
Mostrando entradas de mayo 28, 2023

CfP: Doing Health in Europe

The series of Contemporary European History, published by de Gruyter, Berlin, asks about the  agency that has formed Europe during the last century (https://www.degruyter.com/serial/ceh b/html?lang=en). Its focus is on the people who have shaped the continent through their work,  their activism or simply through the ways they have organized their lives and on the processes  these activities have spawned. Within the series, the volume Doing Health in Europe intends to explore who created health in  Europe during the last century. The phrase has a strange ring to it. We are not used to thinking  of health as something created, like a piece of craftmanship, but if we accept that a lot of what  determines health is, indeed, human-made, the question makes eminent sense. There is no doubt that health care workers, i.e. doctors, nurses, pharmacists and all other people  working in the health sector, have had some impact on people’s health. By providing diagnoses and administering medicine and

XXIII Simposio de la SEHM y propuestas de comunicaciones y carteles

Las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI han traído consigo grandes cambios para la medicina. Desde luego, la pandemia de covid19 ha dejado una huella imborrable que ha modificado de forma notable la percepción pública sobre las ciencias biomédicas. Pero, además, hemos sido testigos de una revolución técnica que está afectando profundamente a la práctica médica y, por supuesto, a su enseñanza.   El XXIII Simposio de la SEHM está dedicado a la docencia de la historia de la medicina y sus retos. Para ello, se han organizado varias mesas temáticas que   permitan a los asistentes establecer un debate fluido sobre asuntos tales como las (viejas y nuevas) herramientas didácticas, los posibles "ámbitos emergentes" de la disciplina o la profesionalización del profesor de historia de la medicina, entre otros.  ​ Además, tendrán cabida comunicaciones orales y carteles relacionados directamente con el tema del simposio, lo que asegurará una mayor participación de todos los interesados.  U

CfP: CL nº. 59 | Media-Bodies: matter and imaginary

Submissions deadline: July 31, 2023  Expected publication date: December 2023  https://rcl.fcsh.unl.pt/index.php/rcl/about/submissions Editors:  Aida Castro  (ICNOVA / I2ADS),  Maria Mire  (CICANT / AR.CO)  Media-bodies are frontier bodies that operate in the spaces-between. They are bodies that define and materialise themselves, acquire and install bodies in the crossings and, for this very reason, are open to the practices of the imaginary. Media-bodies show their specific experiences, politics and languages: they are their own medium appearance and their own essay and we can say that this emerges in the embodiment of the materialities they convoke, evoke or even in those that circulate and imagine in the crossings.  Does (in) a media-body vibrate the latency of its temporality? The cyborg, as Donna Haraway (1985) presented in her manifesto, would then be a media-body par excellence, a modern archetype. This body, even if obsolete, is still a figure that allows us to think about the

CfA: Channels of Transmission of Astronomical Knowledge in the Ottoman World (14th-18th centuries)21-24 November 2023 in Istanbul (Türkiye)

The international congress "Channels of Transmission of Astronomical Knowledge in the Ottoman World (14th-18th centuries)" will be held on November 21-24, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. The event is co-organized by the Department of the History of Science at Istanbul University and the French Institute of Anatolian Studies (IFEA). This international colloquium aims to investigate the history of the development and choice of methods and the production of astronomical techniques in the Ottoman world from the 14th to the 18th century, including the Mediterranean and all the territories that were part of the Ottoman Empire. Aiming for a broader audience, the colloquium will welcome scholars and colleagues in Hellenic, Byzantine, Iranian, Arabic, Ottoman, and Turkish studies, as well as specialists in the history of astronomical techniques in Europe. We wish to retrace the path of the transmission of astronomical techniques and methods through time and space and to highlight the key mo

CfA: Templeton-Sowerby Joint Workshop: Function and Dysfunction in Medicine and Psychiatry

20th – 21st of February 2024   The John Templeton Foundation-funded project ‘Agency, Directionality and Function’ at the City University of New York, and the Sowerby Philosophy and Medicine Project at King’s College London jointly invite submissions for an interdisciplinary workshop on ‘Function and Dysfunction in Medicine and Psychiatry’.   For nearly 50 years, philosophers have debated whether we should understand disease and disorder in terms of biological function and dysfunction. One prominent view holds that in order for something to qualify as a disease or disorder, it must involve the failure of some part or process to perform its natural function. Such debates often take on a special urgency in psychiatry, where theorists often debate whether a specific condition, like ADHD, depression, or even delusions, represents a ‘dysfunction,’ ‘normal cognitive variation,’ or a ‘functional’ response to a life circumstance. Some argue that many putative dysfunctions featuring in medicine

PhDs and postdocs on data science in psychopathology

The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen invites applications for several     FULLY-FUNDED 4-YEAR PHD POSITIONS and 2-YEAR POSTDOC POSITIONS on philosophical aspects of data science and its application in psychopathology. Please forward the job openings to potentially interested students. Deadline for all applications is June 21. Successful candidates will carry out research in the NWO-funded project "Gold rush in the data mine", in which philosophy of science is brought to bear on data science methods and machine learning, with specific attention for the use of these methods in psychiatry and clinical psychology. A further description of the project can be found on  this page . There you can also find a list of subprojects. For PhD positions, you can apply  here , and for postdoc position  here . Please follow the instructions and the link on the application page.

Postdoctoral position in project EPIC (epistemic injustice in health care), based in Bristol

Open field, 3 years, full time. Funded by Wellcome. About the project: http://epicproject.info/ Job ad: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/ jobs/find/details/?jobId= 313715&jobTitle=Senior% 20Research%20Associate%20( EPIC-Philosophy)

CfP: Process Philosophy and Technology (Edited Volume)

Editors: Mark Thomas Young & Mark Coeckelbergh   Featuring contributions from; Timothy Barker Vincent Blok Mark Coeckelbergh Johanna Seibt Mark Thomas Young Johannes Schick   Calls for a turn towards process in the philosophy of technology are increasing. In light of the recent success of the “process turn” in the philosophy of biology, many now look toward the philosophy of technology as the next subfield of philosophy which stands to benefit from the widespread adoption of the tools and perspectives of process philosophy. This optimism is not unfounded - after all, process perspectives have traditionally played a prominent role in philosophy of technology in the continental tradition, as exemplified by thinkers such as Gilbert Simondon or more recently, Yuk Hui. Despite its importance in these traditions however, process philosophy has yet to attain sufficient recognition as a theoretical approach in contemporary philosophy of technology. Existing work on process philosophy and t