
Mostrando entradas de febrero 14, 2021

XIX Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Semiótica (AES)

Url:  https://congresos.ugr.es/aes2022/ Los días 21, 22 y 23 de abril de 2022, la Universidad de Granada acogerá el XIX Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Semiótica con el objetivo de reflexionar sobre los  tres conceptos del título del Congreso:  cuerpo ,  sujeto y reflexión semiótica . Hacen mención al hecho de que por el cuerpo, en tanto entidad biológica, pasan las percepciones y estímulos en los que se basa cualquier semiótica, pero también al postulado de la subjetividad como procesadora de la actividad semiótica. Se da entre cuerpo –todavía no sujeto- y sujeto, una mutua reflexividad, que la disciplina semiótica intenta a su vez explicar. Una selección de los mejores trabajos presentados al XIX Congreso Internacional de la AES será publicado en revistas académicas como  Signa  (Q1 – FECYT 2019). El XIX Congreso Internacional de la AES atenderá a las instrucciones y recomendaciones de las autoridades competentes en el caso de que la situación sanitaria de la pand

CfP: Virtual Panel on 'Perceptions of Climate Change in the Nineteenth Century' for the Social Science History Conference (11-14 Nov. 2021)

 Climate change is not a new phenomenon, and neither is global warming. The end of the Little Ice Age (roughly 1300-1850) implies that societies in the nineteenth century also had to deal with rising temperatures and all associated issues. Despite the current boom in climate-change research, we lack historical studies on how individuals and societies interpreted climate change before the impact of carbon dioxide emissions was verified. The panel that is envisioned aims to shed light on the hitherto neglected question of how interpretations of climate change evolved in the nineteenth century. It will investigate how the relationship between humans and nature was perceived and the extent to which human actions were associated with climate change. If the sources permit it, papers are invited to combine regional, national and global perspectives. Possible research questions might include and/or combine some of the following queries: When and by whom was climate change interpreted in the ni

CfP: Gendered and Sexual Aging in the History and Culture of Medicine: Call for Contributions for Journal Special Edition

Contributions are invited for a special edition of a high-quality interdisciplinary journal on the topic of “Gendered and Sexual Aging in the History and Culture of Medicine”. This special edition forms part of the grant activities of Associate Professor Alison M. Downham Moore in the Australian Research Council Discovery project:  Sexual Aging in the History of Medicine . The journal special edition will be edited both by Associate Professor Moore who a historian of European and global medicine at Western Sydney University and by Professor Sarah Lamb who is Barbara Mandel Professor of Humanistic Social Sciences Professor of Anthropology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Brandeis University.   Researchers from the humanities, social sciences and medical sciences are invited to propose papers for inclusion in this special edition which will be proposed, in the first instance, to the Cambridge University Press interdisciplinary journal  Ageing and Society  on the basis of

CfP: 9th Annual University of Calgary Philosophy Graduate Conference

Trusting relationships between science and the public:  Locating problems and generating solutions   Dates of Conference: April 30 – May 1, 2021   Keynote: Naomi Scheman (Minnesota)   The central question of this conference will be “How can we constructively criticize science from a variety of perspectives, without further damaging public trust in science?”   Paper topics may include but are not limited to: general philosophy of science trust and criticism of science feminist philosophy of science indigenous criticisms of science intersectional criticisms of science social epistemology environmental ethics   Submissions of papers of up to 3000 words (not including abstract or bibliography, but including footnotes/endnotes), prepared for blind review and suitable for a 20-minute presentation should be submitted:  https://easychair. org/conferences/?conf=ucpgsa90   Organizers especially encourage submissions from members of marginalized groups.   Deadline for Submission: March 1st, 2021

CfP: STEMM and Belief in Diverse Contexts: Publics, Praxis, Policy and Pluralism, 7–9 July 2021 Online Conference

  Bursaries to support attendance are available, including (but not limited to) specific funds for digital access costs and the cost of childcare Organised by the  International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society  (INSBS)   In the last decade, there has been significant growth in social scientific and humanities research focusing on science, religion and belief in society. Greater attention is being paid to the varied ways in which perceptions of different aspects of STEMM subjects (science, technology, engineering, medicine, and mathematics) have been, or are, influenced by religious and non-religious belief, identity, community and conflict in different geographical, cultural and historical contexts. As this field of research has grown it has engaged in myth busting popular perceptions and stereotypes about the relationship between science and religion, which treat both science and religious/spiritual populations as monolithic. To date, much of this

CfP: History of speech communication research

27‐28th August 2021, Prague, CZ https://hscr2021.ff.cuni.cz The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in historical aspects of all areas of speech communication research. Contributions on any such topic will be welcome. What is worth examining, among other things, is the approach of researchers to their material. The special focus will be on the link in linguistic signs between the form (sound) and the meaning (sense) in speech communication research. The phonetic endeavour was often claimed to concern only the form, while meaning was delegated to semanticians (affective psychology, pragmatics or semantics in broader sense). Studying the sound structure of human speech without a regard to communicative meanings is not only one‐sided and incomplete, but also difficult to integrate into the wider scientific knowledge. The way researchers managed/refused to ignore meanings (functions) could be quite inspiring today. Like the past HSCR workshops in Dresden, Helsin

CfP: for a 2-day workshop: Teaching to Treat: Medical Education in the Empires (18th-20th centuries)

  Date: 21 & 22 June 2021 (Dates and time TBC) Venue: online with Zoom *Abstract submission deadline: 1 March 2021*   This online workshop aims to bring together early career researchers to share their research into the history of colonial medical education. While the application is open to all, the committee particularly encourages those focusing on the 18th-19th century British and French Empires. It will prioritise research projects based on archival funds in colonies or former colonies. The workshop will take the format of discussions of pre-circulated, short papers (drafts) prepared by all participants. We plan to publish a selection of workshop papers as a special issue in a peer-reviewed journal.   More information   Possible topics may be:   - The establishment of medical schools in colonies - Interactions between metropoles and colonies in medical education - Teaching personnel involved in medical education - Medical curricula - Structures and architecture of imperial medi

CfP: Thirteenth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (FPMW13), October 7-9 2021

  The thirteenth edition of the French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop  (FPMW13) will be held from the 7th to the 9th of October 2021 at the  Université Côte d’Azur in Nice—with the possibility of modifications  linked to the ongoing health crisis. Each year, the workshop program consists of five talks by invited speakers, and five contributed talks (see the programs of previous editions of the workshop at the address  https://philmath. hypotheses.org/fpmw ). This year, the invited speakers are: - Hourya BENIS-SINACEUR (CNRS, IHPST) - Valeria GIARDINO (CNRS, Institut Jean-Nicod) - Patrick POPESCU-PAMPU (Université de Lille, laboratoire Paul-Painlevé) - Dominique PRADELLE (Sorbonne Université, Archives Husserl) - Dirk SCHLIMM (McGill University) For the five contributed talks, all topics in the philosophy of mathematics are welcome, no matter their approach. The workshop is also open to philosophical talks presenting a link to mathematics that do not fall under the philosophy of math

CfA: Science & Education Journal Special Issue

Submission deadline: April 30th, 2021 Call for Papers - Why Trust Science and Science Education? Public debates around issues such as climate change and vaccination have put into question the public trust in science (Oreskes, 2019). Some science education researchers have adopted positions that science is fundamentally shaped by ideology (Mackenzie, Good, & Brown, 2014). The emerging lines of research in science and science education have been based on claims that science suffers from a systematic bias through sexism, racism, capitalism, colonialism and other ideological interests. The methodological approaches such as ethnomethodology, deconstructionism and critical theory have mediated the propagation of such lines of research along with showcasing of historical case studies of misuse of and abuse by science in society. In the broad context of social justice causes including efforts to combat structural racism and sexism, such framing of science as an oppressive endeavour would a

CfA: 2nd Young Scholars Pragmatism Conference: Inquiry, Science, Truth (11-12 October 2021, Cambridge)

Keynote speakers: Prof. Cheryl Misak (University of Toronto) and Prof. Hasok Chang (University of Cambridge)   We invite submissions of abstracts for the second edition of the Young Scholars Pragmatism Conference. It will be a hybrid event with online and in-person talks (20-mn presentation / 35-mn discussion).  While pragmatist ideas and methods are present in a great variety of academic fields and subfields, pragmatism started as a theory of meaning and inquiry (Peirce, James, Dewey), and became (in)famous as a theory of truth. This conference seeks to explore these fundamental themes running from the beginnings of pragmatism to the present. Possible topics for submission include (but are not limited to):  ·   Meanings and concepts: what are our concepts for? How should we construe the meaning of our terms? How are concepts formed, and how do they evolve?  ·   The theory of inquiry and scientific or logical methods: is there a scientific method? What is (or are) the method(s)

Lisa Jardine History of Science Grant open to applications until 17th March

Lisa Jardine Grant of the Royal Society is currently open for applications and there is one month left to apply (closing deadline 17 March 2021, 3pm) The grant is available to PhD students and early career researchers in history of science, and other interdisciplinary studies combining humanities and the natural sciences. The scheme offers funding for: •       Extended research trips for UK and overseas-based researchers to use the Royal Society’s own rich historical collections (up to £8,000 available for travel and subsistence costs depending on destination and length of research, 1 - 3 months (£2,000 international travel, £2,000/month subsistence)). •       UK based students wishing to travel overseas to carry out short, exploratory archival research trips (up to £2,000 available for trips up to 1 month) •       International travel and expenses for UK based students to attend conferences and networking or training events (up to £2,000 available for trips up to 1 month) The grant is