
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 29, 2013

HaPoC 2013 (ENS, Paris): Programme online

Dear All, The program for the 2nd Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC 2013) that will take place at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris from 28th to 31st of October 2013 is now online (with abstracts): http://hapoc2013.sciencesconf.org/program I also want to remind you that normal registration for HaPoC 2013 is still open until October 15th: http://hapoc2013.sciencesconf.org/registration/index best regards, the organisers, Maarten Bullynck (Paris 8 & SPHERE) Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Lyon 3, IRPhil & CIRPHLES) History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC 2013, 28-31 October, Paris) http://hapoc2013.sciencesconf.org/

Post-doc position: 'ethnicity', 'race' and genetics, Oslo

Post-doc position in a project on 'ethnicity', 'race' and genetics The Institute of Health and Society at the University of Oslo along with the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, offers a 3-years post-doc, in the research project From racial typology to DNA sequencing: 'Race' and 'ethnicity' and the science of human genetic variation. The overall aim of the project is to shed light on interactions between social, cultural, ethical and scientific aspects of the development of concepts of  'ethnicity' and 'race' in physical anthropology and human genetic variation research in the period 1945-2012. The project includes a planned exhibition on the topic. The post-doc will pursue a project of his/her own design. The application should include a project outline, which will be strongly emphasized in the assessment of the applications. In addition to conducting his/her own project the research fellow should be prepared to contribute

CFP: History of the Life Sciences Since WWII

“ The Life Sciences after World War II:   Institutional Change and International Connections” May 16-17, 2014 University of Pittsburgh This conference, the second in a series of conferences on world-historical views of the history of science, addresses the theoretical and empirical work of researchers in the life sciences, from 1945 to 2000, in the context of changing scientific institutions, shifting socio-political regimes, and advancing knowledge.   The scope of life sciences, for our purposes, includes disciplines ranging from medicine and biology to psychology and public health, and we hope to explore the ramifications of these disciplines in other fields. For both historians of the life sciences and world historians, the post-WWII period remains relatively underexamined.   We seek interventions in interpretation of these fields from scholars based in history, history of science and medicine, social sciences and natural sciences.    In particular,

CfP: 2nd Symposium on History and Philosophy of Programming

Call for Papers/ Second Symposium on History and Philosophy of Programming www.computing-conference.ugent.be/hapop2 At AISB-50, Goldsmiths, London 1-4, April 2014 As part of the AISB-50 Annual Convention 2014 to be held at Goldsmiths, University of London, on April 1st--4th 2014 www.aisb.org.uk/events/aisb14 The convention is organised by the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour  (AISB) http://www.aisb.org.uk/ Overview The history and philosophy of computing only started to develop as real disciplines in the ’80s and ’90s of the previous century, with the foundation of journals (e.g. the IEEE Annals on the History of Computing, Minds and Machines and the like) and associations (SIGCIS, IACAP, . . . ), and the organization of conferences and workshops on a regular basis. A historical awareness of the evolution of computing not only helps to clarify the complex structure of the computing sciences, but it also provides an insig