
Mostrando entradas de abril 17, 2016

Máster Interuniversitario en Antropología Médica y Salud Global

Este máster interuniversitario es la continuidad del título propio de la URV en Antropología de la Medicina (1994-2000) y del Máster Oficial en Antropología Médica y Salud Internacional (2006-2014). Su objetivo es proporcionar a los estudiantes una base sólida en teorías, técnicas y metodologías en antropología médica para que, al finalizar, estén preparados para traducir problemas sociales en preguntas de investigación antropológica y transformar dichas investigaciones en políticas prácticas, contribuyendo a innovaciones sociales y  nuevos modelos de atención sanitaria. Con una duración de dos años e impartido en lenguas latinas además del inglés, este máster es único en Europa del Sur y constituye un nexo entre Europa, América Latina y África. Dirigido a estudiantes con formación en el ámbito de la antropología social y cultural y otras carreras de ciencias sociales que buscan especialización en el campo de la salud, o los procedentes de formaciones

Cultura, salud, cine y televisión: Recursos audiovisuales en las Ciencias de la Salud y Sociales

Editora: Serena Brigidi Este libro quiere crear una reflexión en torno al uso, creación y elaboración de materiales audiovisuales –documentales, películas, programas televisivos, anuncios y series de televisión– en la didáctica e investigación de las ciencias de la salud y ciencias sociales. Para ello se recogen diversas contribuciones realizadas en el marco del Seminario Cultura, Salud y Cine que proceden de diversos campos de saberes: Antropología Médica, Bioética, Historia de la Medicina, Estudios de Género y Física. Por una parte, las aportaciones tienen como objetivo explorar algunas categorías diagnósticas utilizadas en los discursos biomédicos y también en términos de identidades, cuerpos y estigmatizaciones (sin olvidar el papel de los profesionales de la salud, pacientes y cuidadores dentro de los recursos audiovisuales). Por otra parte, se profundizan los aspectos tecnocientíficos y los procesos de popularización de la ciencia, la medicina y la tecnología pr

Teaching Fellow at the University of Leicester

The School of History at the University of Leicester is current recruiting a Teaching Fellow in the Histories of Medicine and Welfare for one year from 1 October 2016. Further details are at http://www.le.ac.uk/jobs/ external/SAH00096_Job_Summary. pdf Please encourage suitably qualified candidates to apply.

Program Coordinator for Humanities, Medicine, and Science-Old Salem Museums & Gardens

New Position at Old Salem Museums & Gardens Winston-Salem, NC Program Coordinator for Humanities, Medicine, and Science   Introduction:  Old Salem Museums & Gardens in Winston-Salem, NC, was recently awarded an implementation grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for a new permanent exhibition, “The Moravian Way of Health and Healing.” As part of the grant, Old Salem will hire a  Program Coordinator for Humanities, Medicine, and Science  who will be responsible for developing programming associated with the exhibition in order to expand its reach.   This is a two year position to begin in the fall of 2016, depending on the availability of the candidate. The annual salary is $30,000 plus benefits. About Old Salem:  Old Salem Museums & Gardens is one of America’s most comprehensive living history attractions. Its museums—the Historic Town of Salem, the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts (MESDA), and the Gardens at Old Salem—engage

Job: Junior Professor in Philosophy of Physics (Wuppertal)

The interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology Studies (IZWT) at Wuppertal University invites applications for a *Junior Professor in Philosophy with a specialization in Philosophy of Physics* starting Oct 1, 2016 (or earlier). This professorship should strengthen the new interdisciplinary Research Unit "The Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider" ( http://www.lhc-epistemologie. uni-wuppertal.de ), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Junior Professor is expected to work, in close collaboration with the Research Unit, on philosophical problems of the physics and research practice at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In particular it is expected that she/he cooperates with the participating physicists and integrates her/his research work into an international environment. Acquisition of further third-party funding is welcomed. The Junior Professor should contribute to the Bachelor and Master programs in Phil


En su deseo de  impulsar los  estudios sobre el pasado de las Ciencias  de la Salud, la Fundación Uriach 1838 tiene instituido un premio anual de ámbito internacional, el cual será  adjudicado al mejor trabajo que, a juicio  de  un  jurado designado al  efecto,  trate  de  un tema sobre Historia y Ciencias de la Salud. Su concesión se adaptará a las siguientes BASES 1. El  XLVII   Premio   Fundación  Uriach   “Historia   de   la   Medicina”  correspondiente  a  2016 está dotado con 3.000 euros para el ganador y un accésit de 1.000 euros, si el jurado lo considera oportuno. 2. Las  monografías  que  opten  al  Premio  deberán  ser  originales e inéditas,  no  siendo  aceptadas  aquellas que  en  el  momento  de  la  adjudicación  hayan sido  publicadas  total  o  parcialmente,  así como tampoco las presentadas a otros concursos. 3. Los trabajos deberán ser presentados en formato  electrónico junto a una copia  impresa con interlineado  doble y  una extensión recomen

XIX Congreso Internacional EDUTEC 2016

Fieles a la celebración del Congreso Internacional EDUTEC, que se realiza anualmente, de forma alterna, en  un país de Latinoamérica y en España, este año se celebra su XIXª edición en la Universidad de Alicante, del 9 al 11 de noviembre de 2016, de forma presencial y también de forma no presencial. Este XIX Congreso Internacional EDUTEC 2016 está organizado por la Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Tecnología Educativa y de las Nuevas Tecnologías aplicadas a la Educación (EDUTEC) y por el grupo de investigación EDUTIC-ADEI de la Universidad de Alicante. Bajo el lema “Tecnología, innovación e investigación en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje”, el XIX Congreso Internacional EDUTEC 2016 pretende ser un punto de encuentro de especialistas internacionales en formación, investigación y/o innovación del ámbito de la Tecnología Educativa. Tenemos como

Making Modern Disability: Histories of Disability, Design, and Technology

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  May 1, 2016 Location:  Delaware, United States Subject Fields:  Childhood and Education, Health and Health Care, Human Rights, Public Health, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Call for Papers Making Modern Disability: Histories of Disability, Design, and Technology A Conference at the Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Delaware October 28, 2016 On October 28, 2016, the Hagley Museum and Library will host a conference to explore the history of modern design and technology with regard to disability. While devices adapted to the needs of people with disabilities can be found throughout human history, industrialization created distinctive circumstances for the material lives of the disabled. On one hand, people with sensory, cognitive, and physical disabilities were often those who struggled most to adapt to modern material life with its rationalized work routines, standardized products, and inaccessi

CFP - DIAMETROS - Equality and Decency in Healthcare

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  December 15, 2016 Location:  Poland Subject Fields:  Philosophy, Social Sciences, Health and Health Care, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Law and Legal History We invite submissions to a special issue of Diametros – An Online Journal of Philosophy , dedicated to the topic: " Equality and Decency in Healthcare ". The issue will focus on two normative concepts related to healthcare: the idea of equal access to healthcare and the notion of decent minimum of healthcare. Papers may deal with different ways of understanding these concepts and relations between them. They may also explore the relation of equality and decency to other values in healthcare, such as sufficiency and effectiveness. We encourage submissions from a range of disciplines related to health and medicine, including bioethics, medical law, health economics, health sociology etc. Deadline for submissions: December 15, 2016. Con

RFIEA / Eurias Call for Applications

The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering  10-month residencies in one of the 18 participating Institutes : Aarhus, Amsterdam, Berlin, Bologna, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Edinburgh, Freiburg, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Zürich. The Institutes for Advanced Study support the focused, self-directed work of outstanding researchers. The fellows benefit from the finest intellectual and research conditions and from the stimulating environment of a multi-disciplinary and international community of first-rate scholars.   EURIAS Fellowships are mainly offered in the fields of the humanities and social sciences but may also be granted to scholars in life and exact sciences, provided that their proposed research project does not require laboratory facilities and that it interfaces with humanities and social sciences. The diversity of the 18 p

Agnodike Research Fellowship 2016 Competition

The Commission on Women and Gender Studies in History of Science, Technology and Medicine offers biannually a research travel fellowship of up to 1000€ to scholars who are either in their final stages of their doctoral research or in the early stages of their post-doctoral research but still within four years of receiving the PhD. The Agnodike, named after the first female physician and midwife in ancient Greece (4th c. BCE), is intended exclusively for transportation and accommodation expenses incurred by early career scholar who are conducting research in archives anywhere in the world. To be eligible, applicants must be in the early stages of their careers—within 4 years of receiving their PhDs. Eligibility is independent of gender, nationality, ethnicity or the location of the applicant’s academic institution or site of research. The Agnodike is offered globally but only on topics concerning women and gender studies in history of science, technology and medicine.  

X JORNADES AIC. 1-3 DESEMBRE. VIC " El Patrimoni de la Indústria Alimentària, passat present i futur"

X JORNADES D’ARQUEOLOGIA INDUSTRIAL DE CATALUNYA Vic. 1, 2 i 3 de desembre del 2016 Convocatòria L’Associació del Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica i d’Arqueologia Industrial de Catalunya (AMCTAIC), el Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (mNACTEC) i el comitè organitzador convoquen les X Jornades d’Arqueologia Industrial de Catalunya que, com cada tres anys, tenen per  objectiu aportar i acollir noves visions i estudis originals en qualsevol dels camps relacionats amb el Patrimoni Industrial. En aquesta ocasió, les Jornades se celebraran a la ciutat de Vic, de l’1 al 3 de desembre del 2016. Temàtica i àmbits Les Jornades pretenen aportar i acollir noves visions i estudis originals en qualsevol dels camps relacionats amb el Patrimoni de la Indústria Alimentària, passat present i futur. Elaboració, transformació, preparació, envasaments, impacte públic, publicitat, difusió... dels productes alimentaris pel consum humà. Les seccions temàtique

Annals of Science Essay Prize for Young Scholars

Submissions are being accepted for the  Annals of Science  best paper prize 2016. This prize is awarded annually to the author of an original, unpublished essay in the history of science or technology, which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The prize, which is supported by Taylor & Francis, is intended for those who are currently doctoral students, or have been awarded their doctorate within the past four years. Essays should be submitted to the Editor in a form acceptable for publication in  Annals of Science . View the Instructions for Authors . The winning essay will be published in the Journal, and the author will be awarded US$1000 and a free subscription to  Annals of Science . Papers should be submitted by 30th September 2016, with the winner being notified by 31st December 2016. The Editors’ decision is final. Questions and submissions should be directed to Oliver Hill-Andrews (Editorial Assistant) at  annals.science@sussex.ac.uk

Towards Impact & Contributions to Knowledge: PhD to First Academic Position

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  October 27, 2016 to October 28, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  Area Studies, Economic History / Studies, Geography, Rural History / Studies, Urban Design and Planning The Regional Studies Association welcomes submissions of abstracts to our annual Student and Early Career conference, to be held in Newcastle in October 2016. This conference will give PhD students and early career researchers the opportunity to network, collaborate and socialise with others working in regional studies and related fields. The conference will bring together participants to present and debate their work in a welcoming and stimulating environment. Participants will receive invaluable feedback, new ideas and will learn how to strategically develop and enhance their profiles for career progression. One session will focus on academic change and the job market. Editors of the RSA journals Regional Studies, Territory Politics Governa

Call for Papers: Interdisciplinary Workshop on Water, Technology and the Nation-State, The University of Manchester

Deadline for applications: May 13, 2016 Event date: October 28, 2016 Water is a quintessential component for life and for the development of societies. Water is also an irreplaceable and transient resource, which crosses political boundaries in the form of rivers, lakes and groundwater aquifers. Due to its unique nature, governments tend to perceive and portray water as a national asset constituting an integral part of “the homeland”. Just like space, territory and society can be socially and politically constructed by a national elite to assert its power (Swyngedouw, 2007). This is also the case for the management of water resources. As a result, the construction of a large hydraulic infrastructure, such as for instance a major dam or a canal, can be surrounded by a rhetorical discourse that emphasises its contribution to a prosperous future and to the realisation of national goals while nurturing national development and progress. This process can thus overlap wi

Two new books on historical-philosophical aspects of chemistry and also physics

A collection of papers on philosophical aspects of chemistry that I have co-edited with the philosopher Grant Fisher is being shipped this week from Oxford University Press, https://global.oup.com/ academic/product/essays-in- the-philosophy-of-chemistry- 9780190494599?q=eric%20scerri& lang=en&cc=us Also wanted to mention a new book that will be appearing soon, https://global.oup.com/ academic/product/a-tale-of- seven-scientists-and-a-new- philosophy-of-science- 9780190232993?q=Scerri&lang= en&cc=us The book is based on the work of a number of semi-obscure chemists, physicists and amateur scientists working on atomic structure around the 1920s, Nicholson, van der Broek, Abegg, Bury, Main Smith, Stoner and Janet.

Premis Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas

Benvolguts, benvolgudes, Us informem dels premis adreçats a escoles convocats per la Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas, dedicada a la bioètica. Es tracta del Premi a treballs de recerca sobre bioètica en el Batxillerat i el premi Ètica i Ciència , per a centres d’ensenyament. 

Call for Papers. The 8th Tensions of Europe Conference

Athens, 7-10 September 2017 Conference Theme: Borders and Technology The 8 th Tensions of Europe Conference will have as its main theme the history of borders and technology . We invite papers studying the history of the relationship between national borders and transnational infrastructures, hidden technological linking and delinking that reinforced or challenged border delineations and demarcations, the relationship between borders and technologically-induced environmental crises and disasters, the virtualization of borders and the territories that they contain through the use of electronic and related technologies, geopolitics and technology, the redefinition of borders due to the use of technology (and vice versa), all the way from the production to the circulation and use of goods and commodities. One central aim is to cross-fertilize between disciplines and we therefore invite contributions from a wide variety of historical disciplines as well as from fields like Migra

Call for Papers -- Evolving Bibliography: Scholarly Tools for Sharing Knowledge in the Digital Era

The Commission on Bibliography and Documentation is hosting a symposium at the 25th International Congress of History of Science, and Technology (which will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, next year--the dates are 23 to 29 July 2017). The title of our symposium will be “Evolving Bibliography: Scholarly Tools for Sharing Knowledge in the Digital Era.” It will be a two-session symposium, composed of 8-10 papers. We would like to know if you are interested in participating in this symposium. Please contact Stephen Weldon at  stephenpweldon@gmail.com   by   April 20 with your ideas about a paper topic and title. The abstract of the symposium is as follows: At the turn of the twentieth century, bibliography of history of science was a major enterprise and several large and distinguished projects were begun at that time. The drive to create bibliography was closely tied to the rise of the discipline of history of science, technology, and medicine. One hundred yea

Call for papers Congreso Salud, emociones y género. UJI

Fecha de presentación de propuestas: 25 de abril de 2016. Desde la organización del XX CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DEL INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE ESTUDIOS FEMINISTAS Y DE GÉNERO «PURIFICACIÓN ESCRIBANO» y II Jornadas Nacionales de Salud, Emociones y Género les queremos hacer partícipes de este evento, que se celebrará los días 19, 20 y 21 de mayo de 2016 en la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón. El objetivo del congreso es reunir en un entorno amigable a diferentes personas expertas a nivel nacional e internacional que se encuentran trabajando y/o investigando en el ámbito de la salud y de las emociones, incluyendo la perspectiva de género. La finalidad será, por tanto, facilitar el conocimiento mutuo del trabajo que están desarrollando de manera independiente y fomentar la posibilidad de llevar a cabo futuras colaboraciones científicas y/o profesionales. El congreso contará con cinco simposia invitadas ("Emociones, Bienestar psicológico y Género”, "Enfoque de

III Coloquio del Seminario Interdisciplinario en Salud Mental

Convocante:  UNAM e Instituto Mora Tipo de convocatoria:  Ponencia Fecha límite:  Mar, 2016-05-31 Texto de la convocatoria:  El Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México a través del Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades y el  Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas  convocan al  III Coloquio del Seminario Interdisciplinario en Salud Mental  La circulación, recepción y reinterpretación de saberes “psi”, siglos XIX-XX  Ciudad de México, 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2016  Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México  Los estudios sobre los procesos de circulación, recepción y adaptación de saberes médicos han cobrado fuerza en las últimas décadas. Historiadores, sociólogos, antropólogos y profesionales de la salud han mostrado un marcado interés por comprender lo