
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 24, 2013

A HISTORY OF LUNG CANCER: THE RECALCITRANT DISEASE By Carsten Timmermann (University of Manchester, UK) Palgrave Macmillan, 19 Nov 2013 ISBN: 9781403988027

This is the first comprehensive history of lung cancer, once considered a rare condition and today the leading cause of cancer deaths world-wide. We are used to associating cancer treatment with scientific progress, but a patient diagnosed with lung cancer in 2013 is no more likely to survive the disease for five or more years than a patient undergoing lung cancer surgery in the 1950s. A breakthrough has remained elusive for this condition, now firmly associated with the smoking of cigarettes. Drawing on many unpublished and little-used sources, this book tells the history of lung cancer, of doctors and patients, hopes and fears, expectations and frustrations over the past 200 years, as a rare chest affliction transformed into a major killer. Suggesting that lung cancer is not the only recalcitrant disease, Timmermann asks what happens when medical progress does not seem to make much difference. CONTENTS 1. Introduction: The History of a Recalcitrant Disease 2. Lung

CFP: CSAS 31st Annual Spring Symposium - "Brave New South Asia: Science, Technology and Society"

CALL FOR PAPERS The Center for South Asian Studies at the University of Hawai'i < http://www.hawaii.edu/csas/ >invites paper and panel proposals for its 31th Annual Spring Symposium Brave New South Asia: Science, Technology and Society DATE CHANGE: April 15-17, 2014, in Honolulu, Hawai'i Note that the new dates of the symposium are April 15-17. 2014. Since April 18 is Good Friday, observed in Hawaii as a state holiday, we are holding the symposium April 15-17 instead of the previously announced April 16-18. Deadline to submit proposals: January 24 (Friday), 2014 Inventions and innovations have a long history in South Asia. During the last three decades of globalization and neoliberalism, however, practices and discourse have both amplified the attention to developments in science and technology in South Asia while intensifying debates over their promise and dangers. This symposium invites critical reflections on science and technology as t

Call for Papers: "Fields of Inquiry: Science Crossing Scales, Epistemologies, and Environments" March 7-8, 2014

Call for Papers: "Fields of Inquiry: Science Crossing Scales, Epistemologies, and Environments" March 7-8, 2014 Sponsored by UC Berkeley's Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society ( http://cstms.berkeley.edu ) and Office for History of Science and Technology ( http://ohst.berkeley.edu ) Graduate students and early career Ph.D.s from across the humanities and social sciences whose work focuses on the study of science in society are invited to submit proposals for this interdisciplinary graduate student conference to be held at UC Berkeley in Spring 2014. We welcome proposals that chal- lenge scales, epistemologies, and environments, that is to say the “space and place” of science, in ways that advance the un- derstanding of the relationship between science and society. Panelists will broadly discuss the relationships between sci- ence and space. Possible topics include: natural environments; private and public spaces; architectural artifact

TOC: Nuncius 2/2013

Nuncius 28/2, 2013 http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/18253911/28/2 Table of Contents Vera Keller, Re-entangling the Thermometer: Cornelis Drebbel's Description of his Self-regulating Oven, the Regiment of Fire, and the Early History of Temperature, pp.: 243--275 (33) Emmanuel Pécontal, Les mires méridiennes lointaines de l'Observatoire de Lyon : Recherches bibliographiques, archivistiques et archéologiques, pp.: 276--312 (37) Claudio Pogliano, Eye, Mind, Hand: Filippo Pacini's Microscopy, pp.: 313--344 (32) Stefano Gattei, The Wandering Scot Thomas Seget's album amicorum, pp.: 345--463 (119) Sven Dupré, The Transnational Galileo: A Telescopic View from Somewhere, pp.: 465--476 (12) Book Reviews pp. 477-527

BSHS 2014 Call for papers

Call for Papers British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference 2014 3 – 6 July 2014, University of St Andrews The BSHS Annual Conference will take place from Thursday 3 to Sunday 6 July 2014 at the University of St Andrews. The Programme Committee now invites proposals for individual papers and for sessions from historians of science, technology and medicine, and from their colleagues in the wider scholarly community, on any theme, topic or period. Proposals are welcomed from researchers of all nationalities at all stages of their careers. Participation is in no way limited to members of the Society, although members will receive a discount on the registration fee. Offers of papers and sessions should be directed to bshs2014programme@bshs.org.uk , which is the address for all enquiries about the programme (see below for enquiries about local arrangements). Proposals for individual papers should include an abstract of no more than 250 words, b