
Mostrando entradas de junio 23, 2019

II Colóquio Internacional de Arquitetura Assistencial: Hospitais e outros edifícios da saúde – da Modernidade ao Moderno

A história da assistência, em geral, e dos hospitais, em particular, são um tema de investigação multidisciplinar que têm convocado diferentes investigadores, abordando questões de história social, religiosa e da ciência. Também a história da arquitetura tem nestas temáticas um importante campo de estudo que se tem consolidado nos últimos anos. Os hospitais e outras instituições assistenciais relacionadas com a saúde, devido ao papel social que desempenharam ao longo da história, constituem-se como relevantes objetos de pesquisa dos pontos de vista artístico, arquitetónico e patrimonial. Neste contexto e no âmbito do projeto «Hospitalis – Arquitetura hospitalar em Portugal nos alvores da Modernidade: identificação, caraterização e contextualização» (PTDC/ART-HIS/30808/2017), promove-se a segunda edição do Colóquio Internacional dedicado à Arquitetura Assistencial e convidam-se todos os investigadores que tenham realizado ou estejam a desenvolver trabalhos ou projetos inéditos, de

European Association for the History of Medicine and Health Conference

The European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) Biennial Conference: "Sense and Nonsense", Birmingham 27-30 August 2019 This biennial conference of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health marks the 30th anniversary of the Association since its founding conference in Strasbourg in 1989. The title of the conference has been chosen to recognise key themes at the heart of medical history debates and discussions, and will take place in the heart of England, at the University of Birmingham Confirmed keynote speakers include Professor Ludmilla Jordanova (University of Durham), Professor Robert Jütte (University of Stuttgart), Dr Tracey Loughran (University of Essex) and Dr Vanessa Heggie (University of Birmingham) https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/activity/mds/centres/eahmh/conferences/index.aspx Register for conference: https://shop.bham.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/college-of-medical-dental-sciences/medical-de

50 Premio Fundación Uriach “Historia de la Medicina”

En su deseo de impulsar los estudios sobre el pasado de las Ciencias de la Salud, la Fundación Uriach 1838 tiene instituido un premio anual de ámbito internacional, el cual será adjudicado al mejor trabajo que, a juicio de un jurado designado al efecto, trate de un tema sobre Historia y Ciencias de la Salud. Su concesión se adaptará a las siguientes BASES 1. El L Premio Fundación Uriach “Historia de la Medicina” correspondiente a 2019 está dotado con 3.000 euros para el ganador y un accésit de 1.000 euros, si el jurado lo considera oportuno. 2. Las monografías que opten al Premio deberán ser originales e inéditas, no siendo aceptadas aquellas que en el momento de la adjudicación hayan sido publicadas total o parcialmente, así como tampoco las presentadas a otros concursos. 3. Los trabajos deberán ser presentados en un archivo de texto en formato electrónico (no pdf) junto a una copia impresa con interlineado doble y una extensión recomendada de 80.000 caracteres, c

CfP: XVII Jornada sobre la Història de la Ciència i l’Ensenyament

El comité organizador de esta jornada quiere aprovechar esta nueva convocatoria para ampliar los objetivos y las áreas temáticas con nuevas ideas y nuevos colaboradores. Con este espíritu se convoca la “XVII Jornada sobre la Història de la Ciència i l’Ensenyament” como muestra de la consolidación de los vínculos establecidos entre la historia de la ciencia y la enseñanza. Al convocar esta nueva jornada la SCHCT pretende: ·          Debatir temáticas sobre las relaciones entre historia de la ciencia y enseñanza. ·          Favorecer la comunicación y la colaboración entre docentes e historiadores de la ciencia. ·          Dar a conocer experiencias y recursos sobre la utilización de la historia de la ciencia en la enseñanza. ·          Relacionar mediante la historia de la ciencia algunos aspectos de la divulgación científica con la enseñanza. Asistencia y comunicaciones El comité organizador anima a todos aquellos profesores e historiadores de la ciencia interesados

CfP: Feb 2020: Colonial Knowledges: Environment/Logistics in the Creation of Knowledge in British Colonies 1750-1950

Colonial Knowledges: Environment and Logistics in the Creation of Knowledge in British Colonies from 1750 to 1950. 27th-28th February 2020, University of Manchester.   Keynote speaker: Professor Javed Majeed, King’s College London. The effects of colonial power dynamics on knowledge creation in the long nineteenth century and beyond are well known and have become the foundation of a postcolonial reading of British scholarship in the context of empire. What has been less well examined are the practical effects of the colonial context on knowledge making.     This two-day conference seeks to explore how logistical and practical factors, such as the physical environment including climate and distance from the metropole, influenced the creation of both scientific and humanistic knowledge in British colonies.  We invite papers exploring the practicalities of knowledge creation in any British colony, including India and Egypt, from 1750 to 1950. Paper subjects can inclu

HOPOS 2020: Instructions for Submission

The Thirteenth Biennial Congress of  HOPOS ,  The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science Lingnan University, Hong Kong 23 to 26 June  2020 Submission Deadline: 15 September 2019 Congress web site:  https:// hopos 2020 . hopos . org We are pleased to announce that paper and symposium proposals for HOPOS 2020 can now be submitted through the congress web site. For detailed instructions, please visit the  Make a Submission  page. You will also find updated information regarding the HOPOS 2020 Poster Session on the  Presentation Guidelines  page, and new details about the on-campus and off-campus lodging options that will be available to congress participants on the  Staying in Hong Kong  page. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science,  HOPOS , welcomes proposals for papers, symposia, and posters to be presented at its thirteenth biennial congress, which will take place 23 to 26 June  2

Webinar - Cultural mediators in refugee and migrant healthcare – 2 July

A bridge to better healthcare: Cultural mediators in refugee and migrant healthcare Tuesday  2 July 2019 13.00-14.00 CEST Live webcast/further information link:  www.euro.who.int/en/ cultureandhealth Migration flows constitute a defining element of our time, with a consistent rise in the number of migrants and refugees in the WHO European Region. International migrants now form 10% of the Region’s population, 90.7 million people. This increase in the number of refugees and migrants has gone hand in hand with an increase in the number of cultural mediators, in some countries. Cultural mediators have the potential to be one of the keys to improving health care for refugees and migrants. They can assist in a variety of ways, including helping refugees and migrants access services and helping health practitioners better understand the needs and behaviors of people in these groups. However, to fully realize the potential of cultural mediators, it is important to understand ex

CfP: Zonas de contacto entre la Historia agraria y la Historia de la cienca

Valencia, IILP, Palau de Cerveró, Septiembre de 2019. Comité organizador: José Ramón Bertomeu, Salvador Calatayud y Ximo Guillem. En los últimos años se ha producido una gran cantidad de trabajos situados en las fronteras de la historia agraria, la historia económica y la historia de la ciencia y de la tecnología. El interés de la historia agraria por los problemas del cambio tecnológico se ha visto plasmado en congresos, artículos de revisión y libros colectivos. La circulación de nuevas técnicas y su acomodo en diversos contextos socioculturales y entornos ecológicos ha incrementado el interés por la producción y el uso de la tecnología agraria, así como sus diversas consecuencias económicas y medioambientales. Desde la historia de la ciencia, el interés por las consecuencias sociales de la tecnociencia y por la circulación ha conducido a investigar diversos productos sociomateriales a través de su paso por la industria y la agricultura, tales como semillas mejoradas genéticamen

Call for Applications: PhD Position inPhilosophy of Physics or Philosophy of Science

Le Département de philosophie de l’Université de Genève met au concours : 1 poste d’assistant-e en philosophie de la physique ou philosophie des sciences  Conditions :  Etre en possession d’une maîtrise universitaire en philosophie, en physique ou en mathématiques ou d’un diplôme équivalent. Des compétences en physique et/ou en philosophie sont souhaitées. S’engager à inscrire une thèse dans le domaine de la philosophie de la physique ou de la philosophie des sciences, de préférence avec une thématique liée à la philosophie de la gravité quantique. Posséder une excellente maîtrise du français et de l’anglais. Cahier des charges :  Il s’agit d’un poste à 7/10e qui passera à 10/10e dès la troisième année.  L’assistant-e participera aux enseignements (en français) de Bachelor en assumant en particulier un séminaire de Travaux Pratiques.  - 2 h de séminaire hebdomadaires,  - correction de travaux, encadrement des étudiant-e-s,  - contacts suivis avec les

Expression of interest for a position in History ofscience and technology - Deadline: 31 August 2019

The Department of Classics, Philosophy, History (DAFIST) at the University of Genova, Italy, invites expression of interest for either a tenure track position at the level of assistant professor (“RTD-B”), or permanent a position at the level of associate professor ("professore associato") or full professor (“professore ordinario”) in  History of science and technology Interested candidates must hold a corresponding position abroad (outside Italy) for at least three years. Information about this year open call, conversion chart, needed documents, and application procedure can be found at the following website:  https://unige.it/concorsi/ manifestazioniinteressechiamat edirette.html All relevant documents must be sent to  reclutamento.docenti@unige.it   Deadline: 31 August 2019 In particular, DAFIST seeks candidates with significant accomplishments and promise for further achievements in History of science and technology. Successful candidates for the pos

History of Medicine fellowships at the New York Academy of Medicine

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2020 cycle of The New York Academy of Medicine Library’s two history of medicine fellowships: the Paul Klemperer Fellowship in the History of Medicine and the Audrey and William H. Helfand Fellowship in the History of Medicine and Public Health.  Information about the two residential fellowships, along with application materials and instructions for applying, can be found here:  https://www.nyam.org/awards- grants/library-fellowships/

New issue of HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology (13.1, June 2019) online

HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology  is a peer-reviewed open access journal, available online, published in English by De Gruyter/Sciendo, as a result of a partnership between four Portuguese research units (CIUHCT, CIDEHUS, Institute for Social Sciences, and Institute of Contemporary History). TABLE OF CONTENTS OF VOLUME 13.1 Special issue "Before the Silent Spring: Pesticides in Twentieth-Century Europe", with an introduction by the Guest Editor  José Ramón Bertomeu-Sánchez , which presents a critical literature review framing the new perspectives brought by its four(*) research articles, namely by approaching chronologies (first half of the twentieth century), pesticides (before DDT) and geographies (Spain and Norway) that, in general, are not part of dominant narratives. " Introduction. Pesticides: Past and Present ",   José Ramón Bertomeu-Sánchez " Influencing for results: Bees, Beekeepers and Norwegian Pesticide Legisl

PhD Position in Philosophy at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Project ‘Changing Tools'; deadline: 30 September 2019

The research project  ‘ Changing Tools: An In-Depth Study of the Development of Isaac Newton’s Scientific Methodology, and its Impact and Significance’ will run from 1 October 2019 to 2024 at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science ( https://www.vub.be/CLWF/ welcome/index.shtml ) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The research project is funded by the Special Research Fund of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel ( https://www.vub.ac.be/en/ research#home ). We are hiring a doctoral student who will conduct his or her doctoral research under the supervision of the PI of this project, Prof. dr. Steffen Ducheyne. Project Description The research proposal entitled   ‘Changing Tools: An In-Depth Study of the Development of Isaac Newton’s Scientific Methodology, and its Impact and Significance’ seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the mathematical physics and scientific methodology of Isaac Newton.  This research proposal seeks to contribute to the history of scientific