
Mostrando entradas de julio 22, 2018

CfP: 2nd Joint Meeting of the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences and the International Society for Gender Medicine

We welcome proposals in all areas of sex and gender differences research, spanning the gamut from fundamental biology (including evolution, genetics, molecular/cellular biology, and physiology) to translational science and clinical research. Symposia should highlight an area of current research on sex and gender differences, rather than being focused on issues related only to one sex. Proposed symposia should attempt to include basic and clinical science (i.e., from bench to bedside). We particularly encourage proposals involving speakers and topics new to the OSSD and IGM, including proposals focusing on fast-moving, timely areas, and proposals bringing together interdisciplinary perspectives on a common theme. Symposia should be chaired by an OSSD or IGM member or co-chaired by two members. Proposals from new and prospective members are encouraged, so membership of the chair(s) is not required at the time of proposal submission. However, non-member chairs should be prepar

Oferta col·laboració de SECCB - IEC

La Secció de Ciències Biològiques (SECCB) de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans cerca un col·laborador/a científic/a per a dur a terme estudis bibliogràfics, compilar informació científica i contribuir als treballs de redacció d’un informe que la SECCB vol elaborar sobre canvi climàtic i salut humana durant el proper curs acadèmic 2018-2019 i que serà coordinat pel president de la SECCB, Pere Puigdomènech, amb el suport específic dels membres de la Secció, Cèlia Marrasé i Jordi Camí. Aquesta col·laboració s’estendrà des de l’1 d’octubre fins al 31 de desembre de 2018, tot i que és possible que es pugui allargar uns quants mesos més de l’any 2019. Les persones candidates han d’haver completat el doctorat i, preferiblement, han d’estar desplegant la seva etapa postdoctoral en l’àmbit científic. Es valoraran positivament les candidatures de persones que estiguin desenvolupant la seva tasca científica en àmbits directament relacionats amb el canvi climàtic i la salut humana. Per a

Novedad editorial: Health Policies in Interwar Europe

By Josep L. Barona Research into public health policies and expert instruction has been oriented traditionally in the national context. There is a rich historiography that analyses the development of health policies and systems in various European and American countries during the first decades of the twentieth century. What is often ignored, however, is the study of the great many connections and circulations of knowledge, people, technologies, artefacts and practices during that period between countries. This book redresses that balance.

CfP: Women and the chemical elements

Call for contributions, book project Women in their element In 2019, the 150th anniversary of Mendeleev’s first publication of the Periodic Table of Elements will be celebrated, and UNESCO has declared 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table. Of the many publications dealing with the history of the Periodic Table, few texts deal with women’s contributions. We are planning a collective volume on women and their contribution to the building and the understanding of the Periodic Table and of the elements themselves. The volume has the title Women in their element: Selected women’s contributions to the periodic system and will be edited by Annette Lykknes and Brigitte Van Tiggelen.  However, while a book on women’s

Recurso: enlaces a los vídeos del ciclo de coloquios "Vulnerables"

8 de març Save the Children and the question of compassion for “enemy” children Rebecca Gill, University of Huddersfield (Huddersfield, UK) Youtube https://youtu.be/K50xz8XL1Q4 15 de març “I have done my own duty”: la fatiga de la compasión en Florence Nightingale Dolores Martín Moruno, Université de Genève (Ginebra) Youtube https://youtu.be/kYmPSpv7mwM 22 de març Fernanda Jacobsen y la Scottish Ambulance Unit en la Guerra Civil Española Linda Palfreeman, Universidad CEU – Cardenal Herrera (Elx) Youtube https://youtu.be/MXk00mTnMgk   Todas las conferencias están colgadas en: Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ ResidenciaInvestigadors/ Twitter:   https://twitter.com/ ResidInvestig?lang=ca

CfP - Plastics Heritage Conference, May 2019 - Lisbon, Portugal

Url:  http://plasticsheritage2019.ciuhct.org/call-for-papers/ Under the aegis of the Plastics Heritage European Association (PHEA), the Portuguese Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT) will host the Plastics Heritage Congress 2019. Plastics Heritage: History, Limits and Possibilities (congress general theme), is the fifth in a series of international Plastics Heritage Conferences and will be held in Lisbon (29 – 31 May 2019), the capital city of Portugal at Museu da Farmácia. This congress aims to address plastics history and heritage by encouraging papers that contribute to a deeper understanding of the socioeconomic culture and material culture of historic polymeric materials (HIPOMS) in their various representations and functions in society. The main theme embraces the concepts of history, limits and possibilities of plastics heritage as organizing principles, thus perceiving their impact on the consumer and their technical and scientific d

Bibliotheca Philadelphiensis Project/CFP -- medieval/early modern mss in Philadelphia and eastern Pennsylvania

New Work on Manuscripts in Philadelphia: Coming out of the Bibliotheca Philadelphiensis Project As a celebration of the completion of the three-year Bibliotheca Philadelphiensis project (aka BiblioPhilly), through which we are digitizing over 450 medieval codices from across Eastern Pennsylvania, the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies is sponsoring a session of papers on new work on manuscripts from Philadelphia area libraries. We welcome proposals from anyone with new findings coming out of manuscripts from any library in the Philadelphia area. Please send a brief proposal (300 words max) and a participant information form (available here: https://wmich.edu/ medievalcongress/submissions ) to dorp@upenn.edu by September 15th.

CP: Mathematics and Poiesis in the Long Renaissance, RSA 2019, Toronto

Paper abstracts are invited for the seminar "Mathematics and Poiesis  in the Long Renaissance," to be held at the 17-19 March 2019 Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting in Toronto. reconceptions The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 August 2018. Proposers must be members of the RSA to access the submissions portal . Required information includes: --seminar session selection --paper title (15-word maximum) --abstract (150-word maximum) --curriculum vitae (. pdf or .doc/. docx upload) --PhD completion date (past or expected) --discipline area --keywords Acceptance decisions will be delivered by email in early September. Paper proposals not selected for inclusion by seminar organizers roll over to the general submissions pool for review by the full Program Committee. Final papers of approximately 4000 words will be due at a time TBD before arrival in Toronto, and pre -circulated among seminar participants and auditors. Se

Tenure-track assistant professorship in history and philosophy of science at the University of Copenhagen

https://employment.ku.dk/ faculty/?show=147659 The Department of Science Education, Section for History and Philosophy of Science seeks an excellent scholar for a tenure-track assistant professorship in history and philosophy of science, with a specialization within areas of relevance to scientific practice and/or to science education (e.g. philosophy of science in practice, integrated history and philosophy of science, socially relevant philosophy of science, or similar). The tenure track assistant professor’s duties will primarily include research, including obligations with regard to publication and research-based teaching with associated examination obligations within philosophy of science for science students, especially students from programs in biology, chemistry, geology, geography or nanoscience. To a limited extent, the position may also include other duties.  The tenure track assistant professor must have an academic standing showing internationall