
Mostrando entradas de marzo 24, 2013

CfP: International Health Organisations (IHOs) and the History of Health and Medicine c. 1870-2012

http://www.strath.ac.uk/iho/ Call for Papers: International Health Organisations (IHOs) and the History of Health and Medicine c. 1870-2012 October 18-20, 2013 Shanghai, China A jointly organised conference between the Shanghai Social Sciences Association, the David Musto Centre at Shanghai University, and the CSHHH Glasgow at the University of Strathclyde Proposals for panels and papers of no more than 300 words per paper are welcomed by April 30th 2013. Please submit by email to zhangyongan@shu.edu.cn and zhouqish@126.com . Those accepted will be notified by May 16 2013. IHOs and the history of health and medicine Recent studies of institutions as varied as the League of Nations Health Committee, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Medical Missionary Society have drawn attention to the multiple roles played by international organisations since the nineteenth-century in the fields of healthcare and medicine. Most obviously they have

WEB: Health Policy Advisory Center (Health/PAC) on line and free

March 25, 2013 Contact:   contact@healthpacbulletin.org HEALTH/PAC (POLICY ADVISORY CENTER) BULLETINS NOW AVAILABLE ON LINE, SEARCHABLE AND FREE AT www.healthpacbulletin.org Before there was an internet, with blogs, listservs and web pages to turn to, there was the Health/PAC Bulletin, the hard-hitting and muckraking journal of health activism and health care system analyses and critiques. A new web site, www.healthpacbulletin.org , is a complete and searchable digital collection of Health/PAC’s influential publication, which was published from 1968 through 1993. Health/PAC staffers and authors in New York City and briefly, a West Coast office in San Francisco, wrote and spoke to health activists across the country on every issue from free clinics to women’s health struggles to health worker organizing to environmental justice.   Health/PAC both reported on what was going on and reflected back on a wide variety of strategies and tactics to

Call for Submissions: 2013 Sacknoff Prize for Space History

It is my pleasure to announce the submission period for the 2013 Sacknoff Prize for Space History is now open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Details on the prize can be found at: http://www.spacehistory101.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=1824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First awarded in 2011, the annual prize is designed to encourage students to perform original research and submit papers with history of spaceflight themes. The winner receives a $300 cash prize, a trophy, and the possible publication in the journal, "Quest: The History of Spaceflight".   It is open to undergraduate and graduate level students enrolled at an accredited college or university. Submissions must be postmarked by 20 June 2013, with the winners announced in August. Manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words, be written in English, and emphasize in-depth research, with adequate citations of the so

CfP "Economies of Collections, Part I: Collections and the Marketplace"

Call for Papers Economies of Collections and the Value of Scientific Things Part 1: Collections and the Marketplace since the late 18 th Century Gotha, November 21-22, 2013 Scientific collecting is a process that mobilizes and spawns social, economic, political, and scientific capital. The materiality of collections links the production of scientific knowledge to the production and movement of things. Whereas historical research has recently emphasized the epistemic impact of collections we want to focus on their often neglected economic dimensions from the late 18 th century onwards. Historically, things and sciences have always been connected through marketplaces and economies. Prior to public display, scientific things used to circulate between collectors, traders, owners, and institutions. Indeed, things acquire their unique value by means of circulation. To focus on the economies of collections affords a clearer picture of monetary proces