
Mostrando entradas de mayo 30, 2010

XXI Jornadas de Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia.

XXI Jornadas de Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina noviembre 4, 2010 – noviembre 6, 2010 Jornadas Organizadas por el Área lógico-epistemológica de la Escuela de Filosofía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba La primera curcular puede ser consultada en: http://conferencias.ffyh.unc.edu.ar/index.php/ejorn/ejorn

Conference - From Practice to Results in Logic and Mathematics, June 21-23, 2010, Nancy

Dear colleagues Registration is now open for the forthcoming conference "From Practice to Results in Logic and Mathematics" , which is to take place on June 21-23 in Nancy , France. The Conference is dedicated to the exploration of practices in mathematics and logic and their relations to and effects upon results in these fields and is organised by PratiScienS - a research group dedicated to the study of scientific practices whose emebers are e.g. based at the Archives Henri Poincaré, Université Nancy 2. Detailed information on the conference can be found from the following weblinks: Booklet: http://filex.univ-nancy2.fr/recup?k=5wl5UP1IEALcOqHlgVx Poster: http://filex.univ-nancy2.fr/recup?k=FVZN9mL1JMeEF0FdlQz The Conference Website - currently under construction - is accessible through PratiScienS' webpage: http://poincare.univ-nancy2.fr/PratiScienS/. Registration (free of charge) is through the following link: http://www.univ-nancy2.fr/poin

PhD Fellowships, Science, Cognition, and Technology, the University of Bologna (Italy)

PhD Fellowships, Science, Cognition, and Technology, the University of Bologna ( Italy ) A PhD programme devoted to “Science, Technology, and Humanities” was launched in 2007 by the University of Bologna ( Italy ) in cooperation with the Universities of Exeter ( United Kingdom ) and Konstanz ( Germany ). The three-year programme, now renamed “Science, Cognition, and Technology”, combines fields such as the history, philosophy, and sociology of science with an emphasis on "knowledge societies". The professors and researchers supporting the programme belong to a wide range of disciplines, including the history and philosophy of science, the natural sciences, engineering, medicine, economics, and literature (see the programme webpage: http://www.cis.unibo.it/STH/index.html ). Students will be enrolled in one of the three participating universities, and will be encouraged to spend part of their three-year course of study at another university. Two doctor

Library of Congress Seeks Applicants For Kluge Fellowships

Library of Congress Seeks Applicants For Kluge Fellowships The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress is accepting applications for Kluge Fellowships that offer post-doctoral scholars an opportunity to conduct humanistic and social-science research in the Library’s large and varied collections. The fellowships are awarded for periods of up to 11 months at a stipend of $4,200 per month. Applications must be postmarked by Thursday, July 15, 2010. For more information and an application form, visit www.loc.gov/kluge/ Mary Lou Reker Library of Congress Tel. 202-707-3302 Email: mrek@loc.gov http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2010/10-123.html

One hundred years of the Bohr atom, 1913–2013 Call for conference contributions

One hundred years of the Bohr atom, 1913–2013 Call for conference contributions The Niels Bohr Archive (NBA), Copenhagen, is seeking contributions to a history of science conference celebrating the centennial for Niels Bohr's model of the atom. The conference will be part of a series of celebrations in Denmark marking this event. It will take place in Copenhagen over several days in late spring 2013. We hope that the talks will take new approaches to and open up new areas in the study of Bohr and his times, not only with regard to his atomic model of 1913, but broadly defined as locating Bohr and his various contributions, activities and collaborations in wider contexts of the twentieth century. The talks should be of high scholarly standard and be based on thorough research in archival resources such as the Archive for the History of Quantum Physics (available on microfilm in repositories all over the world) as well as archival material in various individual repositories, for

IMAGINING EUROPE - Perspectives, Perceptions and Representations from Antiquity to the Present

IMAGINING EUROPE - Perspectives, Perceptions and Representations from Antiquity to the Present ‘Qui parle Europe a tort. Notion géographique’. Otto von Bismarck's elliptic remark, scribbled in the margin of a letter from Alexander Gorchakov in 1876, would go on to become one of the most often-quoted statements about Europe. But was Bismarck right? Is Europe nothing but a geographical notion? Even the briefest glance at history shows that more often than not perceptions and definitions of Europe go beyond the mere geographical demarcation of a continent. In 1919, for instance, Paul Valéry imagined Europe as a living creature, with ‘a consciousness acquired through centuries of bearable calamities, by thousands of men of the first rank, from innumerable geographical, ethnic and historical coincidences’. Of course this is only one of a multitude of different representations. Europe has always signified different things to different people in different places – inside Europe as well

XVI Congreso Internacional de AHIL

XVI Congreso Internacional de AHILA El nacimiento de la libertad en la Península Ibérica y Latinoamérica. Orígenes, Evolución y Debates Propuesta temática del XVI Congreso El año 1810 es un símbolo para el nacimiento de la Libertad en la Península y buena parte de América Latina. No puede extrañar, en consecuencia, que durante el 2010 se sucedan una amplia y plural serie de conmemoraciones y debates, en un Bicentenario generalizado en el ámbito hispano que resultará especialmente celebrado, pues una palabra, un concepto fundamental, Libertad, se erige en nexo común de todos los programas. Las pioneras Cortes de la Real Isla de León (ahora San Fernando) constituidas el 24 de septiembre de 1810, cuna de la revolución liberal y del parlamentarismo hispano, la Constitución de 1812, la generalización del proceso emancipador en Hispanoamérica y el desplazamiento de la Corona Portuguesa a Brasil, tendría unos resultados de amplio calado político, económico, social y cultural que, en mu

Research Associate: Early Modern Cosmology/Astronomy

Benvolguts, Per si és del vostre interés, us envie un link amb la convocatòria per a treballar com a "postdoctoral research associate" al Departament d'Història i Filosofia de la Ciència de la Universitat de Cambridge, vinculat a un projecte d'història de l'astronomia (ss. XV-XVII) dirigit pel professor Nick Jardine: http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/jobs/vacancies.cgi?job=6607 Per cert, la data límit és el 4 de juny! Pedro -- Pedro Ruiz-Castell Departament d'Història de la Ciència i Documentació Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 15 46010 València (Spain)

Conf.: Scientific Objects and their Materiality in the History of Chemistry

A workshop on "Scientific Objects and their Materiality in the History of Chemistry" will take place at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany from 24. to 26. June 2010. You find the program, and information to register, if you wish so, at http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/iwt/projekte/scientific_objects/program.html -- Prof. Dr. Carsten Reinhardt Institut fuer Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung Postfach 100131 Universitaet Bielefeld D 33501 Bielefeld Fon: + 49 (0) 521 106-4665 Fax: + 49 (0) 521 106-6418 carsten.reinhardt@uni-bielefeld.de http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/iwt/personen/reinhardt/kontakt.html

Wagner Fellow in Philosophy of Risk

Wagner Fellow in Philosophy of Risk Call for Applications The Center for Philosophy of Science seeks applications from scholars in philosophy of science for a fellowship in philosophy of risk for the academic year 2011-2012. The Wagner Fellow will reside in Pittsburgh for the term of the fellowship and work in the Center for Philosophy of Science. The Fellow will: • undertake an original research project in the philosophy of risk from a philosophy of science perspective; • participate as a fellow in the intellectual life of the Center for Philosophy of Science; • organize an open call conference on the philosophy of risk to be held in the Center for Philosophy of Science at the conclusion of fellowship period. Applicants should: • have a doctorate in philosophy, in history and philosophy of science, or in a closely related field; • be a more senior scholar at least five years past the awarding of their doctorate; • have an established record of scholarship pertinent to phil

Beca de Investigación Histórica

Estimado/a Sr./Sra.: Me complace informarle de la XVI Convocatoria de la Beca de Investigación Histórica, que promueve la Asociación Cultural Biblioteca de Ciencia y Artillería (B.C.A.), en la que están representadas todas las Instituciones Segovianas, dicha asociación realiza un gran esfuerzo por difundir los importantes fondos bibliográficos de la Biblioteca de la Academia de Artillería de Segovia, y dar a conocer todos aquellos temas relacionados con la presencia de la Institución Militar en Segovia. Con el objetivo de acceder al mayor número de investigadores posible, le ruego tenga a bien dar la difusión que usted estime oportuna de esta convocatoria de beca. Gracias de antemano por su interés. Reciba un cordial saludo. BIBLIOTECA DE LA ACADEMIA DE ARTILLERÍA. C/ San Francisco, 25. 40080 Segovia. Telf.: 921 413 824 y 921 413 750 (Ext. 7280) Fax.: 921 413 801 . biblioacart@et.mde.es .

Ayudas historia de la ciencia RSEQ

La Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) ofrece, a través de su grupo especializado de Historia de la Ciencia (HC), ayudas para asistencia a congresos internacionales de historia de la ciencia celebrados en 2010. Objeto Se trata de ayudas para asistencia a congresos internacionales de historia de la ciencia celebrados durante 2010. A lo largo de este año se dará prioridad a las solicitudes para dos congresos donde existen varias sesiones relacionadas con la historia de la química: · VII congreso del grupo STEP (Science and Technology in the European Periphery), Galway, 17 al 21 de junio de 2010. http://www.conference.ie/Conferences/index.asp?Conference=75 · IV congreso de la Sociedad Europea de Historia de la Ciencia (ESHS) que se celebrará en Barcelona entre el 18 y el 20 de noviembre de 2010:. http://4eshs.iec.cat/ Destinatarios - Personas en formación en el área de Historia de la Ciencia, preferentemente en estudios de máster o doctorado. - Deberán ser miembros del

CFP Spaces of Alterity: Conceptualising Counter-Hegemonic Sites,Practices and Narratives

Conference (Call for papers) Spaces of Alterity: Conceptualising Counter-Hegemonic Sites, Practices and Narratives University of Nottingham, UK 28th-29th April 2011 Confirmed Plenary Speakers: China Miéville and Dr. Alberto Toscano This two day international conference for postgraduate and early career researchers explores interdisciplinary conceptions and representations of radical, counter-hegemonic space. As concerns grow over such issues as spatial privatisation, commodification and homogenisation, surveillance, extra-legal spaces, social and political ‘non-spaces’, and the loss of common or public spaces, so too a plethora of interventions—across genre and disciplinary boundaries—have been launched in opposition to these trends. Examples are diverse, and can be found, for example, in literary studies of estranging narratives in contemporary fiction; spatial representations in film, TV and new media; the creation of critical spaces of alterity in political activis

Bertillon Project Call for papers

Bertillon Project Alphonse Bertillon and the identification of persons, 1880-1914 is an online project aiming to develop a collective, multidisciplinary, and international approach of the history of police identification at the turn of the century. The project revolves around the figure of Alphonse Bertillon and offers an overview of his background, his work, and the innovative techniques he directly contributed to. This transition period was marked by a regime change that deeply altered the way people were identified – identification became a key issue at every level of the structure of societies, as the links between authorities and their constituents underwent profound changes. Certain issues, although not quite new – how do we recognize persons, or define their identity? – suddenly came to the fore as first-order political issues, mobilizing experts from multiple scientific fields. Judicial developments and policing research played a crucial role in this evolution, as the move

Disciplinary Measures? Histories of Egyptology in Multi-Disciplinary Context.

Disciplinary Measures? Histories of Egyptology in Multi-Disciplinary Context. June 10-12, 2010. London. Programme and registration details available at: http://www.ees.ac.uk/userfiles/file/Disc_Meas_Prov_Programme(3).pdf A joint conference, sponsored by: The Egypt Exploration Society (EES). The School of Oriental and African Studies - Centre for Cultural, Literary and Postcolonial Studies (SOAS CCLPS). University College London (UCL) Institute of Archaeology - Heritage Studies Research Group. ‘Disciplinary Measures?’ aims to provide a discussion forum for the increasing number of people working on the history (or histories) of the discipline of Egyptology. The conference is not limited to Egyptologists. Rather, it seeks to set the multiple histories of Egyptology in the broader, multi-disciplinary context of recent studies such as Whose Pharaohs? by Donald Reid, Conflicted Antiquities by Elliott Colla and Wondrous Curiosities by Stephanie Moser. The conference aims to s