alternative facts”, climate change denial, radical gender studies, etc., in contexts as crucial as educational, health or environmental public policies. Disputatio, Philosophical Research Bulletin  cordially invites authors interested in reflecting or in presenting a systematic investigation about contemporary forms of collective irrationality that come into well-documented conflict with critical thinking and scientific knowledge. Articles can be interdisci

FESTIVAL DE LA CIÈNCIA 2019. Presentació propostes

Des de l'Institut de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona s'està organitzant la tretzena  Festa de la Ciència   per als dies 1 i 2 de juny al Parc de la Ciutadella.  Actualment està oberta la  crida per a la presentació de propostes d'activitats  i us animem a fer-ne difusió entre els investigadors i  investigadores de les universitats. Es poden consultar els eixos temàtics i els formats de les activitats en el document adjunt. Per fer arribar les activitats cal omplir el  formulari  que s'ha habilitat a tal efecte.  El termini màxim de presentació de propostes és el 20 de gener  i després d'aquesta data es procedirà a fer la selecció que configurarà el programa final.

CfP: International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry - 23rd annual meeting

The 23rd annual conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry ( ISPC ) will be held from Monday, 15 July until Wednesday, 17 July 2019 in Torino (Italy) , at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Torino . The conference will be open to the full range of topics related with the philosophy of chemistry and the philosophy of science, addressed from a chemical perspective. The 2019 edition of the ISPC conference will also celebrate two anniversaries that are especially relevant to the community of chemists.  The United Nations General Assembly has declared Year 2019 as “ The International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements ”, as it marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of the first Periodic Table by  Dimitri Mendeleev  in 1869. The Periodic System is a pivotal achievement of chemistry and a unifying scientific concept, with broad implications in Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and o

JOB: Durham: Asst Prof History of Science/Technology

Assistant Professor in the History of Science and/or Technology The role Based in one of the UK's leading centres for the study of history, you will make an important contribution to the development of a dynamic research culture, building on the expertise of a strong cluster of historians with interests in the history of science and/or technology. Making use of your own outstanding knowledge and the University and region’s important resources in the field, you will carry out and publish excellent and original research. Passionate about the history of science and/or technology, you will help to develop and extend our suite of undergraduate and postgraduate modules, and share your enthusiasm through exceptional teaching. At Durham, you will benefit from a strong commitment to intra- and inter-disciplinary research, and from the resources of a host of specialist Research Institutes and Centres. You will also enjoy the advantages of a mentoring scheme to develop

JOBS in Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB)

Calls for application for 1 postdoc and 1 PhD positions in Philosophy of Physics are now open: 1)  Postdoc in Philosophy of Physics The Department of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona is seeking to appoint a postdoc in Philosophy of Physics for a fixed-term period of 24 months. The position is to support the research project PROTEUS -  Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s) , which is funded by the European Research Council and led by Dr Silvia De Bianchi. Job description and instructions to apply  can be found at EURAXESS: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/ jobs/353798?fbclid= IwAR2snknyM2JBsiIxSmSt_ QbGRtiXRe6KA47- 7pMf3JY0qvLIfmN3Pv74YLY Closing date: January 31, 2019 2) PhD Scholarship in Philosophy of Physics The Department of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona is accepting applications to appoint a PhD student in Philosophy of Physics for a fixed-term period of 36 months. The position is to support

CfP: CLMPST in Prague, August 2019

16 th  CONGRESS OF LOGIC, METHODOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (CLMPST 2019) Czech Technical University, Prague, Czechia, 5–10 August 2019  http://clmpst2019.flu. cas.cz/   Submission deadline:  15 December 2018 The International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST) is organized every four years under the auspices of the Division for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the International Union for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (DLMPST/IUHPST). The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences is proud to host the 16 th  CLMPST in the summer of 2019. CLMPST 2019 will host three  plenary   lectures , delivered by Heather Douglas, Joel D. Hamkins, and Sandra D. Mitchell, and over twenty invited lectures.  Invited   speakers   include: Anna Alexandrova, Atocha Aliseda Llera, Christina Brech, Anna Brożek, Alex Broadbent, Valentin Goranko, Gerhard Heinz

Call for chapter proposals: edited collection on histories of HIV/AIDS in Europe

We invite expressions of interest from scholars of any discipline, working on histories of HIV and AIDS in Europe, to contribute to an edited collection. Research on HIV and AIDS in historical perspective has intensified in recent years. This exciting work is starting to incorporate groups and experiences that have been under-documented, and to signal the vital importance of local and national contexts. Responses to, and experiences of HIV and AIDS were modulated by features that varied from place to place, within and between countries, and reflected the importance of the social, cultural, and political settings in which HIV and AIDS emerged.  This collection will explore comparative histories and national or regional specificities, particularly those which capture previously unexamined experiences of those affected by HIV and AIDS. These may include the experiences of young people, women, and families, migrants, or sex workers, for example, or regions and nations

Funding available in Medical Humanities

Institutio Santoriana – Fondazione Comel , in cooperation with the  Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR) - Pisa , announces an international scheme entitled to the Italian physician Santorio Santori (1561-1636), who introduced the quantitative method to medicine and is considered the father of experimental physiology.   The fellowship aims at encouraging cooperation amongst scholars across the Europe and is awarded each year to students (MA and PhD) and early career researchers (within 3 years from their PhD viva) whose interests in the field of History of Medicine and Medical Humanities (History of Medicine and Biology, History and Philosophy of Science, History of Ideas, Classics) are particularly strong and well recorded.  The scheme works in connection with the CSMBR activities.   For the academic year 2018, the  Santorio Fellowship  will support participants to the International Summer School  The Kiln, the Alembic

The new issue of HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology is now online

HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology  is a peer-reviewed open access journal, available online, published in english by De Gruyter, as a result of a partnership between four portuguese research units (CIUHCT, CIDEHUS, Institute for Social Sciences, and Institute of Contemporary History). Opening essay by Jürgen Renn on the role of science and technology in the era of Anthropocene framed by Historical Epistemology,  "The Evolution of Knowledge: Rethinking Science in the Anthropocene"   A special issue on Railway History that contains an introduction by the Guest Editor  Hugo Silveira Pereira , two research articles and two literature review articles, which cross sub-fields of History (Labour History, Colonial History, Digital Humanities, and Business History) with History of Technology: "Introduction – New Insights and Perceptions on Railway History" , Hugo Silveira Pereira "The Transfer of Railway Technologies and Afro-Asian