
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 30, 2018

Recurso on line: Vídeos del VIII Seminario Gadea

Ya se encuentran disponibles para su visionado los vídeos correspondientes al VIII Seminario Gadea, Historia del tiempo presente: retos y oportunidades”, que se celebrará en Alicante los días 13 y 14 de diciembre de 2018. La reunión científica, que este año alcanzó su octava edición, forma parte de las actividades científicas desarrolladas por el Grupo Gadea. Este año, las ponencias giraron en torno a la Historia del tiempo presente, lo que supuso una excelente oportunidad para intercambiar conocimientos con otros historiadores con el objetivo de arrojar más luz sobre el periodo del tardofranquismo y la transición.  ·         Sesión 1, 13/12/2018, de mañana: http://vertice.cpd.ua.es/200525 ·         Sesión 2, 13/12/2018, de tarde: http://vertice.cpd.ua.es/200526 ·         Sesión 3, 14/12/2018: http://vertice.cpd.ua.es/200527 Las ponencias genéricas sobre este modo de hacer historia corrieron a cargo de especialistas de las universidades de Alicante, Almería, C

Revista Asclepio: Nuevo número publicado Vol 70, No 2 (2018)

Asclepio  acaba de publicar su último número en http://asclepio.revistas.csic. es/index.php/asclepio A continuación le mostramos la tabla de contenidos. Puede visitar nuestro sitio web para consultar los artículos que sean de su interés. Edición Electrónica Revistas CSIC - Asclepio editor.revistas@csic.es asclepio.cchs@cchs.csic.es Síganos en Facebook Editorial CSIC:  https://www.facebook.com/pages /Editorial-CSIC/60323671640042 8 Asclepio Vol 70, No 2 (2018) Sumario http://asclepio.revistas.csic. es/index.php/asclepio/issue/vi ew/59 Estudios

CfP : 12th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (ICHC12)

Every two years the Working Party on History of Chemistry (WPHC) of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) organizes an international conference on the history of chemistry, open to colleagues from all over the world. The 12 th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (12ICHC) will take place from July 29 th to August 2 nd , 2019 in Maastricht, one of the oldest cities of The Netherlands, which still has preserved much of its historical charm. The dates of the conference are chosen in such a way that those who are visiting the Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society (HSS) in Utrecht, The Netherlands, from 23 to 27 July 2019, can easily combine this with participation in 12ICHC. The Conference will be hosted by Maastricht University (UM), a young university, founded in 1976, with a very international student population, and a strong research group in Science, Technology and Society (STS), including the history of science and technology. The conference will

Azogue new issue

Revista dedicada al Estudio Histórico-Crítico de la Alquimia. Nº 8. 2014-2018. ISSN:  1575-8184 ISBN-10:  1791334733 ISBN-13:  978-1791334734 http://revistaazogue.com/ azogue8.htm Available at:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/ 1791334733/ - Presentación por José Rodríguez Guerrero pp. 6-8. - Reza Kouhkan.  Une présentation, par l’auteur, du livre: Reza Kouhkan,  Pensée alchimique de Tughrâï , Edition universitaires européennes, Saarbrücken . pp. 9-22. RESUMEN [EN]:  Professor Reza Kouhkan (Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Theology and Philosophy of Religion) offers an introduction to the alchemical thinking of the poet, politician and alchemist al-Tuġrā'ī (1061-1121). It is a summary of his thesis held in the French EPHE, directed by Pierre Lory and partially published (Editions universitaires européennes, 2015). Analyze the work of a relevant Arab alchemist by his references and quotations from Greek authors, his affinity with the alchemy of Yābir Ibn Ḥayyān an

CfP: Classifications and Categories in the Early Sciences (Utrecht, July 2019)

Call for Papers:  Classifications and Categories in the Early Sciences The Early Sciences Forum invites papers exploring systems of classification across the many disciplines that constitute the early sciences. We especially invite papers that closely examine the particular ways in which historical contexts shaped how natural philosophers, scientific practitioners, and scholars organized and categorized people, plants, nature, and ideas. The panel will juxtapose perspectives from the different times and places that make up the early sciences. We will question whether early scientific categories allow for meaningful or even valid comparisons between cultures and periods. As always we invite participants to reflect on how the categories and classifications of the early sciences speak to our modern categories of science, nature, and the body and how they might reorient scholarship in the history of science. This panel will take place at the 2019 History of Science Soc

CfP: "Gender and Science in War and Peace"

Conference of the Commission on Women and Gender Studies in History of Science, Technology and Medicine Division of History of Science and Technology, International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Tel-Aviv and Ra'anana, Israel 17-20 June 2019 We invite proposals for sessions and standalone papers for Gender and Science in War and Peace: Conference of the Commission on Women and Gender Studies in History of Science, Technology and Medicine. The conference will be held 17-20 June, 2019, co-hosted by the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas of Tel-Aviv University, and the Program in Biological Thought of the Open University of Israel.  The conference will explore the multilayered relations of gender and science, technology, and medicine (STM) in war and peace. A vast historical scholarship exists on gender and STM, yet historians have under-analyzed contexts associat

Adrian Research Fellowship: Darwin College Cambridge

Adrian Research Fellowship 2019 in history or anthropology of science or medicine in societies and cultures other than the modern West. Thanks to a generous original donation from Trinity College, Cambridge, Darwin College intends to elect a stipendiary Adrian Research Fellow, if a suitable candidate applies. Eligibility Candidates should be at a relatively early stage in their research careers, having undertaken no more than seven years in total of graduate and postdoctoral research by 1 October 2019. The Fellowship can be held by graduates of any university, irrespective of age. By the time they would take up the Fellowship, candidates should have been awarded a PhD or an equivalently recognised degree, and be able to present to the electors substantial examples of written work of outstanding quality, published or unpublished. The function of the Fellowship is to provide a formal, supported starting point for an academic career. Candidates should be engaged in research conce

HSS 2019 Call for contributors 'Quality control in history of science'

Do historians repeat themselves? Replication, fact-checking and quality control in history of science In the past few years, disciplines varying from social psychology to cancer research have been confronted with the ‘replication crisis’. Many widely accepted theories in these fields turned out to be not reproducible  – which no-one had noticed until now because no-one had bothered to check. Although replication is standard in science in theory, in practice research outcomes were regularly accepted as scientific truths without any replication attempts. Scientists are now worried that they have been, and still are, building on facts that lack a solid foundation. In this panel we want to explore to what extent historians of science face similar problems. In a recent article ( https://edu.nl/rm6ka ), Hallie Lieberman and Eric Schatzberg have argued that our quality controls are meagre: reviewers hardly ever check primary sources, researchers cite earlier work without

CfP: Learning From Empirical Approaches to HPS 2019 (LEAHPS 2019), Hannover

July 25 - 27, 2019 Institute of Philosophy & Leibniz Center for Science and Society, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany https://leaphs2019.wordpress. com/ In recent years, historians and philosophers of science have taken an empirical turn in their own work, conducting surveys and interviews, embedding themselves in scientific research groups as both observers and participants, designing and conducting new experiments, replicating  historically important experiments, and developing computational approaches to questions in the history & philosophy of science. Such approaches connect to the increased attention for scientific practice, where a number of questions concerning methodological and epistemological aspects of scientific inquiry remain open. For instance, how well do the proposed philosophical accounts capture scientific practice? What is the impact of social, cultural, cognitive, and institutional factors on the generation of knowledge and its

CfP: Sixth Annual Conference on the History of Recent Social Science (HISRESS)

*Freie Universität Berlin, Germany* *June 13-14, 2019* This two-day conference of the Society for the History of Recent Social Science (HISRESS;  http://hisress.org ) will bring together researchers working on the history of post-World War II social science. It will provide a forum for the latest research on the cross-disciplinary history of the post-war social sciences, including but not limited to anthropology, economics, psychology, political science, and sociology as well as related fields like area studies, communication studies, history, international relations, law, and linguistics. We are especially eager to receive submissions that treat themes, topics, and events that span the history of individual disciplines. The conference aims to build upon the recent emergence of work and conversation on cross-disciplinary themes in the postwar history of the social sciences. While large parts of history of social science scholarship still focus on the 19th

Beques Helen and Robert Appel

The fellowship will be awarded to a candidate who has earned their Ph.D. within the last three to five years. Research projects should be based on the collections of New-York Historical and explore the impact of technology on history. The fellowship will carry a stipend of $60,000, plus benefits; it begins September 5, 2019 and lasts through June 29, 2020. Application requirements include: A proposal describing the theme of the research project and the New-York Historical Society resources critical to the project A curriculum vitae A short writing sample of no more than 3,000 words or ten pages Three letters of recommendation COMPLETED APPLICATIONS WITH ALL OF THE ABOVE ELEMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED: No later than 11:59 pm on December 31, 2018 Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. To apply, click here. : https://apply.interfolio.com/ 56741


The Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR) is seeking proposals for the series PALGRAVE STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL AND EARLY MODERN MEDICINE , edited by Professor Jonathan Barry (University of Exeter, United Kingdom) and Dr Fabrizio Bigotti (Julius-Maximilians- Universität Würzburg, Germany). Palgrave Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Medicine is a series sponsored by the Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR) , Pisa which provides an outlet for academic monographs and edited collections devoted to the history of medicine in the period 1100-1800. The series will pay particular attention to intellectual history and history of ideas, including the history and philosophy of science, medicine and technology, history of medical institutions, medical biographies as well as mutual bearings between medical humanities and the arts (including music and architecture). Further topics include history of medical tradit

Fully funded PhD position, History of science, Ghent University & Università Ca' Foscari, Venice

Job description The PhD student will work on a specific project under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Steven Vanden Broecke (Ghent University) and Prof. Dr. Craig Martin (Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia). Project abstract: The period 1700-1840 witnessed the flowering of a new ‘atmospheric tides’ science. The basic assumption of this science was that Sun and Moon not only generate significant tidal effects in the earth’s seas, but in its atmosphere as well. These atmospheric tides (henceforth AT) were held responsible for important weather changes, as well as for a variety of health issues in the human body (e.g. insanity, epilepsy, epidemics), thus rendering the latter predictable and manageable. Interestingly, AT science's practitioners, audiences and critics all saw considerable continuities between the ‘pseudo-science’ of astrology and the new science on the conceptual, methodological, social

Call for Contributions - Science in Public 2019

Url:  https://sip2019.com/ The 13th annual Science in Public conference will provide an innovative, engaging, and creative interdisciplinary space to explore the intersection of science and publics. Taking place from Wednesday 10 to Friday 12 July 2019 , the theme for the conference is ‘ the global and the local ’; the organisers hope to increase engagement between practitioners and researchers locally, nationally, and globally whilst also thinking through the implications of science communication and practice on the different scales we are often expected to and need to work on. The conference is open to variety of formats and content, which means that the sub-themes of the conference will be driven by the submissions that we receive. We are looking to include the widest possible range of perspectives in the programme content and encourage you to contact us with questions you might have about potential contributions.

CfP: Epistemic Subjects Beyond Individuals (July 30-31, 2019 - Brussels)

Traditionally, epistemologists have investigated the nature of epistemic properties (e.g. knowledge, belief and understanding) on the assumption that they apply to human individuals and to human individuals only. Meanwhile technology and social collaboration are playing an increasingly large role in scientific practice, and our conceptual tools are lagging behind in taking this into account.  Objective of the Workshop It is time to take a closer look at the “epistemic subject” as an explanatory concept and how it may fare in explaining entities beyond individuals. Taking into account not only perspectives from social epistemology, but from philosophy of science, philosophy of mind and cognitive science, the objective of the workshop will be to reflect upon the idea of epistemic subjects beyond human individuals - namely, the possibility of attributing understanding, knowledge or beliefs to collective, extended or artificial subjects as well as how to conceptualise

CfP: EPSA 2019

The European  Philosophy of Science Association  invites contributed papers and symposia proposals for its next conference,  EPSA 19 , to be held in Geneva (Switzerland) on  11-14 September 2019 .  The conference will feature contributed talks, symposia, and posters covering all sub-fields of the philosophy of science, and will bring together a large number of philosophers of science from Europe and overseas.  We invite submissions of both a short abstract (max. 1000 characters) and an extended abstract through  EasyChair , our online submission system, by  14 January 2019 For further information, please see:  http://philsci.eu/ cfp

Job: Director, Center of Historical Research, Science History Institute

The Science History Institute is recruiting for the position of Director, Center of Historical Research. The Director, Center of Historical Research will lead research into the history of the physical and life sciences at the Institute. They will be responsible for developing the historical research culture of the Institute, monitoring its excellence and acting as point of contact for external academics and scholars. The Director, Center of Historical Research, will oversee the internationally important fellowship program of the Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry and will drive the development, organization, and execution of scholarly workshops, symposia, and conferences at the Institute, fostering collaborations both nationally and internationally, and initiating the Institute’s participation in relevant conferences elsewhere. The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications: · Doctoral degree, with a minimum of two years of research experie