
Mostrando entradas de octubre 23, 2016

CfP: Special issue Society and Politics - Early Modern Intellectual Networks

Invited editor: Ovidiu Babe ș Intellectual interactions played a major role in shaping modern thought. There are many ways in which the ambition of the advancement of knowledge was carried out in a collaborative way by the prominent Early Modern figures. Theoretical interactions such as written correspondence facilitated the exchange of learning and influenced philosophical ideas arisen in the seventeenth century. This was doubled by an increasing interest in the process of disseminating knowledge that engaged intelligencers and philosophers with different backgrounds and sometimes interested in quite different projects. Such examples are the circles emerged around the figures of Mersenne, Hartlib, or Oldenburg. How do the two interact and in what ways theoretical and practical concerns mingled in the  new philosophy? This issue of  Societate ș i Politic ă (Society and Politics)  aims at exploring the relation between these intellectual networks and the advancement of knowledge i

CfP: Reasoning in Physics

Modern Physics provides an extremely rich testing ground for philosophical theories of scientific reasoning. In recent times, we have seen the emergence of many new forms of theory confirmation (analogue simulation, the no-alternatives argument, anthropic reasoning, …), necessitated by the empirical inaccessibility of some of the most prominent theories of modern physics and cosmology (string theory, cosmic inflation, …). This workshop will bring together researchers working on the epistemological problems posed by contemporary physical theory, in order to better understand some of these new patterns of physical reasoning and their relationship to traditional theories of scientific reasoning and argumentation in general (e.g. Bayesianism). Another key theme of the workshop will be to explore the ability of traditional Bayesian confirmation theory to account for the wide range of argumentative patterns used by physicists. Relevan

Research Associate in the History of Biology and Medicine

The University invites applications for the above post, to work on a Wellcome Trust funded project on the dog in science and medicine in the twentieth century, focusing particularly on genetics and physiology. You will join a group whose member are also working on the dog in veterinary medicine and the behavioural sciences, and on changing practices of dog breeding, feeding, training and health care.  This post would suit scholars with a background in the history of biology, the history of the biomedical science, or the history of medicine. Full details at: https://www.jobs.manchester. ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid= 12402

clystere n° 54 - novembre 2016

Clystère n° 54 – Novembre 2016 est paru ( November 2016 is online / Noviembre de 2016 acaba de salir ) : http://www.clystere.com   SOMMAIRE N° 54 – NOVEMBRE 2016   Histoire des instruments : Un pulvérisateur Armand Vaast (Frédéric Bonté) Aiguilles à plateau Super Derma (Bernard Petitdant)   Histoire de la santé : « Je ne crois pas en la médecine, je crois en Corvisart » (Napoléon) (Xavier Riaud) Le coutelier chirurgical Henri Conrad à Strasbourg XVII-XVIIIe siècle (Philippe Méreau) Salubrité et distribution de l’eau de la Seine, des origines au XIXe siècle, illustrées par la numismatique (Jean-Pierre Martin).   Recherches d’informations Actualités Courrier des lecteurs

Collect and Display: Subjects and Objects of New World Knowledge

(Deadline November 4, 2016) Museo de América. Madrid. April 5-7, 2017 Organized by LAGLOBAL and Sponsored by the Leverhulme Trust Early modern and modern collecting and display practices in and of the New World are the subject of exciting new interdisciplinary research that is pushing the limits of knowledge and complicating the received master narratives of the scientific revolution and the modern ‘knowledge society.’  Nevertheless, the ‘raw material’ and practices of collecting has garnered more attention than the ‘cooked’ results of recording, analysis, and display, in part because a mythical ‘Europe’ has been privileged as ‘the site of calculus’ where global knowledge is produced and recognised.  We seek papers that place New World collecting and display practices in global and imperial rather than merely a ‘Western’ narrative of knowledge.  We understand collecting and display in the broadest terms to include practices of recording, gathering, plundering, di

CSHM/SCHM: job opening - poste ouvert Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine, Queen's University

The Jason A. Hannah Endowed Chair in the History of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences and School of Medicine Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada The Faculty of Health Sciences and School of Medicine at Queen’s University invite applications for the Jason A. Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine. This faculty appointment will be a Tenure-track or Tenured position at a rank that is commensurate with the candidate’s academic qualifications. Endowed through the generosity of Associated Medical Services, the Hannah Chair has for more than twenty-five years  been an integral component of undergraduate and graduate education in the health professions, especially medicine. In addition to fulfilling a key educational role that is focussed on the medical program, the Chair seeks to advance the academic discipline of the History of Medicine through research, scholarship and advocacy.   For more information on the position and how to apply,

Scientiae 2017: Call for Papers

Proposals are invited for the sixth annual Scientiae conference on disciplines of knowing in the early modern world (roughly 1400-1800), which will take place at the  University of Padua ,  19-22 April 2017 . Our  Keynote Speakers will be Paula Findlen (Stanford), Claire Preston (QM London), and Antonio Clericuzio (Roma Tre). The major premise of this conference series is that knowledge during this period was inherently interdisciplinary, involving complex mixtures of theories, practices and objects, which had yet to be separated into their modern ‘scientific’ configurations. Although centred on attempts to understand and control the natural world,  Scientiae addresses natural philosophy, natural history, and the scientiae mixtae within a wide range of related fields, including but not restricted to Biblical exegesis, medicine, artisan practice and theory, logic, humanism, alchemy, magic, witchcraft, demonology, divinatory practices, astronomy, astrology, music, antiqu

Resembling Science: The Unruly Object across the Disciplines

Call for Participants   "Resembling Science: The Unruly Object across the Disciplines" Working Group Organizers: Meghan Doherty (Berea College), Dahlia Porter (University of North Texas), Courtney Roby (Cornell University)   Bibliography Among the Disciplines Conference 12–15 October 2017, Philadelphia, PA   The task of transforming observation and experience into representational media is a constant concern in the long history of scientific knowledge. We might even argue that the history of of consolidating and communicating scientific thought is structured by a tension between two kinds of unruly objects: the objects we seek to represent, and the objects produced by representational media. Scientific media instantiate a wide range of representational modes, from drawings, tables, and diagrams to printed text and script in various languages. In this working group, we will examine the strategies deployed by writers and artists to transform materi

Eighteenth-Century Research Seminars, University of Edinburgh

The  Eighteenth-Century Research Seminar   (ECRS)  series invites proposals for twenty-minute papers from postgraduate and early-career researchers addressing any aspect of eighteenth-century history, culture, literature, education, art, music, geography, religion, science, and philosophy. The seminar series seeks to provide a regular inter-disciplinary forum for postgraduate and early-career researchers working on the eighteenth century to meet and discuss their research. ECRS will take place at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) in Edinburgh on a fortnightly basis from January to April 2017. Each seminar will consist of two papers, one from a University of Edinburgh-based researcher and one from a researcher based in another higher education institution, followed by a drinks reception. Non-University of Edinburgh speakers’ travel expenses will be reimbursed up to £100.  Abstracts of up to 300 words along with a brief biography and

Workshop for the Systematic Linking of Historical Records

Workshop for the Systematic Linking of Historical Records University of Guelph Guelph, Canada May 11-13, 2017 Submissions are invited to a workshop on linking historical records at the University of Guelph, Canada, May 11-13 2017. We are interested in all aspects of historical record linking from the perspective of social and data science, history, social medicine and digital humanities with a particular interest in strategies to measure and minimize bias among the linked records. The workshop will build on discussions at the 2016 SSHA conference and in recent books  Lives in Transition: Longitudinal Analysis from Historical Sources  (McGill-Queens UP 2015) and  Population Reconstruction  (Springer 2015). Please direct a 250 word abstract by January 12 to Kris Inwood  kinwood@uoguelph.ca . The organizing committee consists of Luiza Antonie (U of Guelph), Kees Mandemakers (International Institute of Social History), Hamish Maxwell-Stewart (U of Tasmania), Gunnar Tho

Turriano ICOHTEC Book Prize

The Turriano ICOHTEC Prize (formerly ICOHTEC Prize for Young Scholars) is sponsored by the Juanelo Turriano Foundation and consists of 2,500 Euro. The prize winning book will be presented and discussed at a special session of the next ICOHTEC symposium, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 23-29 July 2017 ( http://www.icohtec.org/ annual-meeting-2017.html ). An additional 500 Euro is available to the winner in support of travelling to the conference to receive the prize. ICOHTEC, the International Committee for the History of Technology, is interested in the history of technology, focusing on technological development as well as its relationship to science, society, economy, culture and the environment. The history of technology covers all periods of human history and all populated areas. There is no limitation as to theoretical or methodological approaches. Eligible for the prize are original book-length works in any of the official ICOHTEC languages (English, French, G

Call for Papers Workshop: Histories of Measurement and Self-making

Workshop: Histories of Measurement and Self-making Date:                Thursday 29 and Friday 30 June 2017 Venue:              University of Utrecht, the Netherlands Speakers:         Hilary Marland & Roberta Bivins (University of Warwick)                         Harro Maas (University of Lausanne) Today, people increasingly use digital technologies to collect data on their health, habits and wellbeing and sociologists of science and technology have started to discuss how these developments change our notions of identity, autonomy and privacy. This workshop explores the histories of these practices, looking at different forms of measurement and self-management in the 19th and 20th century. So far, historians have paid more attention to the role of scientists and the state in producing data about people than they have to individual practices. The aim of this workshop is to trace the genealogies of today’s culture of quantification and to investigate the role

Notes & Records - all content free to access

Today marks the start of Open Access Week. All the Royal Society's journal content, including Notes and Records, will be free to access until Sunday 6 November. Please do pass this information on to all your relevant audiences. It is a once a year opportunity to access any article in our 350 year archive free of charge and without requiring a journal subscription. Please visit: http://rsnr. royalsocietypublishing.org/

CfP: International Congress "Onto the table: food production, processing and distribution in 19th, 20th, 21st century"

International Congress "Onto the table: food production, processing and distribution in 19th, 20th, 21st century" Lisbon, 23 rd to the 25 th of February 2017 Organisation: Institute of Contemporary History - FCSH/NOVA Venue: FCSH/NOVA, Lisboa Deadline for proposals: 30 th of December 2016 The food supply chain has been a serious concern of the contemporary society. With the Industrial Revolution, the food supply paradigm suffered a profound change, both nutritionally and in the selection and classification of essential goods. Therefore, technological innovation allowed for an efficient response to successive political, economic, social and cultural rights over the 19 th , 20 th and 21 st centuries. Food processing methods and distribution permitted the emergence of global food distribution networks. From the second half of the 20 th century on, the demands of the consumer society boosted such processes of transformation and distribution ai

Vacancy in Science Museum Research Department

We have just advertised a one year maternity leave cover post in the Science Museum Research & Public History Department. The successful applicant will gain insights into the role of research in The Science Museum Group, taking an active role in running our AHRC-funded Collaborative Doctoral programme, being involved in research bids, etc. If you have experience of collaborative doctorates, you may well be an excellent candidate for this one-year job. Please go to Careers Page and Search current vacancies  for Research & Public History Manager (maternity cover).