
Mostrando entradas de agosto 2, 2015

EAHMH Conference 2015 in Cologne: Cash and Care: Economics and Values in the History of Medicine and Health

2015 Conference, Cologne, Germany The EAHMH biennial conference is held in Cologne, Germany this year (2-5 Sept 2015). The subject is 'Cash and Care - Economics and Values in the History of Medicine and Health'. You can find the registration form here: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/Documents/college-mds/centres/EAHMH/Conferences/Registration-form-EAHMH-bank-details.pdf Further information on the conference is offered here: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/activity/mds/centres/eahmh/conferences/index.aspx Please find the programme here: http://geschichte-ethik.uk-koeln.de/de/geschichte-und-ethik/aktuelles/ea... The EAHMH is asking for nominations for the Van Foreest Prize to be awarded during the EAHMH-Conference 2-5 September 2015 in Cologne. The prize is awarded to PHD students presenting papers during the conference. Self nominations are possible, please send nominations for the prize to the organizing committee ( maria.griemmert@uni-koeln.de ). Besides the ho

CFP: Before/After Constantinus Africanus - Medicine in the Beneventan Zone and Beyon

Dear Colleagues, At next year's Kalamazoo meeting, two sessions on the Benedictine monk and medical translator, Constantinus Africanus, and his larger milieu are being sponsored by the Society for Beneventan Studies: http://legacy.fordham.edu/beneventanstudies/ . The contact for the sessions is Richard Gyug, as noted below. Information on the International Congress on Medieval Studies, held every May at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI, can be found here: http://wmich.edu/medieval/congress/ . The dates for the 2016 Congress are 12-15 May. Monica Green Monica.green@asu.edu —— A coalescence of several factors --increased access to manuscripts because of digitization projects, new interest in the history of medicine and health, and a widened perspective on western Europe's ties to the Mediterranean and beyond-- have brought new attention to the work and activities of Constantinus Africanus (d. ante 1098/99), the first known translator to render Arabi

CFP: Medica sessions on epidemic disease

Medica: The Society for Healing in the Middle Ages is seeking proposals for papers for two sessions to be held at the 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan from May 12-15, 2016. The sessions are: 1) Epidemic Diseases: Medieval Witnesses This session will seek to expand the historical understanding of the physical, political, economic, and cultural impact of epidemic diseases in the Middle Ages by ensuring critical examination not only of the Black Death, but also other prevalent epidemic disease, such as sweating sickness, smallpox, epidemic diseases in animals, etc. Papers that present research on epidemic disease in the Middle Ages that goes beyond the usual sources (Boccaccio), to make use of such sources as documentary accounts, chronicles, household and monastic texts and records, religious texts, literary texts, and artistic representations will be especially welcome. Interdisciplinary studies are also encouraged. 2) Epidemic Diseases in

PhD Scholarships

The University of Plymouth is offering 50 fully funded PhD scholarships starting October 2015, which include projects to be developed at ICCMR ( http://cmr.soc.plymouth.ac.uk/ ) on topics pertaining to Computer Music or Music Technology. We welcome applications from candidates wishing to develop projects on the topics of (but not limited to) modelling memory and memorisation to study the evolution of cultural conventions (e.g., through computational models of musical evolution), development of musical memory through embodied experience (MOCAP, NIME) and Brain-Computer Music Interfacing (BCMI). DEADLINE for submissions 15 SEPTEMBER 2015. More information here; first of all, please check if you are eligible: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/student-life/your-studies/the-graduate-schoo l/f ully-funded-phd-studentships/arts-and-humanities If you are considering applying for a PhD at ICCMR, we strongly encourage you to contact Prof Eduardo Miranda wi