
Mostrando entradas de marzo 24, 2019

Seminario on line: New vaccine introduction then and now

Prof. Dr. Stuart Blume ( Universitat d’Amsterdam) Fecha: miércoles 3 de abril de 2019 a las 16.00 horas El seminari podrà seguir-se en directe a través del sistema Adobe Connect entrant a la pàgina:  http://reunion.uv.es/ hcc2    Presentació i coordinació del seminari:  Mª José Báguena (IILP-UV)  i Mª Ángeles Erazo Pesántez   ( professora i nvestigadora) Hay numerosos estudios que comparan la introducción de nuevas vacunas en varios países. Algunos de estos estudios tratan de explicar los retrasos en la introducción de nuevas vacunas, pues suponen que lo más racional es la introducción de cada vacuna disponible. Por tanto, cuando un país dispone de recursos financieros, el retraso en la introducción de nuevas vacunas suele interpretarse como un desvío, como un problema que requiere una explicación. En contraste, son pocos los estudios que examinan la introducción de nuevas vacunas a lo largo del tiempo. No obstante, se sabe que a partir de Segunda Guerra Mundial

Colloque interantional: Santé à la mine, acteurs et systèmes de soins

Les enjeux de santé liés aux mondes miniers ont fait l’objet ces dernières années d’une attention renouvelée de la part de l’histoire et des sciences sociales, en particulier le cas de la silicose. Ils constituent en même temps, à l’échelle mondiale, autant de questions très contemporaines, incontestables enjeux d’avenir. Le colloque Santé à la mine, acteurs et systèmes de soins aura pour objectif de proposer des communications de seize intervenants français et étrangers sur le thème de la santé dans les mines de charbon et d’autres minerais en France, en Belgique, au Cameroun, au Canada, en Espagne, en Inde, en Italie et au Pays de Galles. Les interventions porteront sur les législations et leur mise en place à l’échelle locale, la reconnaissance des maladies, les outils de prévention, mais aussi les mobilisations des différents acteurs : ouvriers, patrons, syndicats. Une table ronde finale réunira différents acteurs autour des enjeux de la question de la santé : enjeu

Beques de la SCHCT per participar a la 10th European Spring School on History of Science and Popularization

La SCHCT ofereix beques per a alumnes de màster o doctorands d'història de la ciència que vulguin assistir a la 10th European Spring School on History of Science and Popularization que tindrà lloc a Maó, del 23 al 25 de maig de 2019. Aquest any el tema de l'escola és el següent:   HANDLING THE BODY, TAKING CONTROL: TECHNOLOGIES OF THE GENDERED BODY (Per a més informació:  http://blogs.iec.cat/schct/ activitats-2/escola-de- primavera/10th-european- spring-school/ ) Els/les interessats/des, envieu una carta de motivació  amb l' assumpte "BECA ESS 2019"  a:  schct@iec.cat  . El termini de recepció de cartes acaba el dia  10 d'abril de 2019  i la decisió presa per la SCHCT serà comunicada directament a les persones interessades abans del dia 30 d'abril de 2019. Les beques consistiran en: - Inscripció gratuïta - i/o allotjament gratuït en el règim establert (habitació compartida) - i/o devolució de les despeses de trasllat (poster

CfP: Theses on the Scientific Revolution: A Historiographical Reappraisal of the Origins of Modern Science

Url:  http://www.historiographyofscience.org/index.php/transversal/announcement/view/15 Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science  is pleased to announce a Call for Papers dedicated to the topic “Theses on the Scientific Revolution: a historiographical reappraisal of the origins of modern science”.  Since the 1930s a whole series of innovations which transformed mechanical arts and natural philosophy of the 16 th and 17 th century into modern natural sciences was subsumed under the label of “the Scientific Revolution”. The term soon gained considerable popularity due to the works of A. Koyré, H. Butterfield, A. R. Hall, M. Boas Hall and many other historians of early modern science. They tried to provide an account to the Scientific Revolution e. g. in terms of the “mathematization of nature”, the “rise of artisanal knowledge”, or the “influence of the magical perception of reality”. In the early 1960s, this traditional historiograp

Handling the body, taking control: technologies of the gendered body

10 th European Spring School on History of Science and Popularization Institut Menorquí d’Estudis, Maó (Balearic Islands, Spain) 23-25 May 2019 Organized by: The Catalan Society for the History of Science and Technology Coordinated by: Montserrat Cabré (Universidad de Cantabria) Teresa Ortiz-Gómez (Universidad de Granada) Presentation The aim of the 10 th European Spring School [ESS] ‘Handling the body, taking control: Technologies of the gendered body’ is to encompass a diversity of themes around the axis of the historical construction of the gendered body as a locus of both empowerment and disempowerment and the place of the natural philosophical and biomedical disciplines in shaping the political and subjective dimensions of human experience. The School is particularly concerned with exploring how diverse intellectual and social movements have struggled to gain authority and cultural hegemony over women´s bodies by way of defining sexual difference and

2019 Medical Heritage Library Fellows

ABOUT US: The Medical Heritage Library, Inc. (MHL) is a collaborative digitization and discovery organization committed to providing open access to history of medicine and health resources. We aspire to be a visible, research-driven history of medicine and health community that serves a broad, interdisciplinary constituency. Our goal is to make high-quality content available online free of charge and to simplify and centralize the discovery of these resources. DESCRIPTION: Hosted by one of our member institutions in New York, Boston, New Haven, Philadelphia, or San Francisco, the fellow will develop a user-friendly web interface and author supporting workflows to make MHLonArchiveSpark functionality more broadly accessible to researchers and better facilitate: 1) using the MHL’s Advanced Search Tool to identify a set of texts meeting user criteria and retrieving all of them from the Internet Archive and 2) using ArchiveSpark to extract the full text of a results set (including m

CfP: special issue of HOPOS on Animism and its Discontents

HOPOS  Special Issue:  Animism and Its Discontents: Soul-Based Explanations in Early-Modern Philosophy and Medicine Deadline: October 31, 2019  Advisory Editors Boris DEMAREST (University of Amsterdam)  boris.demarest@hotmail.be Jonathan REGIER (Ghent University)  jonathan.regier@ugent.be Charles WOLFE (Ghent University)  ctwolfe1@gmail.com Issue Themes This special issue will explore varieties of animism in the natural philosophy of Western Europe from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. Our focus is “natural-philosophical animism,” the position that the soul, along with its faculties and powers, is integral to the functioning of nature as a whole, or to the functioning of some natural entities.  We ask contributors to consider how animist conceptions of the soul and of the soul’s involvement in nature were transformed throughout this period, sometimes by thinkers who were not invariably animists themselves. We invite analysis of how these transformat

Webinar: Waste and wellbeing: cultural waste disposal practices and health

Date: Tuesday 2 April 2019 Time: 13.00- 14.00 CEST, 12.00- 13.00 BST Venue: UN City, Denmark Live webcast/further information link:  www.euro.who.int/en/ cultureandhealth Our attitudes towards waste influence what we consume, how we consume it and when we throw it away. These attitudes can be strongly shaped by cultural and local contexts. Waste management and disposal practices encompass varying levels of society and types of waste; from individual food waste to the way chemical waste is managed globally. Such practices are a clear environmental determinant of health and well-being. The relationship between waste and health is recognized for example in Sustainable Development Goal 12 (‘Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns’) which aims to achieve ‘the environmentally sound management of … all wastes… in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment.’  Taking an interdisciplinary approach, with speakers from academia, policy

CfP: LISBON INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM Open Epistemologies: Mach, Bachelard, Feyerabend

Abstracts submission deadline  30 April, 2019 website:  http://openepist.rd.ciencias. ulisboa.pt The Centre for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon is organizing an international colloquium on “Open Epistemologies. Mach, Bachelard, Feyerabend”. The colloquium will take place in Lisbon on the 20th and 21st September 2019. The official languages of the conference are English and French. The problem of scientific method, important for scientists at least since the Renaissance, became crucial during the Enlightenment, generating debates that have extended to the present. An issue that remains relevant today is what happens when a pluralist methodology is adopted – what kind of science gets done, and/or not done? Ernst Mach (1838-1916), Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) and Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994) argue that there are different ways to construct knowledge, considering that there is a need to disrupt old scientific methods. Can we assume that they are proposing “op

CfP: Special Issue at Foundations of Science " “James Joule’s Bicentenary: Foundations and Nature of Science Teaching”

This special issue “James Joule’s Bicentenary: Foundations and Nature of Science Teaching” will publish original and unpublished papers related to   foundations of sciences, historical and epistemological analyses on Joule’s works and related interdisciplinary subjects in context. The foundations of sciences and nature of science methods–modelling in teaching sciences, interplays between theory and experiments are also very encouraged and welcome. Deadlines Abstract–proposal (in English): April 30th, 2019   Acceptance/rejected: abstract–proposal: May 15th, 2019 Full paper submission: December 30th, 2019 Publication: expected 2020 Details at:  Foundations of Science:  https://www.springer. com/philosophy/epistemology+ and+philosophy+of+science/ journal/10699/PSE?detailsPage= press