
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 14, 2014

BJHS: books received for review

The British Journal for the History of Science publishes lists of books received for review quarterly, within each issue of the journal. The journal is happy to commission reviews from established academics, emeriti, doctoral students, and independent scholars. Prospective reviewers are encouraged to browse the books received list and contact the reviews editor, Dr Adam Mosley, if they see something that they would like to review. The reviews editor is also open to expressions of interest regarding forthcoming publications and other works not listed as books received. All enquiries should be directed to reviews.editor@bshs.org.uk. Of items received over the past twelve months, the following have not yet been placed with a reviewer: Books received for 0914 issue of the BJHS Angeloni, Roberto, Unity and Continuity in Niels Bohr’s Philosophy of Physics. Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2013. Pp. xi + 211. ISBN 978-88-222-6282-0. €27 (paperback). Atkins, Peter, Physical Chemistry: A Very Short In

Veterinary history: new virtual issue, Social History of Medicine

Oxford University Press, working with the Society for the Social History of Medicine, has just produced a new, free, virtual issue of Social History of Medicine, entitled 'Veterinary History comes of Age.' Its release coincides with the biennial congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, which took place in London last week. The issue gathers together several articles and book reviews on the theme of veterinary history, published by the journal in the last few years. It also features a new editorial by Saurabh Mishra entitled 'Veterinary history comes of age.' The issue can be viewed at http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/sochis/veterinaryhistory.html​ . Access is free until the end of October. After that, the paywall will return but as with all Social History of Medicine virtual issues, the website will remain active.

Health History in Action, the SSHM Postgraduate Career Development Workshop and Conference,

Dear all, We're pleased to announce the call for papers for Health History in Action, the SSHM Postgraduate Career Development Workshop and Conference, to be hosted by the Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare (Strathclyde and Glasgow Caledonian Universities) and to be held at Ross Priory on Loch Lomond from 26-28 August 2015. We are accepting abstracts for 20-minute papers on any topic in the history of health and medicine. Please send a 200-300-word abstract and 100 word biography to m.smith@strath.ac.uk by 31 January 2015. Full details can be found on our website. We hope to see you there! http://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/schoolofhumanities/history/healthhistoryinaction/

Book Review: Penny on Ciarlo, Advertising Empire: Race and Visual Culture in Imperial Germany.

David Ciarlo. Advertising Empire: Race and Visual Culture in Imperial Germany. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011. xvi + 419 pp. $49.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-674-05006-8. Perry Myers. German Visions of India, 1871-1918: Commandeering the Holy Ganges during the Kaiserreich. New York: Palgrave Macmillan , 2013. 304 pp. $85.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-137-29971-0. Reviewed by H. Glenn Penny (University of Iowa) Published on H-German (September, 2014) Commissioned by Chad Ross The Wonders of Imperial Germany and Its Intertwined Discourses on Colonialism and Race These are two very different books that share an interest in Germans' interconnections with the world from 1871 to 1918. Both are focused on the production of images and ideas about non-Europeans in Imperial Germany, but they differ in subject matter, research methodology, geographical orientation, and historiographic implications. As a result, they can be read together quite productively. Indeed, as we r

Book Review: McConnell on Weiss-Wendt & Yeomans, Racial Science in Hitler's New Europe

Anton Weiss-Wendt, Rory Yeomans. Racial Science in Hitler's New Europe, 1938-1945. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2013. 416 pp. $50.00 (paper), ISBN 978-0-8032-4507-5. Reviewed by Michael McConnell (University of Tennessee-Knoxville) Published on H-German (September, 2014) Commissioned by Chad Ross Racial Science on the Frontiers of Hitler's Europe Alongside the theme of modernity, the subject of racial exclusion rests at the center of the now voluminous scholarship dedicated to the Third Reich. In particular, hundreds, if not thousands, of studies have investigated the caustic forms of racial science, which undergirded Nazi ideology and provided the rationale for Adolf Hitler's regime's murderous and utopian efforts to restructure Europe demographically. Yet surprisingly little is known about the ways in which Nazi racial thinking interacted with local state and parastatal institutions in the German occupied territories, not to mention among

Book Review: Keighren on Steinke & Stuber (eds), Scholars in Action: The Practice of Knowledge and the Figure of the Savant in the 18th Century

André Holenstein, Hubert Steinke, Martin Stuber, eds., in collaboration with Philippe Rogger. Scholars in Action: The Practice of Knowledge and the Figure of the Savant in the 18th Century. History of Science and Medicine Library/Scientific and Learned Cultures and Their Institutions Series. Leiden: Brill, 2013. 2 volumes. xl + 932 pp. $318.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-90-04-24390-3. Reviewed by Innes M. Keighren (Royal Holloway, University of London) Published on H-HistGeog (September, 2014) Commissioned by Robert J. Mayhew Knowledge Made Human The desire to be read--to have one’s knowledge and ideas made mobile, to circulate, and to meet with an appropriate audience--is, as Scholars in Action testifies, a long-standing one. For scholars at work in the eighteenth century, vital and venerable modes of epistolary communication were increasingly supplemented by a range of printed alternatives, not least learned periodicals which permitted a more rapid and far-reaching diffusi

Call for Contributions: Counterfactual History of Technology

Why Ask What If?: Historians of Technology Look at Counterfactuals The editor of  Technology and Culture , Suzanne Moon, recently invited three scholars to ask "Why ask what if?" and explore the potential of counterfactuals in essays published online at  Technology's Stories , a feature of the Society for the History of Technology. ( http://www.historyoftechnology.org/tech_stories/index.html ) Let’s broaden the conversation and extend the view: this is your invitation to offer a new counterfactual essay for  Technology's   Stories .  What if Columbus had failed to make a Caribbean landfall?  What if President John Kennedy had backed Werhner von Braun’s vision of a space program aimed at Mars, not the Moon?  The topics are endless.  Have some fun, explore the possibilities, open our minds. Or how about some rumination on the limits of counterfactuals?  Why are explicit counterfactuals rare in technological history?  How do counterfactuals reshape narrative