
Mostrando entradas de agosto 15, 2010

Simposio Internacional del Legado Cultural Minero.

La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México a través del Acervo Histórico del Palacio de Minería de la Facultad de Ingeniería, El Archivo Histórico y Museo de Minería A.C. Apoyo al Desarrollo de Archivos y Bibliotecas de México, A.C. y The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage, Section Mexico, A.C. convocan al XI SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL DEL LEGADO CULTURAL MINERO Y DE LAS CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA BIBLIOTECAS – ARCHIVOS – MUSEOS Ciudad de México, Pachuca y Real del Monte, Hgo. México 29 de agosto a 2 de septiembre de 2011 Temas del Simposio: - Intercambios internacionales de cultura y tecnología minera y teorías geológicas. - Viajes mineralógicos y geológicos - Investigación interdisciplinaria en la historia de las ciencias de la Tierra - Patrimonio industrial, conservación de patrimonio y minería - Archivos de minería Ponencias Fecha límite El 30 de abril de 2011 para la recepción de resúmenes. El comité informará a los ponentes sobre la aceptaci

CFP: First joint conference of Cheiron and ISHN - Calgary, 16-19 June 2011

*Announcement and Call for Papers* The first joint conference of: Cheiron (The Society for the History of the Behavioral and the Social Sciences) and ISHN (The international Society for the History of the Neurosciences) will be held in June, 2011, at the University of Calgary (June 16-19) and the Bannf Centre for the Arts (Jun 19-23) in Alberta, Canada. Submissions for papers, posters, symposia/panels, or workshops are invited.  The main conference will be at the University of Calgary, while a post-conference retreat (with workshops) will be held at the Banff Centre for the Arts in the Rocky Mountains following the main conference.When submitting poster/paper abstracts and letters of intent for symposia/panels and workshops, please indicate whether you would also consider attending the Banff retreat and presenting at that venue (esp. posters and workshops). Possible submissions may deal with any aspect of the history of the neurosciences, behavioral and social sciences or related

AAAS HPS graduate student funding

Travel Grants for Graduate Students to Attend 2011 AAAS Annual Meeting Thanks to a generous donation from a member, Section L (History & Philosophy of Science) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science will offer a limited number of travel grants to assist graduate students studying history or philosophy of science presenting posters at the Association's next Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, February 17-21, 2011 ( http://www.aaas.org/meetings/ ). The submission information for posters is at http://aaas.confex.com/aaas/2011/poster/cfp.cgi/ and October 25 is the submission deadline.  The grant is to defray costs of travel, lodging, and registration, to a maximum of $500.  Highest preference will be given to graduate students who are presenting posters or otherwise on the program; secondary preference will be given to those who serve as session aides at the meeting (see http://meeting2011.aaas.org/sessionaide/default.aspx ). To apply, send a CV, a statemen

New Russian/ International Journal "Studies in the History of Biology"

Dear Colleagues, St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, has begun to publish the new scientific journal “Studies in the History of Biology”. Our goal is to investigate historical aspects of biology and all connected disciplines such as medicine, agricultural sciences and geography, including veterinary, environmentalism, biogeography, etc, i.e. Life Sciences. The list of topics will also include different philosophic and sociological aspects of biology, history of ideas and institutions, and problems of institualization of biology. The work of the Editorial Board will be based on following principles: 1.    The journal will accept texts for publication in two languages: Russian and English. Each publication will have a summery – in English for a publication in Russian, and vice versa. Only the title and a list of contents of the journal will always be in two languages. Thus the journal, being based on the Russia

Simposio: ¿Qué preguntas le hacemos a la historia de la ciencia?


CESIMA - seminarios em historia da quimica.

Seminários em História da Química Profa. Dra. Patricia Elena Aceves Pastrana, Univeridade autônoma Metropolitana, México. Programa 1- Seminário Especial: "Instituto Médico Nacional: Historia Natural y Farmacología" 01 de Setembro (4ª. Feira) - 14:00h, Campus Marquês de Paranaguá da PUC-SP; Rua Caio Prado 102, Auditório Principal, 1º. Andar. 2- Seminário de pesquisa: ?Los inícios del método de cianuración em México? 02 de Setembro (5ª. Feira) - 11:00h, CESIMA,  Campus Marquês de Paranaguá da PUC-SP, Rua Caio Prado 102, 4º. Andar,  sala 48. Mais detalhes: http://www4.pucsp.br/pos/cesima/eventos/patriciaaceves.html Informações: cesima@pucsp.br ou telefone: 11-3211 0511 -- Profa. Dra. Márcia H.M. Ferraz Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia - Departamento de Física Coordenadora do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em História da Ciência http://www.pucsp.br/pos/hciencia http://www.pucsp.br/pos/cesima Vice-Coordenadora CE

References on the history of science and industry Museums 1900-1950

Dear colleagues, In relation to a paper I am writing, I am looking for references, preferably recent but not necessarily, on the evolution of the Museums of Science and Industry, or more generally scientifically-oriented museums in the first part of the twentieth century. To be more precise, our paper is concerned with cross-atlantic exchange of ideas and persons during the 1920s and 1930s and focus on the place of social sciences in Museum and Industry with a special emphasis in the US. If anyone may be of help, that would be terrific. You can answer me off-line at this address: charles@ined.fr Thank you in advance, Loïc Charles Université de Reims et Ined

XII Jornadas Internacional de Patrimonio Industrial

Estimados amigos /as: Adjuntamos programa de las XII Jornadas Internacionales de Patrimonio Industrial, un vez ajustados horarios y recepcionadas comunicaciones que serán expuestas en las sesiones de tarde de las mismas. Una vez más se han superado las expectativas y han sido muy numerosas las comunicaciones presentadas, que unidas a las ponencias introductorias hacen de estas XII Jornadas de Incuna 2010 un marco adecuado para contrastar y debatir experiencias e investigaciones, en esta ocasión sobre "Diseño, Imagen y Creatividad en el patrimonio industrial" Atendiendo a sugerencias recibidas, y dado que son más de sesenta las intervenciones aceptadas hasta la fecha,agruparemos las temáticas enunciadas en bloques lo más homogéneos posibles a fin de que se pueda asistir por el mayor número de personas a las sesiones de exposición de trabajos. recordamos que los ítems planteados eran los siguientes:       -        Diseño de Productos y su dimensión patrimonial -         

CESIMA: Conferencia Bienais Allen Debus - 2a. edição

Em agosto de 2008, ao comemorarmos o centenário de nascimento do patrono do CESIMA, foram inauguradas as Conferências Bienais Allen Debus, a serem realizadas sempre nesse mês. Dedicadas a tópicos de História da Química, objetivam-se a homenagear dois grandes estudiosos: tanto o Prof. Simão Mathias, inspirador da criação de nosso Centro, quanto o Prof. Allen Debus que, desde o início apoiou nossas atividades. A conferência inaugural foi proferida pelo Professor emérito do University College London, Piyo Rattansi. A edição 2010 das Conferências contará com a participação da Profa. Dra. Patrícia Aceves Pastrana, da Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México Unidade Xochimilco , assim como da Profa. Dra. Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, da Université Paris Ouest/Institut universitaire de France. Na ocasião faremos ainda o lançamento do livro: Simão Mathias Cem Anos: Química e História da Química no início do século XXI, SBQ/CESIMA, organizado por Ana Maria Alfonso-Goldfarb, Márcia H. M.

History of European Universities. Portugal, Lisbon, 18-20 April 2011

Dear colleagues: We call attention to the meeting History of European Universities.  Challenges and transformations , to be held on 18-20 April 2011 at the University of Lisbon Campus. Joint organization of the University of Lisbon Centennial and International Commission for the History of Universities (ICHU) For further information see http://centenario.ul.pt/conferencias/history-of-european-universities Call for papers : Universities in Portugal have a long history, starting with the foundation of the University of Lisbon in 1288-90, which was relocated in Coimbra in 1537. The present organization of the University of Lisbon dates back to 1911, and is a direct outcome of the institution of a Republican government in 1910. Celebrating in 2011 its first centenary, the commemorations of the reestablishment of the University of Lisbon encompass various reflections on its history. Among several events, the Executive Commission for the University’s celebrations, together with t

Postdoctoral Fellowship MPIWG Berlin

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin announces one two-years postdoctoral fellowship for up to two years, beginning in December 2010. The fellow will join a project called “The Neurological Adolescent,”  conducted by Dr. Suparna Choudhury in the framework of the interdisciplinary Critical Neuroscience group based in Berlin ( www.critical-neuroscience.org ). The project is hosted in Department II at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, and is connected to the project “The Cerebral Subject: Brain and Self in Contemporary Culture.” Some of the research is conducted in collaboration with the Berlin School of Mind and Brain ( http://www.mind-and-brain.de ). “The Neurological Adolescent” project examines the historical construction of adolescence and analyses of models of cognitive development and adolescent behaviour in twentieth century psychology and contemporary cognitive neuroscience. The project also investigates the appropriation of theor

Special issue of Notes & Records

We held a lively two-day conference about the impact of the Royal Society in the 20 th century on 22-23 April 2010. Many of the papers will be published in a special issue of Notes & Records on 20 September. For those who can't wait, the online version is now available: see http://rsnr.royalsocietypublishing.org/seefurther . There's no charge. If you want the oral version, you can listen to podcasts of the entire conference at http://royalsociety.org/20th-Century-conference-podcasts/ . Peter Collins Dr Peter Collins Director, Centre for History of Science The Royal Society 6 - 9 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5AG Tel   +44 (0)207 451 2584 Web http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk


The German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker) extends an invitation for international applications for the Paul Bunge Prize 2010, awarded by the Hans R. Jenemann Foundation, which is administered by the German Chemical Society and the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry (Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie). The prize is endowed with 7.500 Euro and honours outstanding publications in German, English or French in all fields of the history of scientific instruments. In addition to the scientific work, applications should also include a curriculum vitae and a list of publications. The deadline for nominations and self-nominations is September 30, 2009. The Advisory Board of the Hans R. Jenemann Foundation will decide on the prize winner. The prize is named after the most important designer of analytical, assay and high-performance precision balances in the second half of the 19th century, Paul Bunge. It will be awarded in May 2010 on the oc

Obituary: DAVID L. HULL | 1935-2010: Top philosopher of science backed gay, lesbian rights

NU professor headed scientific societies, assisted people with AIDS August 12, 2010 BY MARY WISNIEWSKI Staff Reporter mwisniewski@suntimes.com David L. Hull, a leading philosopher of science who also advocated for gay and lesbian rights, died Wednesday of pancreatic cancer at his home in Lake View. He was 75. Mr. Hull spent his career understanding how science, especially biology, works. Mr. Hull's 1988 book, Science as a Process: An Evolutionary Account of the Social and Conceptual Development of Science, applied the rules of evolution in nature to evolution in science, proposing that the forces responsible for changes in species also act on scientific ideas. "David was not just interested in the philosophy side but in the whole history and development of science," said Michael Ruse, a philosopher of science at Florida State University. Ruse, a prominent opponent of creationism, said he considered Mr. Hull his mentor and "b