
Mostrando entradas de marzo 19, 2017


En su deseo de impulsar los estudios sobre el pasado de las Ciencias de la Salud, la Fundación Uriach 1838 tiene instituido un premio anual de ámbito internacional, el cual será adjudicado al mejor trabajo que, a juicio de un jurado designado al efecto, trate de un tema sobre Historia y Ciencias de la Salud. Su concesión se adaptará a las siguientes BASES 1. El XLVIII Premio Fundación Uriach “Historia de la Medicina” correspondiente a 2017 está dotado con 3.000 euros para el ganador y un accésit de 1.000 euros, si el jurado lo considera oportuno. 2. Las monografías que opten al Premio deberán ser originales e inéditas, no siendo aceptadas aquellas que en el momento de la adjudicación hayan sido publicadas total o parcialmente, así como tampoco las presentadas a otros concursos. 3. Los trabajos deberán ser presentados en formato electrónico junto a una copia impresa con interlineado doble y una extensión recomendada de 80.000 caracteres, con espacios, inc

Convocatòria XVI PREMI ANTONI QUINTANA I MARÍ 2017 SCHCT. Termini: del 24 d'abril al 30 de juny de 2017

XVI PREMI ANTONI QUINTANA I MARÍ per a treballs de recerca d’ensenyament secundari obligatori i postobligatori   BASES 2017 DESCARREGA el fullet en PDF La Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT), amb l’objectiu de despertar l’interès per l’estudi i la recerca de la història de la ciència i de la tècnica entre els estudiants d’ensenyament secundari, convoca el setzè Premi Antoni Quintana i Marí amb les bases següents: 1 . Hi poden participar tots els alumnes dels centres d’ensenyament secundari obligatori i postobligatori (batxillerat i cicles formatius) dels Països Catalans. Els originals han d’ésser inèdits i redactats en català. 2 . Les obres que optin al premi han de ser fruit del treball de recerca individual o col·lectiva, tutelada, que els estudiants duen a terme com a part del seu currículum. 3 . Els treballs han de versar sobre aspectes de la història de la ciència, de la medicina i de la tècnica en qualsevol dels seu

CfP: International Seminar on Pandemics: Reflections on the Centennial of the 1918 Spanish Influenza Virus. Madrid, Spain, 27-29 November 201

Url:  https://iussp.org/en/iussp- international-seminar- pandemics This seminar is organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography, the Spanish National Research Council (Spain) Fogarty IC/National Institutes of Health (U.S.), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Organizing Committee: Diego Ramiro (CSIC), Cecile Viboud (NIH/FIC), Gerardo Chowell (NIH/FIC), Lone Simonsen (University of Copenhagen), Esteban Rodríguez Ocaña (University of Granada), María Isabel Porras Gallo (University of Castilla-La Mancha), Beatríz Echeverry Dávila, Rafael Huertas (CSIC), Ricardo Campos (CSIC) and Wladimir J. Alonso (NIH/FIC). The seminar will be held in English . Download the Call for Papers in pdf Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2017 The study of infectious disease and mortality lies within the core of research agendas of different scientific fields, from life sciences to historical demography.

CfP: Monográfico "Violencia sobre las mujeres"

Url:  http://www.ub.edu/cdona/es/noticies/monografico-violencia-sobre-las-mujeres El próximo número de MUSAS: revista de investigación en mujer, salud y sociedad estará dedicado a abordar de forma monográfica, y desde cualquier perspectiva ( sanitaria , social, jurídica, antropológica...), diversos aspectos relacionados con la violencia de género como la conceptualitzación, detección u otras aproximaciones al tema.  Se anima a enviar la propuesta de artículo antes del 30 de mayo de 2017.

Society for the History of Technology Dibner Award

The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) seeks nominations for the 2017 Dibner Award to recognize excellence in museums and museum exhibits that interpret the history of technology, industry, and engineering to the general public. Nominations are due by 1 May 2017, and exhibits must  have been open to the public for no more than 24 months before that date.  Complete information is available at: http://www.historyoftechnology.org/about_us/awards/dibner.html

CfP: "Extraordinary Bodies in Early Modern Nature and Culture", 26-27 October, Uppsala University

Url:  http://www.idehist.uu.se/research/research-areas/history-of-medicine/medicine-at-the-borders-of-life/extraordinary-bodies-in-early-modern-nature-and-culture/ Background A wealth of literature has shed light on religious, philosophical, scientific and medical concepts of extraordinary bodies, wonders and monsters in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Lorraine Daston and Katharine Park have been tremendously influential with their Wonders and the order of nature (1998) and in many ways contributed to our understanding of emotions and the monstrous before 1750. One of their suggestions is that there was no disenchantment, or clear pattern of naturalization, of monsters in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Monstrous births were explained by natural causes, such as a narrow womb or an excess of seed, already by medieval writers whereas they could still be read as divine signs in the late seventeenth century. No linear story took monsters from

CfP: IASC Conference (Lisbon): Crossing Borderlines: Controversies and Interdisciplinarity

In front of the dramatic effect of the problems that humanity is facing today, more and more deep collaboration between scholars of different disciplines is necessary. Problems like deprivation, war, cannot be faced by only one disciplinary domain. They are too big and too complex as to claim for an interdisciplinary approach. However,  interdisciplinarity  ( ID) is a vague concept and a much demanding practice. It claims not only to a mere juxtaposition of theoretical positions, in which any scholar is isolated in her/his own language. ID supposes the continuous search of convergent theoretical perspectives and methodologies, the definition of common spaces and grammars as well as a true dialogical and open mind attitude of the several scholars. For these reasons, ID is closely connected to the  ethics of communication . Before proposing any hypothesis, the scholar must put in place her/his not obvious  listening  attitude, which is one of the fundamental dimension

PhD position history of colour research

Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­sität Ber­lin - Fac­ulty I - Insti­tute of Philo­sophy, His­tory of Lit­er­at­ure, Sci­ence, and Tech­no­logy Research assist­ant - 0.65 work­ing time - salary grade E13 TV-L Ber­liner Hoch­schu­len Work­ing field: Research within the pro­ject (fun­ded by DFG) "The order of col­ours. Col­our sys­tems and col­our ref­er­ence tables in 18th cen­tury Europe". The suc­cess­ful applic­ant is expec­ted to develop a com­pre­hens­ive and con­tex­tu­al­ized pic­ture of European col­our ref­er­ence tables. The pos­i­tion allows to work out a PhD thesis and, if suc­cess­ful, to obtain the PhD degree. Require­ments: suc­cess­fully com­pleted uni­versity degree (Mas­ter, Dip­lom or equi­val­ent) in His­tory of Sci­ence, Art His­tory or other fields that are rel­ev­ant for the pro­ject. Com­pet­ence in his­tor­ical research lan­guage skills i

CfP Materia medica on the move II (Amsterdam, October 4-6, 2017)

Contextualizing drug components as collectables, commodities, and cultural markers in the  early modern period Amsterdam, October 4-6, 2017   After the successful Materia medica on the move conference in 2015, Utrecht University Descartes Centre, Huygens/ING, and Naturalis Biodiversity Centre will host a three-day follow-up conference, again devoted to the circulation of knowledge regarding non-native natural substances that were used in medicine in the early modern period (1500-1800). The conference will take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from 4 till 6 October 2017.   Goal of the conference In recent years the history of non-native natural substances, to which therapeutic properties were attributed, has received substantial attention from scholars in a range of disciplines. The various contexts and perspectives from which these substances can be studied (e.g. medicinal, scientific, socio-cultural, ethnobotanical, artistic) have led to much cross-disciplin

Call for Papers Science in Public Conference - panel 24: Bonding with Our Immediate Public: (Non)Human Dimensions of STS research

In many ways Science and Technology Studies (STS) scholars are a part of ‘the public’ for life scientists, and life scientists are in a sense the STS scholars’ most immediate and direct ‘public’. We are each ‘Other’ to some extent to each others’ worlds, as at the same time we can in our interactions become each others’ audience in Goffman’s sense. Yet to understand each others’ world making to what extent must we engage with each other at an affective, even intimate level? We invite contributions that consider the human and nonhuman dimensions of the bonds that STS scholars establish with their research subjects. We seek papers that analyse the characteristics of this bonding, including relations between STS scholars and humans (dead or alive) and non-humans (i.e. animals, documents, plants, instruments, microorganisms, matter). We welcome interrogation of the significance and affects of these primary associations for STS knowledge, and for the lives of those involve

JOB POSTING: 4 PhD positions in ethics of science/philosophy of science, Hannover/Bielefeld

4 fully funded positions for doctoral candidates in ethics of science and/or philosophy of science Starting Date: October 1st, 2017 Within the research group "Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Science" (jointly organized by the philosophy departments of Leibniz Universität Hannover and Bielefeld University, Germany) 2 positions at Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2 at Bielefeld University Net salaries roughly between 1480 and 1600 € per month, plus benefits such as health insurance Appointment for 2.5 years (6 months extension planned) Working language English, no command of German required Application Deadline: May 28th, 2017 More details under http://grk2073.org/apply For further inquiries, please contact rafael.ugarte.chacon@philos. uni-hannover.de

CfP: Biopolitical expert - Quaderni storici - deadline May 10, 2017

Biopolitical experts Call for papers for a monographic issue of «Quaderni storici» Social sciences have long focused their attention on the profile and the role of experts, considering their emergence and the role they acquired into the decisional processes of national and supranational political institutions as an occasion to investigate transformations in the relationship between practices, knowledge and powers. The expert is involved in uncertain situations, for the neutrality recognized to his own capacity to get a deeper level of truth. According to the research of social sciences, talking about experts is equivalent to discuss the process of legitimization of knowledge, starting from the relationship with the concrete experiences and the statutes of truth that define the knowledge. In these terms, the processes of selection and identification of experts appear as a complex and full social process, mobilizing different requests through which criteria and

Hobbes Studies Essay Competition 2017

Url:  http://www.editorialmanager.com/hobs/default.aspx Hobbes Studies is pleased to invite submissions to the 2017 Hobbes Studies Essay Competition. Submissions should treat the philosophical, political historical, literary, religious, or scientific aspects of the thought of Thomas Hobbes and be no more than 10 000 words. Essays are invited from researchers in any field who are currently enrolled in postgraduate study or completed their PhD no earlier than 3rd March 2012. Submissions must be received by 15th May 2017 (DEADLINE EXTENDED). The judges reserve the right not to make an award. All submissions should be uploaded to the journal's Editorial Manager website: http://www.editorialmanager.com/hobs/default.aspx . When submitting your manuscript for consideration, please note in the comments box that you desire to be considered for the 2017 competition (immediately before uploading the files), and include your CV. Submissions must follow Hobbes Studies submission guidel