
Mostrando entradas de mayo 14, 2017

Novedad bibliográfica: La niña. Tragedia y leyenda de la hija del doctor Velasco

Autor: Luis Ángel Sánchez Gómez Prólogo de Enrique Dorado Fernández. "

CfP: Memory and the Making of Knowledge in the Early Modern World (31 May)

Keynote Speakers Dr Marie Luisa Allemeyer Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Professor Andrea Frisch University of Maryland, USA Professor Marian Füssel Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Professor Judith Pollmann Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands Memory is now established as a dynamic and vital field of study in the humanities and social sciences. It is no longer disputed that how, why, and what individuals, communities, and societies remember is essential to under-standing their pasts and presents. A good deal of this work has understandably concentrated on contemporary history: the emergence of social history in the middle decades of the twentieth century shifted the spotlight to focus on ordinary people, and developments in medicine, psychology, and sociology produced a more sophisticated understanding of the functioning of individual and social memory. This has led to new techniques of oral history opening up a wide vista of perspectives on the recent past. B

Jobː Assistant Curator, Museum of Science and Industry - Manchester, deadline 31/05/2017

Assistant Curator, Museum of Science and Industry - Manchester Job reference SMG00261     Application closing date 31/05/2017     Salary Up to £19,000 per annum Are you passionate about working with collections that reveal wonder through science? With world-class collections at the heart of our museums,our curatorial and research team are committed to delivering a sustainable,accessible and interactive museum offering by improving the management of our objects - allowing us to be accessible and open for all. We are looking for an Assistant Curator to join the team here at The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, on a fixed term basis, to support curators with collections management, research and access. As part of an important task force which underpins the care of our objects you will also work to enhance our collections information,promoting the use of our collections whilst assisting independent researchers and higher education groups with

OSU Medical Heritage Center Scholar-in-Residence Announcement

The Medical Heritage Center at the Health Sciences Library, The Ohio State University is seeking applicants for its scholar-in-residence program for a flexible time period between September 1, 2017 and August 30, 2018. The Medical Heritage Center was made possible by a grant from the Columbus Medical Association Foundation (CMAF) and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. These organizations saw the need to preserve and celebrate the region’s medical heritage. Since its opening in 1997, the Center has stood as a testament to a unique collaboration between the CMAF and the OSU Wexner Medical Center. The Center’s holdings include rare books, archives and artifacts. The rare books collection contains over 20,000 volumes, representing limited edition and one-of-a kind monographs dating back to 1555. The archives include the papers and memorabilia from regional and nationally recognized luminaries as well as local health sciences organizations. The artifacts represent hea

CfP: 3M+1: História da Matemática, da Música e Milita

Se va realizar en la Universidade do Minho, Braga (Portugal), durante los días   12, 13 e 14 de octubre de 2017,  un encuentro internacional  3M+1: História da Matemática, da Música e Militar. Los asuntos en discusión se centrarán en la Historia de las Matemáticas, la Música y las Ciencias Militares del siglo XVIII, pero con el deseo de reunir especialistas de muchas otras áreas del saber que puedan estar asociadas. El encuentro incluye sesiones plenarias, comunicaciones orales y una sesión de pósteres. La Comisión Organizadora ( Maria Elfrida Ralha, Silvino Curado & Ricardo Bernardes)  invita a todos los interesados a participar  en este evento, para el que está abierta la inscripción. El plazo para enviar resúmenes de comunicaciones termina a  16 de junio de 2017. Para   más informaciones  consultar, por favor,  w3.math.uminho.pt/~web/ Mat2/MAT2  

CfA: “On the nature of variation: random, biased and directional” (Lisbon, Portugal)

On the nature of variation: random, biased and directional Anfiteatro da Fundação FCUL, University of Lisbon, 3-4 October 2017   http://onthenatureofvariation. campus.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/ Invited speakers:  Eva Boon (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Holland), Leonore Fleming (Utica College, USA), Gerd Müller (Universität Wien, Austria), Arlin Stoltzfus (Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research, NIST, USA). Description: Adaptationism pervades all aspects of biological thinking. One crucial challenge to adaptationism stems from recent genomic analyses suggesting that non-adaptive processes such as drift and mutation dominate genome evolution. A different challenge to adaptationism comes from studies of phenotypic evolution suggesting that developmental processes co- determine the direction of evolution. One way to capture the common theoretical thread of these two challenges is the following: genomic and phenotypic variation bias evolutiona

Post-doctoral fellow and PhD opportunities for work on the 'animal research nexus'

We hope some colleagues with research interests in or on the interface between animal studies; science and technology studies and medical sociology may be interested in the following opportunities at post-doc and phd level. Post Doctoral Research Fellow (University of Southampton) Networks of laboratory animal breeding and biobanking (closing date: 15th June) Post Doctoral Research Fellow (University of Exeter) Changing interfaces between patients, research practice and animal research (closing date: 11th June) PhD Studentship (University of Southampton) The Changing Policy and Practice of Laboratory animal rehoming (closing date: 5th June) PhD Studentship (University of Nottingham) Public Reflections on Animal Research: An Analysis of the Mass Observation Archive (closing date: 22nd May) These opportunities are associated with a new 5 year programme of work on ‘The Animal Research Nexus: Changing Constitutions of Science, Health and Welfare’, funded by the W

CfP: Materia medica on the move II (Amsterdam, October 4-6, 2017)

Contextualizing drug components as collectables, commodities, and cultural markers in the   early modern period Amsterdam, October 4-6, 2017 After the successful Materia medica on the move conference in 2015, Utrecht University Descartes Centre, Huygens/ING, and Naturalis Biodiversity Centre will host a three-day follow-up conference, again devoted to the circulation of knowledge regarding non-native natural substances that were used in medicine in the early modern period (1500-1800). The conference will take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from 4 till 6 October 2017.   Goal of the conference In recent years the history of non-native natural substances, to which therapeutic properties were attributed, has received substantial attention from scholars in a range of disciplines. The various contexts and perspectives from which these substances can be studied (e.g. medicinal, scientific, socio-cultural, ethnobotanical, artistic) have led to much cross-discip

Two PhD studentships: Racehorses, Georgian Medicine

Two funded scholarships have become available in the History Department at King’s College London under the Professor Sir Richard Trainor PhD Scholarships scheme. The two projects are: • “Making the modern racehorse in Britain, c1920-2020”, with the National Horseracing Museum (supervised by Prof. Abigail Woods, abigail.woods@kcl.ac.uk ) • “Beyond the Madness of King George: Health and Healing at the Hanoverian Court”, with the Royal Library and Royal Archives, Historic Royal Palaces, Royal College of Surgeons, Science Museum (supervised by Dr Anna Maerker, anna.maerker@kcl.ac.uk ) Details of individual projects are available here http://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/pos tgraduate/fees-and-funding/stu dent-funding/postgraduate-rese arch-funding/richard-trainor- scholarships.aspx We welcome applications from home, EU and international candidates seeking to undertake a full-time PhD programme at King’s with one of the advertised projects, who can demonstrate academic ex

Biopolitical experts - CFP for a monographic issue of Quaderni Storici

Call for papers for a monographic issue of «Quaderni storici» Social sciences have long focused their attention on the profile and the role of experts, considering their emergence and the role they acquired into the decisional processes of national and supranational political institutions as an occasion to investigate transformations in the relationship between practices, knowledge and powers. The expert is involved in uncertain situations, for the neutrality recognized to his own capacity to get a deeper level of truth. According to the research of social sciences, talking about experts is equivalent to discuss the process of legitimization of knowledge, starting from the relationship with the concrete experiences and the statutes of truth that define the knowledge. In these terms, the processes of selection and identification of experts appear as a complex and full social process, mobilizing different requests through which criteria and profiles of belonging and

CfP: ‘Urban Chieftaincy: Exploring the roles of traditional authorities in the contemporary urban African contexts, Panel at the African Centre for Cities International Urban Conference

Call for Panellists In the African context, research on traditional authorities has historically focused on cultural and political influence of these leaders as guardians of tribal customs and laws. Scholarly treatment of traditional leadership has often been framed in the context of rural development or colonial history (Beall et al 2005; Buur and Kyed 2007). This discourse has looked at traditional authorities in relation to the new political systems and administrative architectures of the post independent African state (Logan 2008; Logan 2009; Goodfellow and Lindemann 2013). However, in the 21st century as African cities rapidly expand their geographical and administrative footprints, traditional authorities have traversed the rural boundary and have become significant actors in urban spaces. Given the scale and pace of urbanisation on the African continent, the role of traditional authorities in the urban context has been given insufficient attention. Tradition

Cfp: 2nd International Workshop on "Science and Literature"

2nd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP IN THE FRAMEWORK OF “HERMOUPOLIS SEMINARS”, SYROS, 5-8 JULY 2017 “Beyond Nature in Science and Literature” The International  Commission on Science and Literature  DHST/IUHPST, the Hellenic Open University and the Institute of Historical Research/ National Hellenic Research Foundation organize a two-days’ workshop to study “Beyond Nature in Science and Literature”. The CoSciLit workshop is a new addition to the very prestigious “ Hermoupolis Seminars ” which have been organized for more than 30 years every July on Syros Island. This workshop follows the successfull 1st workshop organized in 2017 on the theme of "Nature(s), Humans and God(s) in Literature. Representations" and it will be part of series of workshops which will be organized with a specific theme every July. The venue of the workshop will be the “Historical Archives of the State” in the Town Hall of Hermoulis. Hermoupolis was once the capital of Greece and a city of g

Associate Lecturer position

Looking for an Associate Lecturer to teach the module, "Bodies and Drugs: A Global History of Medicine" next year. For further details see: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ BBG881/associate-lecturer- history-of-medicine-module

New from JHAP - Gilbert Ryle: Intelligence, Practice, Skill

Volume 5.5 of the Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy (JHAP) is now online. This is a special issue entitled Gilbert Ryle, Intelligence, Practice, Skill , edited by Juliet Floyd and Lydia Patton. It contains the following four articles: 1) “Volume Introduction: Gilbert Ryle on Propositions, Propositional Attitudes, and Theoretical Knowledge” by Julia Tanney Abstract: In the introduction to the special volume, Gilbert Ryle: Intelligence, Practice and Skill , Julia Tanney introduces the contributions of Michael Kremer, Stina Bäckström and Martin Gustafsson, and Will Small, each of which indicates concern about the appropriation of Ryle’s distinction between knowing-how and knowing-that in seminal work in contemporary epistemology. Expressing agreement with the authors that something has gone awry in these borrowings from Ryle, Tanney takes this criticism to a deeper level. She argues that the very notion of content-bearing, causally-efficacious ment

CfP: Reading Euclid in the early modern world

Euclid's Elements of Geometry was highly visible in early modern culture: a touchstone for mathematical training as well as a spur to new mathematical research throughout the period. In this period dozens of editions of the Elements were printed, and it was certainly the most widely read mathematical book of the time. Different editors made very different choices about the content and layout of the Elements and the other works attributed to Euclid, based on different assumptions about the meaning and authenticity of the texts and their component parts. Likewise, different readers approached the text in very different ways, bringing to it very different assumptions about the use of (printed) texts, and about the kind of text the Elements was and the kind of attention it deserved: logical or philological, geometrical or practical. Many readers annotated the text, and many selected sections for copying into exercise books. During this period, standards of geometrical p

CfP: symposium on the history of UNIX, Paris

Call for contributions International symposium Unix in Europe: between innovation, diffusion and heritage Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France – October 19 2017 *Rationale* The Unix system was born in the 1970s at the crossroads between two interacting worlds: industry (the Bell Labs at AT&T) and academia (the University of Berkeley computer science network). Its fast adoption throughout computer research and engineering networks across the world signaled the future success of the new system, fostering software experiments within its open, multi-user and multi-tasking system running on mini-computers – and later compatible with a larger part of computer hardware. In the European context, how was this American innovation propagated, adopted and adapted? Why was Unix of so much interest in this context, then and now? A solid culture of Unix users might also explain this success, as well as subsequent processes of appropriation and inherit

CfP: International Conference on ESP, new technologies and digital learning

The International Conference on ESP, new technologies and digital learning is jointly organised by the Research Centre for Professional Communication in English (RCPCE), Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in collaboration with TESOL Asia on 7 – 9 December 2017.  The conference aims to bring together teachers, researchers and students in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to contribute to a stimulating and dynamic exchange of ideas in ESP, new technologies and digital learning. It caters for a wide range of presenters and participants and encourage sharing of ideas and stimulate conversation. Deadline for abstract submissions: 31 July 2017 We welcome contributions which address any aspects of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), new technologies, and digital learning, including, but not limited to, the following: Improving students’ digital literacy Writing teaching materials with digital media Teaching ESP in digital environment Tech