
Mostrando entradas de agosto 29, 2010

CFP: Bloodwork: the politics of the body 1500-1900

CALL FOR PAPERS: Conference:  Bloodwork: the politics of the body 1500-1900 May 6 and 7, 2011 at the University of Maryland, College Park Conference Organizers: Kimberly Coles , Ralph Bauer, Zita Nunes, Carla L. Peterson This conference will explore how conceptions of the blood one of the four bodily fluids known as humors in the early modern period permeate discourses of human difference from 1500 to 1900.  Bloodwork  begins with the assumption that the concept of  race  is still under construction and that our understanding of the term would profit through an engagement with its long, evolving, history. Specifically, it asks how fluid transactions of the body have been used in different eras and different cultures to justify existing social arrangements. Recent scholarship has opened up the question of the continuities and discontinuities between early modern and modern rationalizations of human difference. In early modern England,  race  commonly referred to family lineage, o

Nuevo número: Eä - Revista de Humanidades Médicas & Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Vol. 2 Nº 1 - Agosto 2010

Nuevo número: Eä - Revista de Humanidades Médicas & Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Vol. 2 Nº 1 - Agosto 2010 Con enorme placer y satisfacción les presentamos el nuevo número de Eä – Revista de Humanidades Médicas & Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Vol. 2 Nº 1 de Agosto 2010. Eä es una revista académica periódica en formato electrónico e interactivo que publica trabajos en el campo de las Humanidades Médicas y Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (ISSN 1852-4680). La revista se encuentra disponible de forma permanente, libre y gratuita en www.ea-journal.com y busca situarse en la confluencia entre la excelencia académica y el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las redes sociales. Cuenta con un prestigioso comité editorial, arbitraje internacional y reúne los requisitos para ser incluida en los sistemas de catalogación de publicaciones periódicas. Con una periodicidad de tres números por año (abril, agosto


THE FARADAY INSTITUTE FOR SCIENCE AND RELIGION RESEARCH ASSOCIATE BRITISH COUNCIL – ‘BELIEF IN DIALOGUE PROJECT’ The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge, has a position available for a post-doctoral Research Associate who will help in developing the science and religion strand of the new British Council ‘Belief in Dialogue’ programme. The programme will involve educational, scientific and religious events carried out in international and crosscultural contexts. The successful candidate will have a PhD and/or a strong research background in philosophy, or history and philosophy of science, or science and religion, or science communication, or any relevant affiliated discipline, which could include a PhD in science with proven experience in one of these other areas. The post will involve international travel and will suit someone with cross-cultural experience, and with a proven track-record of involvement in the field of science and religion.

Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science 4:1 is now available online

Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science is pleased to announce the publication of its latest issue at http://spontaneousgenerations.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/SpontaneousGenerations . We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science Vol 4, No 1 (2010): Scientific Instruments: Knowledge, Practice, and Culture Table of Contents http://spontaneousgenerations.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/SpontaneousGenerations/issue/view/1073 Focused Discussion -------- Scientific Instruments: Knowledge, Practice, and Culture [Editor’s Introduction] (1-7)        Isaac Record The Challenge of Authenticating Scientific Objects in Museum Collections: Exposing the Forgery of a Moroccan Astrolabe Allegedly Dated 1845 CE (8-20)        Ingrid Hehmeyer People as Scientific Instruments (21-29)        Maarten Derksen Equi

Postdoctoral fellowships at the Division of History of Science and Technology, PHS Dpt, University of Athens, Greece

Postdoctoral fellowships at the Division of History of Science and Technology, PHS Dpt, University of Athens, Greece. The Division of History of Science and Technology of the Department of Philosophy and History of Science at the University of Athens, is willing to support applications for a Post-doctoral fellowship funded by the Greek Ministry of Education. The applications will be submitted in collaboration with a faculty member to the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education. Candidates should have completed their PhDs within the past 10 years and before the deadline for submission of the proposal. The call and forms for the fellowship (in Greek) can be found at: http://www.gsrt.gr/default.asp?V_ITEM_ID=6605\ The proposed project must be related to the history, sociology and anthropology of the Cold Chain that includes the various stages of food preservation ranging from production to distribution and consumption of perishable produce. Prio

Now Published - Osiris 25

We are proud to announce the publication of Osiris 25 - Expertise : Practical Knowledge and the Early Modern State , edited by Eric H. Ash.     This newest annual edition of Osiris brings together a variety of scholars to consider a topic of increasing interest in the history of science: expertise. Focusing specifically on the role expertise has played in the growth of the state since early modern times, Expertise reveals how scientific expertise and practical knowledge were crucial to the construction of early modern empires and economies. The state, on the other hand, performed a similar function for scientists, giving them much of the status and resources they needed to further their work.   A penetrating, multifaceted investigation, Osiris 25 will be required reading for historians of science and early modern political development.

Workshop 'Translating knowledge and the Invention of Vocabulary in the Early Modern Low Countries'

Workshop 'Translating Knowledge and the Invention of Vocabulary in the Early Modern Low Countries' 9-10 September 2010, Ghent University (Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent) Part of the FWO Research Network 'Circulating Knowledge in Early Modern Science' Speakers include Theo Hermans, Michiel van Groesen, Britt Dams, Arjen Dijkstra, Tim Nicolaije, Alexis Smets, Paul Taylor, Thijs Weststeijn, Krista de Jonge, and Harold Cook.   Organisers: Harold Cook (Brown University) and Sven Dupré (Ghent University)   For further information, including a complete programme in PDF format, please see: http://www.circulatingknowledge.ugent.be/events   Attendance is open to all without charge. However there is a limit on places available and anyone wishing to attend must register withSven.Dupre@UGent.be by 1 September.

CFP: 11th ISIH conference in Bucharest 26-28 May 2011

11th International Society for Intellectual History Conference University of Bucharest Romania 26-28 May 2011 Passionate Minds Knowledge and the Emotions in Intellectual History The centrality of the emotions in all areas of human thought, action and expression has lately begun to be recognized and investigated with increasing interest within a variety of disciplines, from cognitive science and the philosophy of emotions to literary and anthropological studies. One central insight of such explorations is that the view of the separation and even opposition between cognition and affectivity is an unjust representation of the complexity of the life of both individuals and communities. Intellectual historians have also become sensitive to the issue and are in fact in a privileged position to bring to the fore the variety and richness of the approaches to the interplay of knowledge and the emotions in the history of thought. This conference aims to address the topic of the interplay