
Mostrando entradas de marzo 21, 2010

Humanitarian Internationalists and the Rise of Global Conscience

Humanitarian Internationalists and the Rise of Global Conscience Matthias Schulz < matthias.schulz@unige.ch > < matthias.schulz@vanderbilt.edu > English French Veranstalter: Matthias Schulz, Geneva, Switzerland (Université de Genève, Département d’histoire générale) Genève Datum, Ort: 15.09.2011-17.09.2011, Université de Genève Deadline: 30.09.2010 What do Henri Dunant, Clara Barton, Marcel Junod, Count Folke Bernadotte, Egglantyne Jebb, Herbert Hoover, Fridtjof Nansen, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, Bernard Kouchner, Bob Geldorf and many others have in common? They could be called “humanitarian internationalists”. At some point in their lives, they reached out to other human beings living far beyond the frontiers of their own country by organizing large-scale aid, via national or international organizations, to suffering people in another corner of the globe. While several studies have recently broadened the field of “transnational” history, many of them follow an insti

The Sixties in National and Transnational Perspective: Communications and Protest Movements

The Sixties in National and Transnational Perspective: Communications and Protest Movements Information about this contribution Informer Bernhard Struck Bernhard.Struck@st-andrews.ac.uk regional emphasis: Europe temporal classification:  1945-1989 Topic: Transnationale Geschichte, Comparative history, Film and media history Language:English Centre for Transnational History University of St. Andrews St Andrews (UK) Date: 16.09.2010-17.09.2010, School of History, University of St Andrews Deadline: 15.04.2010 The Sixties in National and Transnational Perspective: Communications and Protest Movements The societies of post-war Western Europe and the U.S. underwent a number of common developments which can be considered beyond the framework of the nation state. The rise of affluent society, the post-war ‘baby boom’, the expansion of communication channels, and the almost universal fear of nuclear warfare all signify broad trends which can be considered transnational. It was in the s

Workshop Human Heredity in the Twentieth Century (2-4 September 2010, Exeter, UK)

Workshop Human Heredity in the Twentieth Century (A Cultural History of Heredity V) 2-4 September 2010 Centre for Medical History and the ESRC Research Centre for Genomics in Society, University of Exeter, UK in collaboration with the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany Organisers: Staffan M ϋ ller-Wille (Exeter), Bernd Gausemeier (Berlin), Edmund Ramsden (Exeter) The Centre for Medical History and the ESRC Research Centre for Genomics in Society (EGenIS) at the University of Exeter is inviting individual scholars to propose papers for a forthcoming workshop “Human Heredity in the Twentieth Century”. This workshop, scheduled for 2-4 September 2010, is part of a series that reflects a long term cooperative research project between the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) in Berlin and the University of Exeter. The project deals with the agricultural, technical, juridical, medical, and scientific practices through which the knowled

Slavery and the University: Histories and Legacies

Slavery and the University: Histories and Legacies Transforming Community Project, Emory University 03.02.2011-05.02.2011, Atlanta, Georgia, United States Deadline: 26.04.2010 In recent years, an increasing number of scholars and students have explored the profound historical entanglements and legacies of slavery and the slave trade at institutions of higher learning. In some instances, critical reexaminations of slavery in the history of educational institutions have been sponsored or facilitated by senior administrations; in other cases, this kind of historical research and "memory work" has been pursued without official sanction or encouragement. This work has also inspired activism and change within universities and in the communities that surround them. This conference explores the full range of historical intersections between slavery and higher education, past and present, as well as the acknowledged and unacknowledged legacies of slavery and slave trades i

II Congreso Internacional Las Mujeres en la Esfera Pública

PRIMERA CIRCULAR II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL del GRUPO KÓRE DE ESTUDIOS DE GÉNERO. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID 2-4 Junio 2010 FACULTAD DE HUMANIDADES II Congreso Internacional Las Mujeres en la Esfera Pública HERENCIAS CONTEMPORÁNEAS: DE LO PÚBLICO A LO PRIVADO* En el I Congreso Internacional organizado por el Grupo Kóre de Estudios de Género de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (11-13 junio 2008), situamos a las mujeres en las fronteras de la Esfera Pública. Les otorgamos las herramientas culturales, sociales y políticas e identificamos los recursos y las estrategias de los que se valieron. En tanto Esfera Pública es experiencia colectiva, la noción de sujeto se vio trastocada con la inclusión de las mujeres en ella.   Corresponde ahora analizar qué sucedió a continuación, de qué manera la conquista de la Esfera Pública y los pensamientos feministas que la acompañaron habrían contribuido a una privatización de lo público. El congreso contará con con

2010 ESST European Award for Aspiring Undergraduates in Science, Technology and Society (STS)

2010 ESST European Award for Aspiring Undergraduates in Science, Technology and Society (STS) Undergraduates studying at any European university and in any relevant field (engineering, the sciences, the social sciences and the humanities) are invited to apply for the 2010 ESST European Award sponsored by the European Masters Programme in Society, Science and Technology (ESST). An amount of 1,000 € will be awarded for the best original undergraduate paper or essay on any topic related to Society, Science and Technology. All submissions must be between 2,000 and 3,000 words in length and must be written in English. The deadline is 30 June, 2010. For more information about the ESST European Masters Programme see: www.esst.eu Further details about the 2010 ESST European Award are available from: http://www.esst.eu/award/info.html         Aristotle Tympas Assistant Professor Department of Philosophy and History of Science University of Athens Greece http://www.phs.uo

MA, PhD and Postdoctoral awards at the University of East London (UEL)

MA, PhD and Postdoctoral awards at the University of East London (UEL) The School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) and the University of East London  are offering a number of postgraduate and postdoctoral awards for entry in September 2010: ** MA:  HSS Bursaries will cover full tuition fees for UK/EU students and partial fees for international students for ONE year.  The scheme covers the MA Innovation Studies , a research-intensive Masters exploring the complex, dynamic relations between social and technological forces shaping innovation processes in an international context:  http://www.uel.ac.uk/hss/programmes/postgraduate/innovation.htm ** PhD Scholarship / Bursaries:   The HSS New Decade Scholarship is a major award covering full UK/EU fees plus a living allowance of £14,000 per year.   PhD Bursaries will cover UK/EU fees only.  Both types of award are for a period of THREE years. All HSS Postgraduate applications and supporting documents, including a 500-word


1ª CONVOCATORIA DE LOS PREMIOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN “AGUSTÍN DE BETANCOURT Y MOLINA” Y “JUAN LÓPEZ DE PEÑALVER” DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE INGENIERÍA DESTINADOS A INVESTIGADORES JÓVENES 1. La Real Academia de Ingeniería, con el copatrocinio de la Fundación “Pro Rebus Academiae”, convoca los Premios “Agustín de Betancourt y Molina” y “Juan López de Peñalver” para el año 2010. 2. Dichos Premios se destinan a investigadores que el 1 de enero de 2010 tengan menos de 36 años de edad, y que hayan desarrollado sus trabajos, al menos en parte significativa, en España. 3. Los Premios se concederán a investigadores que hayan realizado  contribuciones relevantes a la investigación en cualquiera de los ámbitos de la Ingeniería o la Arquitectura, aplicaciones prácticas de las Ciencias, o aspectos históricos o sociales relacionados con lo anterior. 4. Las candidaturas podrán presentarse por los propios candidatos o por terceros, requiriéndose la siguiente documentación: -           solicit

Assistant Curator position at the Science Museum

Assistant Curator, Computing and Communications Salary: £17,909 to £19,561 per annum depending on knowledge and skills with £1,000 Regional Weighting Allowance. 23 month fixed term contract. Closing Date: 06/04/2010 An assistant curatorial position has arisen in the Curatorial Team of the Science Museum, London. Working within the computing and communications collections, you will be a motivated individual with a keen interest in the history and current state of electronics, computing and communication technologies. You will ideally have demonstrable knowledge and experience in at least one of the related areas and have the commitment to gain knowledge in others.

Nueva página web sobre niveles de vida

Apreciados colegas, con este email deseamos informarles, para que le den la mayor difusión posible si lo encuentran pertinente, que Ise acaba de activar la página web: www.uab.es/nisal , que tiene por finalidad fomentar de forma colectiva los estudios sobre la evolución de los niveles de vida en España durante los siglos XIX y XX, prestando especial atención a lasa condiciones biológicas de vida, y proporcionar una base de datos sobre esta variable, lo más completa posible y de libre acceso para todos los usuarios. El recurso se plantea, además, como un recurso abierto, en el que pueden participar todos los grupos de investigación e investigadores individuales que lo deseen y que con sus aportaciones contribuyan a mejorar sus contenidos. Josep Pujol Andreu José Miguel Martínez Carrión

Exposición Bibliográfica Virtual sobre "Gregorio Marañón en la Universidad Complutense"

Estimado/a compañero/a,     Con motivo de la celebración del cincuentenario del fallecimiento del Dr. Gregorio Marañón, el 27 de marzo de 1960, la Biblioteca de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense ha realizado una "Exposición Bibliográfica Virtual" con toda la obra existente en nuestras colecciones.   Marañón estuvo muy vinculado a nuestra Universidad, aquí estudió toda la carrera de Medicina y también se doctoró. Precisamente, tenemos los originales de su Tesis doctoral depositados en nuestra Biblioteca y en la Biblioteca Histórica de la UCM. Con posterioridad a su etapa como estudiante, continúa como profesor a partir de los años 1931 y 1946, ocupando la cátedra de Endocrinología hasta su jubilación. El enlace a la Exposición es: http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/med/36343.php


Curso sobre historia de las ideas ambientales. EL MENSAJE DE LA NATURALEZA. IMAGENES CULTURALES DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE EN LA ESPAÑA CONTEMPORANEA Cursos humanidades contemporáneas UAM Curso 15.- El mensaje de la naturaleza. Imágenes culturales del medio ambiente en la España contemporánea Dirección, Javier Benayas del Álamo y Santos Casado de Otaola Fecha de celebración: Desde el 12 al 23 de abril de 2010 Hora de celebración: De 16:00 a 18:00 h Lugar de celebración: Salón de actos del Rectorado UAM Créditos 2 créditos de libre configuración ó 1 ECTS Toda la informacion con el programa detallado y las instrucciones de matricula en http://www.uam.es/otros/fungobe/formacion_imagenes2010.htm

RSA 2011 cfp

Papers are invited for a panel or panels at RSA 2011 (Montreal) on early-modern representations of emergent natural science. The representations can be literary or artistic; the science from any area or discipline. The goal, however, is to find out how the period's scientific innovations were received and understood by its mimetic workers. Please email proposal and cv to jfleming@sfu.ca by May 10th, 2010.  -- James Dougal Fleming Associate Professor Department of English Simon Fraser University

Vencimiento fecha limite III Congreso Iberoamericano.

Desde la Secretaría del III Congreso Iberoamericano de Filosofía de la Ciencia y la Tecnología les recordamos que el 31 DE MARZO DE 2010 es la fecha límite para el envío de trabajos. Esperamos sus propuestas en la siguiente dirección de e-mail: secretariacifcyt@gmail.com Muchas gracias

Doctoral student positions at University of Vienna

University of Vienna, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, in cooperation with the Faculties of Life Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy/Education and Physics The Doctoral Program (“DK-plus program”) „The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts“ announces the award of up to 10 fully paid doctoral student positions (Category a) and up to 10 associate positions (Category b, for students with other basic support) for up to 3.5 years beginning 1 October 2010. With the support of the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), the University of Vienna offers a Ph.D. program, to be completed in six semesters (a seventh semester of support is available in case of a one-semester research or study visit abroad). The aims of the program are: to offer a structured interdisciplinary curriculum in History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies of Science with the collaboration of international visitors, and to make possible the joint supervision of dissertations b

NAS Announces Visual Culture and Evolution Online Symposium, April 5 through 14

WASHINGTON - The Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences will co-host the "Visual Culture and Evolution Online Symposium" with the Center for Art, Design, and Visual Culture (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) and Johns Hopkins University's Master of Arts in Museum Studies Program.  The online symposium will take place on the Internet from April 5 through April 14. Join a group of more than 30 international experts - including artists, scientists, historians, ethicists, curators, sociologists, and writers - as they discuss the intersections between the visual arts and evolution. This past year, in celebration of the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his book, "On the Origin of Species," a number of conferences were held around the world focusing on the impact of the concept of evolution.  This symposium will be a platform to discuss both the ideas generated from those ac

Call for Papers: Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference, second edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, 13 – 15 October 2010

Call for Papers: Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference, second edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, 13 – 15 October 2010 Second edition of International Conference on Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, Alba Iulia, Romania, 13 – 15 October 2010 On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the second edition of Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference to be held between 13 – 15 of October 2010, in Alba Iulia, Romania.The organizers of this conference are Alba County Council, National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia, Romania; “1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania. The aim of the conference is to bring together historians, sociologists, psychologists, and physicians from all over the world and to attract original papers on the following topics: 1. History of Alcoholism: history of production, distribution and consumption of alcohol 2. Social Issues

NTERNATIONAL MEETING From Carlo Matteucci to Giuseppe Moruzzi: two centuries of European Physiology A satellite of the 15th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences

INTERNATIONAL MEETING From Carlo Matteucci to Giuseppe Moruzzi: two centuries of European Physiology A satellite of  the 15th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences  Villa di Corliano , (Pisa) 22-26 June 2010 with a special contribution from Rita Levi-Montalcini SPONSORING INSTITUTIONS Club d'histoire des neurosciences de la Société des Neurosciences, Paris. Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze International Society for the History of Neurosciences. Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. Università di Ferrara. Università di Pavia ­- Sistema Museale d’Ateneo. Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris. Université Diderot – Paris. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL PARTICIPANTS: 1       Please confirm your intention to attend the meeting at your ealiest convenience  by sending an email to Marco Piccolino or Nick Wade at the following addresses:                                 marco.piccolino@yahoo.com or   n.j.wade@dundee