WEB: Health Policy Advisory Center (Health/PAC) on line and free

March 25, 2013


Before there was an internet, with blogs, listservs and web pages to
turn to, there was the Health/PAC Bulletin, the hard-hitting and
muckraking journal of health activism and health care system analyses
and critiques. A new web site, www.healthpacbulletin.org, is a
complete and searchable digital collection of Health/PAC’s influential
publication, which was published from 1968 through 1993. Health/PAC
staffers and authors in New York City and briefly, a West Coast office
in San Francisco, wrote and spoke to health activists across the
country on every issue from free clinics to women’s health struggles
to health worker organizing to environmental justice.  Health/PAC both
reported on what was going on and reflected back on a wide variety of
strategies and tactics to build a more just health care system – a
conversation that continues today.

Health/PAC coined the terms “medical empire” and “medical industrial
complex” to capture the ways the profit motive distorted priorities in
the American health care system. It critiqued big Pharma and rising
health care costs, explored the differing forms of health activism,
and made it clear that a seemingly disorganized health care system was
in fact quite organized to serve ends other than health care.  Its
first book, The American Health Empire (1970), published by Random
House, brought its analysis to national attention. Other edited
collections of the Bulletins followed: Prognosis Negative (1976) and
Beyond Crisis (1994).  Many of today’s leading health activists,
reformers and policy scholars got their start at Health/ PAC.

The website adds immeasurably to the resources documenting the history
of mid- to late- 20th century American health policy and politics.
Activists, scholars, journalists, practitioners, professors, and
students will all find these Bulletins a source of useful analysis and
information.  This is not only a way to learn about the late 20th
century history, but to consider why certain issues continue to plague
our health system.

The site is a work in progress and we welcome your feedback and
suggestions. It was a real labor to get these collected and available
and we hope you find the site a useful resource. .


Merlin Chowkwanyun, Feygele Jacobs, Ronda Kotelchuck and Susan M.
Reverby for the former HEALTH/PAC staff and board

The Health/PAC Archives Workgroup

Merlin Chowkwanyun, Feygele Jacobs, Susan Reverby, Ronda Kotelchuck,
David Rosner, Oli Fein and Robb Burlage

Susan M. Reverby
Marion Butler McLean Professor in the History of Ideas
Professor of Women's and Gender Studies
Wellesley College
on sabbatical 2012-13