CfP: Doing Health in Europe
The series of Contemporary European History, published by de Gruyter, Berlin, asks about the agency that has formed Europe during the last century ( b/html?lang=en). Its focus is on the people who have shaped the continent through their work, their activism or simply through the ways they have organized their lives and on the processes these activities have spawned. Within the series, the volume Doing Health in Europe intends to explore who created health in Europe during the last century. The phrase has a strange ring to it. We are not used to thinking of health as something created, like a piece of craftmanship, but if we accept that a lot of what determines health is, indeed, human-made, the question makes eminent sense. There is no doubt that health care workers, i.e. doctors, nurses, pharmacists and all other people working in the health sector, have had some impact on people’s health. By providing diagnoses and administering medicine and