
Mostrando entradas de julio 19, 2020

CfP: Historia Sociocultural de la Medicina y la Salud en América Latina. Siglos XVI al XX

Url:  https://revistas.uptc.edu.co/index.php/historia_memoria/announcement/view/189 La revista Historia & MEMORIA de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, tienen el gusto de anunciar que se encuentra abierta la convocatoria para el Dossier temático: “Historia Sociocultural de la Medicina y la Salud en América Latina. Siglos XVI al XIX”, en homenaje a la desaparecida profesora emérita de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Estela Restrepo Zea, pionera en este campo, que nos acompañó en proyectos y eventos.    Este Dossier tiene por objeto recoger la nueva producción historiográfica existente sobre este tema, desde los grupos de investigación conformados hace varios años, que son responsables del desarrollo del campo en el país en el siglo XX, hasta los nuevos investigadores y las reflexiones surgidas de sus disertaciones doctorales. La Historia Sociocultural de la Medicina y la Salud tiene como característica principal su interdisciplinariedad, lo qu

CfP: Knowledge and Practice of Farming in Times of Climate Change

In 2021 the special thematic focus at the International Medieval Congress (IMC) in Leeds is ‘Climates’. The Darmstadt medievalists Gerrit J. Schenk and Stephan F. Ebert would like to organise two sessions at the congress. The current debate on climate change has led to new perspectives and approaches to agriculture and food habits on a global scale. The production and consumption of food among worldwide food chains has become a core element of agro-food-studies. However, interrelations of nature and culture in terms of socioecological preconditions, land-use practices and animal husbandry have been concerns of earlier generations too. In the late Middle Ages a combination of climatic trends during the  Little Ice Age  (c. 1300–1850) and social distresses such as the  Great Famine  (1315–17) or the  Black Death  (1347–52) with substantial mortality rates required pragmatic efforts in agriculture, economy and society. Humanists translated agronomical knowledge into vernacular langu

CfP: Historical Approaches to Covid-19

We seek proposals for brief, 2,000-3,000 word essays on the relationship between history and Covid-19. More specifically, we invite pitches for essays on the following topics: historical approaches to Covid-19; what historical study can offer our analysis of Covid; or what Covid does for our analysis in any field or subfield of history. Our intent is to publish essays that will be of interest to historians and students, with a special interest in essays that can be used in undergraduate courses to add Covid-related content to already existing courses. We seek essays that relate to any field of historical inquiry — any time period, any geography, and any theme — that would be useful to help students think about Covid historically or through historical approaches. They should be footnoted, but they need not contain new, primary-source research. Please submit a proposal of 100-200 words by  August 10, 2020 . The editors will be in touch with decisions by  August 19.  Full essays

CfP: Pandemic: Race. Politics. Literature

In his recent release  Pandemic! Covid-19 Shakes the World , Slavoj Zizek speculates that “the lines that separate us from barbarism are drawn more and more clearly. One of the signs of civilization today is the growing perception that continuing the various wars that circle the globe as totally crazy and meaningless. So too the understanding that intolerance of other races and cultures, or of sexual minorities, pales into insignificance compared with the scale of the crisis we face.” Yet, situations like the re-election of the Polish president on the back of anti-LGBT rhetoric and anti-Semitic scaremongering, the killing of George Floyd which sparked the Black Lives Matter protests, and the various attempts by state leaders to control the pandemic narrative through dissimulation and force suggest the scale of the pandemic has not arrested these crises but rather has exposed the fault lines more clearly. Racism and nationalist isolationism are rife and borders have hardened, isolati

Postdoctoral Fellowships UNAM (Mexico City)

The  Institute for Philosophical Research  of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), offers  postdoctoral research fellowships . Postdoctoral fellows are expected to: Carry out their proposed research, and publish its results. Work full time on their research project. Participate in the academic activities of the Institute. Teach two courses throughout the year of their fellowship and supervise the work of undergraduate and graduate students. Knowledge of Spanish is not required, but successful non-Spanish speaking applicants will be expected to learn the language during their stay. The  deadline  for applications is  August 14th, 2020.  Applications or letters of recommendation sent after this date will not be accepted. The  fellowship begins on March 1st , 2021 . The start date of the fellowship is non-extendable. Duration . One year (with possible renewal for a second year). Grant . $32, 000.00 MXN per month, tax free. According to the current ex

CfP: Gender History: Paths, Intersections, Perspectives VIII Conference of the Italian Association of Women Historians

The 8th Conference of the Italian Association of Women Historians will be held in Verona from  June 10 to 12, 2021  at the University of Verona. As in the past, the SIS is aiming to make the conference an opportunity to compare and discuss studies, topics and interpretational categories related to the history of women and gender with particular attention to recent scholarly trends from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The SIS is, therefore, inviting historians, women and men, Italians and non-Italians to submit proposals for panels dealing with topics embedded in a wide chronology – from antiquity to the contemporary world – and referring to the most various geopolitical and cultural contexts. The conference aims to provide both a picture of the current state of scholarship in the history of women and gender and also a space for emerging perspectives in gender studies. We particularly appreciate proposals that adopt a diachronic perspective dealing with different historical c

CfP: The revelation of the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic and Exploration of Socio-cultural responses

Call for a book chapter for The revelation of the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic and Exploration of Socio-cultural responses to be published by AAP CRC Press (a Taylor & Franscis Group). Please submit your chapter(s) before August 10, 2020. The issue of COVID-19 and its effects on society is a growing topic of discussion worldwide. This COVID-19 is in all parts of the world, leading to enormous anxiety and uncertainty. This book explores the challenges and impacts of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for societies and individuals.  This edited book will critically reflect the challenges for the global society and will focus on a comprehensive understanding of COVID-19.With the increasing threat of COVID-19 on all aspects of global health, workforce, and interrupt in regular life, this book will serve as an opportunity for teacher-scholars and advanced practitioners to reconsider and reimagine the work for the betterment of societies. Topics in this book may include I

CfA: Int. Workshop on Theory (Re-)Construction in the Empirical Social and Behavioral Sciences (TRC2020)

Sat & Sun, 7-8 NOV 2020 (online or on-site) Boğaziçi University, Dpt. of Philosophy & Cognitive Science Program, 34342 Bebek/Istanbul, Turkey https://bit.ly/TRC-BOUN-2020 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS It has been repeatedly observed that the  Empirical Social and Behavioral Sciences (ESBS)  lack well-developed  theoretical superstructures , structures that researchers could apply to generate (point-) predictive empirical hypotheses . The MTR project treats this  lacuna  as an important reason to explain, and to treat, the ongoing  replicability crisis  in the ESBS.  We invite abstracts from  any scientific field  addressing this lacuna via  reconstructions of empirical theories  (from the ESBS or not), research on  frameworks  (or methods) for  theory reconstruction , synchronic or diachronic work on  concept formation/ontology  in the ESBS, and  explanatory accounts  why this lacuna persists. We particularly invite  applied work on  how to go about  constructing an ESBS

CfP: History of Psychiatry

The  American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  is preparing a special issue on the “History of Psychiatry.”  We were hoping that H-Net could help post a call for papers on this exciting topic.     The Residents’ Journal is a resident-led quarterly publication of The American Journal of Psychiatry, serving residents and fellows to share ideas in training, clinical practice, research & careers. All content for the journal is generated solely by trainees. Individuals enrolled in accredited U.S. or Canadian medical schools, or residents and fellows in U.S. or Canadian postgraduate training programs are eligible to submit manuscripts. We also invite submissions from students/trainees in other academic or clinical fields including sciences, humanities, nursing, physical/occupational therapy, psychology, etc. Please visit the Residents' Journal website for detailed instructions on article types and word limits:  https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/journal/ajp-

Call for Proposals: Special issues of centauosALL FOR PROPOSALS: SPECIAL ISSUES OF CENTAURUS

As the Official Journal of the European Society for the History of Science,  Centaurus  regularly publishes issues dedicated to a special theme. Recently published or in press special issues include: Artisanal Culture in Early Modern Iberian and Atlantic Worlds Skulls and blossoms: natural history collections and their meanings Fun and Fear: the banalization of nuclear technologies through display Technology and Information Propagation in a Propaganda War The Periodic System: The (Multiple) Values of an Icon Editorship and the Editing of Scientific Journals, 1750–1950 Histories of epidemics in the time of COVID-19 The ESHS and the Editorial Board of  Centaurus  are now soliciting proposals for  2022  and  2023 . Proposals should include the following: A description of the topic of the Special Issue and its significance (approximately 500 words). A list of 5 to 12 contributions: please include title, author names and article abstract. A brief CV of the guest editor(s)