
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 19, 2017

CfP: The history of meteorological knowledge transfer in colonial contexts - ESHS, London, 14-17 Sept, 2018

(Dis)Continuity between the East and the West: The history of meteorological knowledge transfer in colonial contexts Papers are sought for a proposed symposium on the history of meteorological knowledge in colonial contexts at next year's European Society for the History of Science Conference, due to be held in London from 14-17 September 2018.   While histories of meteorology have increasingly begun to consider global and non-Western perspectives, the distinction and/or continuities between Western and Eastern approaches to meteorology and the networks that have historically transferred knowledge across diverse geographies and cultures have to date been understudied. This panel aims to address this gap by exploring the dynamism of material, institutional and intellectual engagements between the 'local' and 'metropolitan' constructions (and uses) of atmospheric knowledges and various forms of meteorological cultures that have defined the colonial scientific

CfP: The Science of Naples, 1500-1700' Workshop, University College London, 20 April 2018

The Science of Naples: Making Knowledge in Italy's Pre-eminent City, 1500-1700 (University College London, Friday 20 April 2018) Keynote speaker : Prof. David Gentilcore (University of Leicester and Aix-Marseille Université) Organising committee: Andrew Campbell (UCL), Lorenza Gianfrancesco (University of Chichester) and Neil Tarrant (University of York) In the early modern period, Naples was one of the most important capitals in Europe. As an international centre of learning, Naples encouraged debates on natural philosophy and science which promoted intellectual networking and the transfer of knowledge. Operating within the university, academies, hospitals, monasteries and private spaces, local scientists researched a variety of topics that included medicine, surgery, anatomy (both human and animal), the art of barbers, and pharmacology. Scientists and intellectuals also studied the medical implications of other disciplines. Research on medicine and cos

Issue 08 of the Science Museum Group Journal is now live

Issue 08 is now live: http://journal.sciencemuseum. org.uk/issues/autumn-2017/ Issue 08 is supersized. This is partly due to a rare collection of papers gathered under a Museums theme. These are authored by senior curators and museum directors (Dirk Van Delft,Peter Donhauser, Martha Fleming, Jennifer Landry and Robert Bud) who were involved in experimental responses to a perceived crisis in science museums at the turn of this century. In other articles Charlotte Sleigh looks at the cultural history of the wireless through a work by science-fiction author E C Large, and Barry Murnane et al use a study of Dr Nelson’s Inhaler to explore the growth of inhalation therapy in the mid-nineteenth century. Meanwhile, Sophie Goggins et al return to museum practice by considering how museums display prosthetics, drawing on examples from the Royal College of Surgeons, London, and National Museums Scotland. The issue also includes three articles by entrants to the Journal’s fir

CfP: Symposium on Color at ESHS

For the upcoming conference of the European Society for the  History of Science, London, September 14-17, 2018 we organize a session on “Meaningful Color: Epistemology of Color in the Sciences” (early modernity to today) We invite colleagues who are interested in contributing to this session to send us a title and an abstract of up to 200 words by December 1st. We will give potential feedback by December 2 and decide on abstract acceptance by December 4, 2017. Abstract – session: From amazingly colorful antique relics to the attempts to standardize colors in biomedical imaging – color is gaining in relevance in the sciences. Yet the epistemic role of color, its long-standing neglect due to historic symbolic, in part gendered, ascriptions, and the function of color in visualizations for internal scientific use have not received much attention in the sciences and humanities to date. This is especially the case for non-mimetic color use. With the term non-mimeti

CfP: XXXVII Scientific Instrument Symposium

3 - 7 September 2018  Leiden and Haarlem, The Netherlands The XXXVII Symposium of the Scientific Instrument Commission will take place from the 3d to the 7th of September 2018 in Leiden and Haarlem, the Netherlands. The general topic of the conference is Instruments and the ‘Empire of Man over Things’.  In The New Organon (1620), Francis Bacon famously wrote that “the empire of man over things depends wholly on the arts and sciences. For we cannot command nature except by obeying her” [Works 8 (1863), 162-63]. How have instruments of the “arts and sciences” been deployed in efforts to “command nature” for social, economic, political or personal purposes? How have instruments entered public works projects (waterways, transport, energy, pollution control), economic projects (mining, agriculture, factories), or political projects (military, public health, exploration, cadastral surveying)? Are different instruments required when the goal is not only knowing but also

Durham PhD HPSM Funding

Durham University has just committed £10 million of additional funding for new PhD studentships over the next four years.  As part of a major investment in postgraduate education and internationalization, Durham University has expanded the funding for its flagship Durham Doctoral Scholarships programme, which is open to applicants from anywhere in the world.   We particularly welcome applications from students who wish to work in interdisciplinary fields of strategic importance to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities , including History of Medicine, History of Science, and the Philosophy of Science .  If you are interested in pursuing the history of medicine, preliminary enquiries can be sent to Prof A-H Maehle ( a.h.maehle@durham.ac.uk ).  For the history of science, contact Dr Matthew Daniel Eddy ( m.d.eddy@durham.ac.uk ).  For the philosophy of science, contact Prof Robin Hendry ( R.F.Hendry@durham.ac.uk ).   Applicants resident in the UK and EU should

CfP: Fifth European Advanced Seminar in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences 2018 (Vienna)

Call for papers (pdf version here:  www.reydon.info/easpls ) Fifth European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS): Interdisciplinarity in the life sciences and their philosophy Konrad Lorenz institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI), Klosterneuburg (Austria), September 10-14, 2018 Directors: Sabina Leonelli (Exeter) & Thomas Reydon (Hannover) The European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS) consortium will hold its fifth biennial summer school on September 10-14, 2018 at the Konrad Lorenz institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI) in Klosterneuburg near Vienna, Austria. The overarching topic of EASPLS 2018 is interdisciplinarity in the life sciences and their philosophy. Young scholars (PhD students and early post-doctoral researchers) in the history, philosophy and social studies of the life sciences (including medicine) are invited to apply. The registration fee is € 570,- (in

CfP: EENPS 2018 conference

When: June 20-22, 2018 Where: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia The East European Network for Philosophy of Science (EENPS), in co-operation with the Department of Logic and Methodology of Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, announces the second conference of the East European Network for Philosophy of Science in Bratislava. Keynote speakers -    Barbara Osimani (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich) -    Vincenzo Crupi (Center for Logic, Language and Cognition, University of Turin) We invite submissions of contributed papers and symposia proposals related to any of the following areas:       a)  General Philosophy of Science       b)  Philosophy of Natural Science       c)  Philosophy of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences       d)  Philosophy of Social Sciences       e)  History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science Call for pap


Keynote Speaker: Kazys Varnelis Deadline: January 3, 2018 The fourth biennial graduate conference of the Planning and Architecture Research Group (P+ARG) of University of Michigan’s Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning welcomes graduate student contributions on the theme of “Networks of Power and Knowledge.” This interdisciplinary conference engages the fields of architecture and planning, as well as neighboring fields from the humanities and social sciences. Knowledge in architecture and planning moves. It moves through networks of power and capital, through corporate establishments, governmental alliances, international organizations, transnational social movements, and media and technology. These networks of power deconstruct and restructure forms and relations of production—emergent and old. They also produce new social and material assemblages within which spatial knowledge is constantly re-visited and re-organized. The resulting socio-te

CfP: Cultural Histories of Air and Illness Conference

Keynote Speakers: Jennifer Tucker (Wesleyan University) Richard Hamblyn (Birkbeck, University of London) Air has always had an influence on the health of individuals, societies, cities, and nations. From Hippocrates’s belief that air affected the human body to Victorian medical theories on tropical climates and bad air as the source of disease, air was understood to have a direct effect on health and to be a cause of illness. With the advent of modern medicine, the role of air’s impact on human health has shifted, but remains present. For instance, current concerns about air pollution and respiratory disease, as well as the role climate change is playing on the health of ecosystems and nations, demonstrate the continued significance of air’s relationship to health. The Cultural Histories of Air and Illness Conference will span disciplines and periods to explore broadly the link between human health and the air. How have we thought about, studied, and depict

CfP: ISHPES Early Career Scholar Award 2018

The International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport (ISHPES) is currently accepting applications for the 2018 Early Career Scholar Award. The ISHPES GIGLIOLA GORI AWARD will be presented at the 2018 ISHPES Congress to be held in MÜNSTER, GERMANY on July 18-21, 2018. It is awarded for an unpublished essay of outstanding quality in the field of sport history. Eligible scholars must be a member of ISHPES and a registered student (undergraduate or graduate) at the time of the Congress or within one year of receiving or having graduated from a program of higher education. The essay must be submitted in English and the text itself (including notes and bibliography) must not exceed 8,000 words. The essay should conform to IJHS style for format and references. The main criteria for selection will be based on the young scholar’s original work, the scientific quality of his or her research and the value of the study from the perspective of internati