
Mostrando entradas de julio 16, 2017

VII Jornada astronomia 2017, 1ª circular

Aquesta propera tardor, com és tradició des de l’any 2005 i amb periodicitat bianual, s’esdevindrà una nova cita per als estudiosos de la història de l’astronomia i de la meteorologia. De nou la ciutat de Vic es convertirà en un espai de treball i debat historiogràfic d’aquestes dues disciplines. És en aquest sentit que ens plau convocar-vos a la VII Jornada d’Història de l’Astronomia i de la Meteorologia.    Assistència i comunicacions   El comitè organitzador de la VII Jornada anima les persones interessades en la història de l’astronomia i de la meteorologia a participar-hi i a presentar comunicacions sobre recerques acabades, o en curs. La durada de cada comunicació serà de quinze minuts i, posteriorment, es farà un debat breu. Cada persona podrà defensar una sola comunicació, excepte si ho fa en col·laboració amb altres inscrits.   Programa provisional   La Jornada s’iniciarà amb la conferència inaugural a càrrec de Aitor Anduaga, investigador d’Ikerb

Digital Technologies, Bodies, and Embodiments

Url:  http://brattaph.msu.domains/digitaltechnologiesbodiesembodiments/ In the last five years or so, rhetoric and composition scholarship has offered work that brings digital media and bodies to the forefront to shape pedagogical praxis, illuminate cultural practices, and extend composition studies (into writing studies). Yet, much of this scholarship remains focused on the rhetorical construction of embodiment, as indicated by several recent journal special issues: Perspectives and Definitions of Digital Rhetoric (Enculturation 23 2016), Wearable Rhetorics: Bodies, Cities, Collectives (Rhetoric Society Quarterly 46.3 2016), Embodied and Affective Rhetorics (Present Tense 6.1 2016), Embodied Sound (Kairos 21.1 2016), and Sexing Colorlines: Black Sexualities, Popular Culture, and Cultural Production (Poroi 7.2 2011). The advent and, now, ubiquity of digital media and digital writing practices demands a rethinking of the relationships between rhetoric, bodies, embo

CfP: Papers for AAS panel on Disaster Temporality

We’re 3 Japan anthropologists looking for 2 more papers for the panel we’re organizing below (draft abstract) for the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) conference in Washington, DC, in March 2018. We want to put together a cross-border and interdisciplinary panel, so we’re particularly interested in papers outside of our expertise. Please send abstracts to chika.watanabe@manchester.ac.uk by July 20 th Disaster Temporality: Alternative Pasts and Possible Futures What if a mass earthquake struck Tokyo tomorrow? What if evacuation centers had been effective during Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines? What if our estimates of future disasters are unable to account for demographic and climate changes? As events of rupture, disasters provoke counterfactual "what if" questions that call for alternative histories and futures (Clarke 2006). People must assess what went wrong (or right) and how that "lesson" can be used to expand the imaginable, an

Call for nominations for the 2017 BSHM Neumann Prize

Nominations for the 2017  BSHM Neumann Prize  are invited.  The British Society for the History of Mathematics is pleased to announce the biennial Neumann Prize for 2017.  The prize is awarded for a book in English (including books in translation) dealing with the history of mathematics and aimed at a non-specialist readership, and published in 2015 or later.  There is no further restriction on the subject matter, nor on the nationality of the author or the country of publication. The prize is named in honour of Peter M. Neumann O.B.E., a former President and longstanding contributor to the Society.  The value of the prize is £600.  A list of past prize-winners can be found on the BSHM website: https://www.bshm.ac.uk/ neumann-prize . Nominations for the prize are invited from individuals and publishers.  Nominations should be sent to the chair of the judging panel, June Barrow-Green, at june.barrow-green@open.ac.uk .  Publishers should send three copies of thei

CfP: Practices of Reading and Writing in Logic (23-24 June 2018)

Call for Papers: Practices of Reading and Writing in Logic (Vichy, France, 23-24 June 2018) A workshop within UNILOG ’18, The Sixth World Congress and School on Universal Logic A great deal of the work ing logician’s j ob is: to write – and read. This holds in at least two senses: First, to work a problem in logic, it is necessary to apply certain rules for transformation or deduction. In order to apply these rules correctly, you may produce inscriptions and watch a sequence of transformations of an initially given formula, i.e., you may write down the consecutive steps and eventually read off the result. Secondly, communicating logical problems (and solutions) inevitably requires activities of writing for an audience, and most commonly producing at least some bits of prose. But participating in the ‘logical community’ will also require to work through writings o

New issue: Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science

In the last June, "Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science" launched its second issue that contains articles dealing with Pierre Duhem’s work as well as articles in others themes of historiography of science, book reviews and an interview with Prof. Helge Kragh. We invite you to browse the new edition. http://www. historiographyofscience.org/ index.php/transversal/issue/ view/6 We hope you can consider "Transversal" as a venue for your work in one of the two CfP below or with a theme of your research in historiography of science in the section articles.   Special Issue on New trends in the historiography of medicine http://www. historiographyofscience.org/ index.php/transversal/ announcement/view/9 Special Issue Georges Canguilhem http://www. historiographyofscience.org/ index.php/transversal/ announcement/view/10

CfP: 'From Trauma to Protection', deadline: 30 September 2017

This is a reminder that the above conference, to be held at the University of Warwick on 19 and 20 April 2018, is continuing to accept abstract submissions until 30 September 2017. 'From Trauma to Protection: the twentieth century as the children's century?' seeks to bring together scholars from a variety of historical fields and related disciplines to interrogate the place of trauma and childhood in the twentieth century. How were ideas of trauma constructed medically, psychologically and sociologically by professionals working with children? How were these translated into practical efforts at alleviation by NGOs, government agents and other groups? And how did children themselves view these efforts and make sense of their own experiences of maltreatment or danger?  We would also like to announce that we are currently seeking submissions for a special conference panel on children and genocide; for which submissions covering a range of national cont

Call for chapter proposals – ‘Different Bodies: Disability and the Media’

Book edited by Diana Garrisi and Jacob Johanssen (Communication and Media Research Institute, University of Westminster). Following on from the conference ‘Different Bodies: (Self-) Representation, Disability and the Media’ which was held at the University of Westminster in June, we are preparing a book proposal based on some of the themes arising from the conference. The book proposal will be submitted to Peter Lang, who have already expressed a strong interest in the project. The collection is intended to offer a comprehensive view of the relationship between disability and the media from a global and multidisciplinary perspective. Building upon existing studies, the book aims to explore if and how the rapidly changing technological means of communication are affecting how the body as strange, shameful, wrong, impaired, wounded, scarred, disabled, lacking, different or ‘other’ is constructed in the media. In particular the book aims to discuss whether the Intern

CfP: Collections, Collectors and the Collecting of Knowledge in Education (chapters for book)

This collection will address collections, collectors and the collecting of knowledge in educational media such as textbooks, primers, atlases, teaching materials (objects and images, including wall charts and maps), curricula and teachers’ and youth guidebooks. It will explore the objects and structures of material and digital collections, the aims and motivations of public bodies and private persons who collect them, and the means by which they are collected, preserved, archived and disseminated. How and why are the sources of educational media research conceived, selected, collected and managed? Who creates and maintains collections, and for whom? And what influence do modes of collecting have on researchers and their work – and on our knowledge of the knowledge production process? This special issue brings together case studies of the places, spaces, times, agents, aims, methods and contexts, and uses and users, of educational resources, but also offers insight in