
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 18, 2016

Dynamis. Volumen 36(2). 2016

Dynamis Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam Volumen 36(2)  2016 EDITORIAL Dynamis y los nuevos retos en la edición de revistas científicas DOSSIER THE PASTEUR INSTITUTES OF THE MAGHREB DURING THE COLONIAL PERIOD Guest Editor: Francisco Javier Martínez Translating Pasteur to the Maghreb Francisco Javier Martínez Le laboratoire et le bled. L’Institut Pasteur d’Alger et les médecins de colonisation dans la lutte contre le paludisme (1904-1939) Claire Fredj Double trouble: French colonialism in Morocco and the early history of the Pasteur Institutes of Tangier and Casablanca (1895-1932) Francisco Javier Martínez Les  Instituts  Pasteur  du  Maghreb: mémoires  divisées, histoire transversale Anne-Marie Moulin ARTÍCULOS El arte al servicio de la ciencia: antecedentes artísticos para la impresión total del paisaje en Alexander von Humboldt Elisa Garrido Moreno, Sandra Rebok y Miguel Ángel Puig-Samper

Two full professorships at the LCSS of the U of Hannover

I would like to draw your attention to two jobs advertized by the Leibniz Center for Science and Society (LCSS,  www.lcss.uni-hannover. de ) at Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany.  One is a Full Professorship in Science and Society, the other a Full Professorship in Methodology of Higher Education Research and Science Studies. The closing date for applications is November 3rd. The ads are here, in English: < http://www.lcss.uni- hannover.de/fileadmin/lcss/ pdf/Gemeinsame_ Stellenausschreibung_englisch_ W3_WuG_Methodologie.pdf >, and in German: < http://www.lcss.uni- hannover.de/fileadmin/lcss/ pdf/Gemeinsame_ Stellenausschreibung_deutsch_ W3_WuG_Methodologie.pdf >.

Call for papers: 'Pharmaceutical innovation after World War II: from rational drug discovery to biopharmaceuticals'

Pharmaceutical innovation after World War II: from rational drug discovery to biopharmaceuticals’. The twentieth century has witnessed an unprecedented advancement of biomedical sciences, especially in drug discovery and design. After World War II, life-saving pharmaceutical innovation has materialised primarily through systematic research, and has consisted of a series of thematic developments that have been tightly-linked not only to the contemporary technological advances, but also particularly to the contemporary understanding of human physiology and pathophysiology. This Research Topic aims to delineate and conceptualise pharmaceutical innovation within the twentieth century, with an emphasis on the post-World War II era, and to highlight its roots and pathways throughout that period. From the systematic assessment of botanicals and vital stains to the era of structural biology and computational modelling, authors are invited to contribute to the analysis of

Two positions in History and Philosophy of Science, Pittsburgh

Open Rank Professor of History and Philosophy of Science University of Pittsburgh , Department of History and Philosophy of Science is searching to fill two tenured or tenure track positions. Rank:  Open in History and Philosophy of Science beginning September 1, 2017, pending budgetary approval. AOS:  Open, but with strong preference for History and Philosophy of Biology; AOC: Open. Candidates should exhibit interest in integrating history and philosophy of science as well as in-depth knowledge of the science or sciences relevant to their research.   Four courses per year; graduate and undergraduate advising; usual non-teaching duties.   Ph.D. prior to appointment is required.  Tenured applicants should submit a cover letter and a CV, references not required at this time, through the following URL: https://facultysearch.as.pitt. edu/apply/index/MTY0 . Untenured Applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV, at least three confidential references, a research statement, teaching

AAG 2017: Landscapes of Humanitarian Expertise

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  October 20, 2016 Location:  Massachusetts, United States American Association of Geographers 2017 Annual Meeting, April 5-9, Boston MA Proposed Session: Landscapes of Humanitarian Expertise: The Built Environment Professionalism of Aid and Development Conveners: Shawhin Roudbari (University of Colorado) and Sharóne Tomer (Virginia Tech) From the (now defunct) Architecture for Humanity to Engineers Without Borders, recent decades have witnessed an emergence of endeavors by built environment professionals (architects, planners, and civil engineers) operating in the realm of aid and development. In these professions, the urge to ‘socially engage’ is not new.[1] However, the late twentieth century iteration of the modernist ‘social project’[2] is unique in its intersections with millennial goals for humanitarianism. The collision of contemporary developmentalism, increased frequency of natural disaster and politically-induced

Conv. Simposio “Saberes científicos y políticas migratorias en América Latina”

Convocatoria para el simposio “Saberes científicos y políticas migratorias en América Latina” . Congreso de AHILA,  En los márgenes de la  historia tradicional. Nuevas miradas de América Latina desde el  siglo XXI  a celebrarse en Valencia del 5 al 9 de septiembre de 2017. El incremento de los flujos migratorios a finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX condujeron a los Estados latinoamericanos a establecer normas migratorias interesadas en responder a un doble imperativo: atraer mano de obra para el afianzamiento de poblaciones “aptas para progreso”, y seleccionar racialmente para blanquear las “razas americanas. Estos imperativos regularon los ingresos a través de criterios de deseabilidad fundados en el origen nacional y en la adscripción “racial” de los migrantes. En la definición de estos criterios de selección actuaron saberes científicos procedentes de las ciencias naturales y sociales. La legitimidad científica en las normas de inclusión y exclusión, la represent

CfP: The Body Politic: States in the History of Medicine and Health

Biennial Conference of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) Bucharest , Romania , 30 August - 2 September 2017 Hosted by ‘Carol Davila’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest The state, as we have come to know it, is very much a 19 th -century creation. After poverty, ill health was the dominant social issue targeted by the interventions of emerging -states. Following the principle of the fair allocation of resources to meet basic social and economic needs, many countries introduced collective funding of health care in the 19 th century. National healthcare systems came to epitomise the principle that all citizens have an equal right to health and that costs should be shared equitably. At the end of WWII, the WHO defined health as a universal human right. In the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), it was proclaimed that “everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself

CfP: "Health & Environment"

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  November 10, 2016 Location:  United States Subject Fields:  Environmental History / Studies, Literature, Sexuality Studies, Humanities, Health and Health Care Seeking presenters for a panel proposal for the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE) Biennial Conference in Detroit, MI, June 20-24, 2017 Health & Environment In a 2012 article in Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (part of the 19.3 special issue on “material ecocriticism”), Greg Garrard proposed adding the term “health” to the list of tropes analyzed in his Ecocriticism (2012). Taking its cue from Garrard’s helpful and provocative consideration of health, life writing, and queer ecology, this panel will consider ecocriticism and the environmental humanities in light of “health” and its negative obverse (whether defined in terms of illness, sickness, pathology, or death). At issue will be the productive r

Grounding Biopower: Inventions of Land and Landscape

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  December 1, 2016 Location:  Switzerland Subject Fields:  Architecture and Architectural History, Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Race Studies, Rural History / Studies, World History / Studies Workshop: June 2-3, 2017 at University of Basel, Urban Studies In his early lectures on biopolitics, Michel Foucault described a crucial shift occurring in eighteenth-century Europe as population came to displace territory as the primary object of sovereignty. Assuming this account to be true, the question arises: What exactly happened to territory? Did it become simply a container for population, or perhaps an instrument of its governance? Or did it become something different altogether, displaced yet again by new techniques of land-management, colonization, warfare, and financial speculation? This workshop proposes that, with the rise of biopower, territory increasingly became translated into land, the latter emerging a

Job: Curator of Chemistry, Science Museum, London

Science Museum, London Salary: £25-30K (more may be available for an exceptional candidate) The Science Museum is seeking a Curator of Chemistry to explore the varied roles of chemistry and chemists today and in the past. Working with colleagues across our Group of Museums, you will create opportunities to engage visitors with chemistry-related content across our public programming. This is a wonderful opportunity to work with world-class collections of around 10,000 objects spanning experimental chemistry, industrial chemistry, plastics and biochemistry.  You will implement new programmes of research and interpretation of the collections, raising their profile and increasing public access. You will also build and share expertise in the history and current practice of chemistry, fostering links with the history of chemistry and chemistry communities. This role supports a collaboration between the Science Museum and The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) to

Call for Applications: Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Fellowship 2017

The Leopoldina Akademie Freundeskreis e.V. announces the “Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Fellowship” for 2017. Johann Lorenz Bausch (1605-1665) founded the Academia naturae curiosorum, the Leopoldina, on 1 January 1652 in Schweinfurt together with four other physicians. This makes it the oldest continuously existing academy of medicine and the natural sciences in the world. The Leopoldina was appointed as the German National Academy of Sciences on 14 July 2008. It addresses key issues of particular significance for the future of society from a scientific perspective and independently of economic or political interests, shares its findings with policymakers and the public, and puts these issues up for discussion on a national and international level. In addition, it takes on the classic tasks of an academy by carrying out research, for example in the field of the history of science, and promoting young scientists and researchers. Target group and possible topics The fellows

Call for Applications: 2017-18 Beckman Center Fellowships in the History of Science, Technology, Medicine, and Industry

The Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry at the Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF), an independent research library in Philadelphia, PA, invites applications for short-term and long-term fellowships in the history of science, medicine, technology, and industry ( http://www.chemheritage.org/ research/beckman-center/ beckman-center-fellowships/ apply.aspx ). Short-term fellows are particularly meant to use the collections, while long-term fellows' work must help to support the mission of the institution and fit with collections more generally. The research collections at CHF range chronologically from the fifteenth century to the present and include 6,000 rare books, significant archival holdings, thousands of images, and a large artifact and fine arts collection, supported by over 100,000 reference volumes and journals. Within the collections there are many areas of special strength, including: alchemy, mining & metallurgy, dyeing and bleaching, balneolog