
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 20, 2015

The John Rylands Research Institute is pleased to announce its latest call for Visiting Research Fellowships

The University of Manchester is part of the prestigious Russell Group of Universities and is highly respected across the globe as a centre of innovative research.  The Library’s Special Collections are breath-taking in their breadth and depth.  They cover more than 50 languages, span five millennia, and are written on virtually every medium ever employed from clay tablets to digital, papyrus to pixels.  Contained within the collections are some of the most significant printed books and manuscripts ever produced alongside archive collections and visual resources documenting a wealth of cultural, literary, historical and religious traditions from around the world. The John Rylands Research Institute is a unique partnership led by the Faculty of Humanities (HUM) and the University of Manchester Library (UML). Humanities scholars, scientists, curators, conservators and digital imaging specialists are brought together to uncover, explore, unravel and reveal hidden ideas and knowledge contai

Conference: Perspectives for the History of Life Sciences - New themes, new sources, new approaches, Munich Oct 30 2015 – Nov 01 2015

Conference: Perspectives for the History of Life Sciences - New themes, new sources, new approaches October 30 – November 1, 2015 in Munich, Germany Organized by Kärin Nickelsen (LMU Munich) and Robert Meunier (University of Kassel) There are themes in the biological and biomedical sciences that, for good reasons, play a disproportionate role in the historiography, such as evolutionary theory, genetics, molecular biology or medical bacteriology. In recent years, the history of the life-sciences has widened its scope and looked beyond these undoubtedly important developments. And yet, there are still many areas in the biological sciences and many aspects of medicine that have not received the attention they deserve, such as, to name only a few, plant physiology, agricultural sciences, microbiology, research in metabolism, or the dissemination of biological technologies. More recent developments in the life sciences, those from the 1970s and 80s, have hardly been studied at all. The expl

Call for Applications: 2016-17 Beckman Center Fellowships in the History of Science, Technology, Medicine, and Industry

The Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry at the Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF), an independent research library in Philadelphia, PA, invites applications for short-term and long-term fellowships in the history of science, medicine, technology, and industry (http://www.chemheritage.org/research/beckman-center/beckman-center-fellowships/apply.aspx). Short-term fellows are particularly meant to use the collections, while long-term fellows' work must help to support the mission of the institution and fit with collections more generally. The research collections at CHF range chronologically from the fifteenth century to the present and include 6,000 rare books, significant archival holdings, thousands of images, and a large artifact and fine arts collection, supported by over 100,000 reference volumes and journals. Within the collections there are many areas of special strength, including: alchemy, mining & metallurgy, dyeing and bleaching, balneology, gunpowder and pyrot

JOB: Teaching Fellow in STS (part-time) Jan-April 2016

STS seeks to hire a Teaching Fellow in Science and Technology Studies, primarily to cover one term of teaching in research methods in social sciences. The advertisement is here: http://tinyurl.com/sts231 The closing date is 15 October 2015 The top lines of the advertisement are here: Science & Technology Studies at UCL is an inter-disciplinary department active in teaching and research in the history, philosophy and social studies of science, together with science policy and science communication. The department seeks to appoint a part time Teaching Fellow to cover a short term teaching need in the 2015-16 session, specifically January 2016- April 2016. The post involves teaching two specific modules, plus supporting teaching in other elements of the department, such as one -off lectures in postgraduate workshops. This appointment will be pro-rated:one module normally is contracted at 0.2FTE; two modules are normally contracted at 0.4FTE. The modules assigned to this fellowship are

Inauguración 30 septiembre Programa de las XVII Jornadas de INCUNA sobre Patri monio Industrial 2015

Estimados amigos/as: Ya está disponible la tercera circular con el programa de actividades de las XVII Jornadas Internacionales de Patrimonio Industrial, a celebrar del 30 de septiembre al 4 de Octubre en Gijón (Asturias). La inauguración será el miércoles 30 de septiembre en el salón de actos del Antiguo Instituto Jovellanos de Gijón, también que pueden visualizar y leer información de las XVII Jornadas Internacionales de Patrimonio industrial en www.incuna.es  y en las redes sociales de Facebook https://www.facebook.com/incuna.industriaculturanaturaleza   en Twitter  por nuestra cuenta   @somos_incuna La Exposición de Fotografía  resultado de nuestro Certamen se inaugura el lunes día 28 de septiembre a las 20 horas en el salón de exposiciones del Centro Municipal de El Coto en Gijón y estará visitantes  durante todos estos días y semana posterior a las Jornadas en este lugar. El jueves día 1 a las 21,00 horas celebraremos una velada cultural en la Ciudadela de Capua, un entorno de vi

5 Doctoral Fellowships in the History of Knowledge, Race & Ethnicity, Religion & Religiosity, Family & Kinship, and Migrant Knowledge

The German Historical Institute, Washington, DC, is now accepting applications for a 6 to 12-month doctoral fellowships in 1) The History of Knowledge 2) The History of Race and Ethnicity 3) The History of Religion and Religiosity 4) The History of Family and Kinship 5) The History of Migration - Focus: Migrant Knowledge The fellowship term begins September 1, 2016. The Fellow is expected to be in residence at the GHI and participate in GHI activities and events. The Fellow will have the opportunity to make use of the resources in the Washington, DC area, including the Library of Congress and the National Archives, while pursuing his or her own dissertation research. Travel within the US to work in archives and libraries will also be possible. The monthly stipend is € 1,700 for doctoral students from European institutions; doctoral students based at North American institutions will receive a stipend of $1,900. In addition, fellowship recipients based in Europe will receive reimbursemen

CFP for Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology | Deadline: October 15th, 2015

Dear colleagues, Call for papers for Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal)'s upcoming issues is currently open. Next deadline will be on October 15th, 2015. Information for authors is available here: http://www.ea-journal.com/en/information-for-authors. Papers are accepted in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Any questions, please contact us here: submit@ea-journal.com .:: Eä – Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal, ISSN 1852-4680) is a peer reviewed open access online journal. The publication is available at www.ea-journal.com and is currently registered in several journal indexes. Read more » http://bit.ly/1852ihr .:: TOC: Eä Journal, Vol. 6 N° 1 We invite you to go over last issue's table of contents. All articles are open for reading and downloading at: http://bit.ly/1JUBJzY ..:: Digital Humanities Award: Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Scie

Reproductive BioMedicine & Society (RBMS)

Reproductive BioMedicine & Society (RBMS) is a new open-access journal dedicated to interdisciplinary discussion and debate of the rapidly expanding field of reproductive biomedicine. It is intended to bring to attention new research in the social sciences, arts and humanities on human reproduction, new reproductive technologies, and related areas such as human embryonic stem cell derivation. Its audience comprises researchers, clinicians, practitioners, policy makers, academics and patients. RBMS will accept high-quality original articles, reviews and commentaries on topics in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities concerning Reproductive Bioscience and Medicine. The subject areas of interest will include Politics, Sociology and Social Policy, Philosophy, Psychology, Anthropology, the Visual and Written Arts, Economics, History, Ethics and Law related to Reproductive Biomedicine. The editors are Sarah Franklin and Martin Johnson (Cambridge, UK). I am section editor for History a

Fully funded PhD Studentship – Science and Religion in Society

Applications are invited for one fully-funded PhD Studentship for three years (full-time) for UK or EU students within the Centre for Science, Knowledge, and Belief in Society, at Newman University. CSKBS is a multidisciplinary Research Centre whose work spans a diverse range of disciplines including social sciences, history, philosophy, and psychology. The Studentship includes a subsistence grant in line with the recommendations of the UK research Councils (currently £14,057 p.a. for 2015-16) with all fees paid. The successful candidate will also be eligible for an hourly paid research assistant role within the broader multidisciplinary Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum project team. This will be designed to allow the successful candidate to develop a range of research skills. This work is paid over and above the subsistence grant. In addition, dependent on the successful submission of a PhD thesis within three years of commencement, the university will offer a

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Post-Doctoral Curatorial Fellowship at the American Philosophical Society

The American Philosophical Society (APS), the nation’s first learned society, invites applications for its two-year Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Post-Doctoral Curatorial Fellowship . The APS seeks applications from recent PhDs in the fields of history of science, art history, 18th- or 19th-century American history, museology, or any other related humanities disciplines. The Fellowship, based in the APS Museum, will provide hands-on experience in curatorial work and the opportunity to pursue an independent research project, preferably one related to the collections or programs of the Society’s library and museum. The Mellon Fellow will conduct research in the APS collections in preparation for the APS Museum’s exhibitions exploring the intersections of history, art, and science. The exhibitions take place in Philosophical Hall, located within Independence National Historical Park. As the public face of the APS, the museum researches and interprets the APS’s extensive collections

CFP Reminder: BSHS Postgraduate Conference 2016

Dear all, I would like to issue a reminder about the British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference, taking place at Cambridge University between 6-8 January 2016. The organising committee welcomes abstracts from postgraduate researchers on any subject relating to the research interests of the BSHS. These should be sent as an e-mail attachment to: bshs.pg.conference2016@gmail.com The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 16 October, and applicants will be informed of the committee's decision by 2 November. Registration will be open from the 2 November, with a discounted 'Early Bird' deadline of 20 November. With very best wishes, Stephen Courtney, BSHS Postgraduate Conference Committee. Further details can be found on the BSHS Website or the conference Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1645412519050893/