
Mostrando entradas de enero 20, 2019

CfP: Sense and Nonsense

Conference call for papers: Sense and Nonsense This biennial conference of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) marks the 30th anniversary of the Association since its founding conference in Strasbourg in 1989. The title of the conference has been chosen to recognise key themes at the heart of medical history debates and discussions, and will take place in the heart of England, at the University of Birmingham. Confirmed keynote speakers include Professor Ludmilla Jordanova (University of Durham), Professor Robert Jütte (University of Stuttgart), Dr Tracey Loughran (University of Essex) and Dr Vanessa Heggie (University of Birmingham), who will also be running expert sessions on public engagement and social media, among others, specifically for early career scholars on the first day of the conference. For a full description of the conference theme, please visit:  https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/ research/activity/mds/centres/ eahmh/conferences/inde

CfP: Humanitarian Handicrafts Workshop (University of Huddersfield 27-28 June 2019)

Url:  https://www.humanitarianhandicrafts.com/ Organised in partnership between the universities of Manchester, Huddersfield, and Leeds Beckett,  this workshop invites contributions which explore how and why humanitarians and humanitarian organisations have generated the production of artisanal products and ‘folk’ artwork over the past 120 years. We will be seeking to examine the circumstances in which humanitarians have sought to utilise arts and craft production variously as a means of engaging disaffected humanitarian subjects, instilling national values and aesthetics, creating communities based on gender or nationality, to ‘transfer’ skills or to create cooperative forms of production. We are also interested in how this has fed into a culture of participatory handicrafts by humanitarian donors and supporters, fundraising, membership through consumption and the communication of sufferings. The focus of the workshop arose from an interest in the textiles produced during

CfP: Diplomats in science diplomacy: Promoting scientific and technological collaboration in international relations.

In recent years the notion of science diplomacy has attracted scholars from a variety of disciplines. Yet there is still much to explore in regards to its history and in particular about how science and technology have increasingly become important devices in the administration of foreign affairs.  What we lack of, in particular, is an examination of the role of those diplomats who, in embassies and consulates, began to use science diplomacy more frequently in the routine ambassadorial practice of mediating and negotiating between administrations. Who were they? Why did they consider science and technology as a viable device in these negotiations? What networks did they exploit to further their efforts? We invite contributions from scholars interested in science, technology and diplomacy, and wishing to address these questions. The workshop is kindly hosted by the  Niels Bohr Archive  and will take place in the historic Auditorium A at the Niels Bohr Institute (Copenhagen, Denmark

ACM History Committee Call for Proposals: Fellowships in ACM History: Due 1 April, 2019

http://history.acm.org/public/ public_documents/acm_history_f ellowship_announce.php The Association for Computing Machinery, founded in 1947, is the oldest and largest educational and scientific society dedicated to the computing profession, and today has more than 100,000 members around the world. The ACM History Committee will support research projects related to ACM's professional and educational activities and/or to ACM’s rich institutional history including its organization, publications, SIG activities, and conferences. We will support up to ***four research*** projects with awards of up to ***$4,000 each***. Successful candidates may be of any rank, from graduate students through senior researchers. See the list of past supported projects here.                           To Apply: Applicants should send a 2-page CV as well as a 500-word project description that [a] describes the proposed research; [b] identifies the importance of specific ACM historical

JOBS: three postdoc positions at the University of Edinburgh

Three postdoctoral research positions available at the University of Edinburgh Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society ( https://www.ed.ac.uk/usher/ biomedicine-self-society ), in medical social science/humanities: STS, HSTM, anthropology, empirical bioethics etc. We particularly welcome applications from historians of STM Data Practices in Biomedicine:  https://bit.ly/2HekyDQ Beyond Disease:  https://bit.ly/2D9qNVm Global Health Governance:  https://bit.ly/2HkhI0i

CfP: Manipulating the Sun: Picturing Astronomical Miracles from the Bible in the Early Modern Era

Workshop at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, August 21-23, 2019 The workshop is being organized by the research project Iconography of the Imagery on Early Modern Scientific Instruments (funded by the German Research Foundation, DFG). One of the aspects being analysed in the project is biblical imagery that could be related to astronomy. Of particular interest is imagery that was used to argue against the Copernican system from the mid-16th century such as the miracles of the Sun reversing its course in II Kings 20:8-11/Isaiah 38:8 (Horologium Ahas) and the Sun standing still in Joshua 10:12.   The workshops aims at discussing these two passages – e.g. the development of the imagery (for instance in Bible illustrations, religious art, etc.), their genesis as anti-Copernican arguments (in text and image), their reception, their various cultural layers, etc. – in a workshop in Wuppertal/Germany from a broad

CfP: SIC Symposium 2019, 23-27 September 2019 - Havana, Cuba

The 38th annual symposium of the Scientific Instrument Commission will be jointly organised by the University of Havana and other institutions of Havana, Cuba. It is a great opportunity to discover the local collections of scientific instruments! The general topic of the conference is: Instruments at crossroads. Please remember that the deadline for submitting an abstract is only a few days away ( 1 February! ). You can find the abstract template and other information  at :   http://scientific-instrument- commission.org/ The conference website will be available by the end of this week. It will provide the preliminary program and accomodation details. Please note that  5 travel grants of 300$  each will be available for early career scholars. More details about the way to apply will follow in the next days. 

CfP: From ϕ -science to practical realism: an international conference in honour of Rein Vihalemm (1938–2015), Aug 13-14 2019, Tartu, Estonia

The philosophy of science unit at the University of Tartu, founded in 1992, owes much to Professor Rein Vihalemm (1938 – 2015).  He established research in this disciplinary area and supervised many students who now work in the field.  Internationally Vihalemm is known as a founder, and was known as an active member, of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPC). He edited the volume  Estonian Studies in Philosophy of Science  in the renowned series  Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of  Science (2001). Vihalemm participated in fifteen Congresses of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and many other conferences. From the 1990s onwards, he published numerous research articles in journals, handbooks and collections of papers by leading publishers such as Oxford University Press, Springer and others. One of Vihalemm’s major theoretical achievements was the development of the concept of  ϕ -science  –  the theoretical account of the physical sci

CfP: Bridging the Philosophies of Biology and Chemistry

First International Conference on "Bridging the Philosophies of Biology and Chemistry" 25-27 June 2019 University of Paris Diderot, France EXTENDED Deadline for Abstract Submission: 28 February 2019 The aim of this conference is to bring philosophers of biology and philosophers of chemistry together and to explore common grounds and topics of interest. We particularly welcome papers on (1) the philosophy of interdisciplinary fields between biology and chemistry; (2) historical case studies on the disciplinary divergence and convergence of biology and chemistry; and (3) the similarities and differences between philosophical approaches to biology and chemistry. Philosophy is broadly construed and includes epistemological, methodological, ontological, metaphysical, ethical, political, and legal issues of science. For a detailed description of possible topics, please visit the conference website  http://www.sphere.univ-paris-d iderot.fr/spip.php?articl