
Mostrando entradas de marzo 3, 2024

CfP: Time in Nineteenth-Century Ireland

As we grapple with an accelerating digital culture defined by just-in-time deliveries, synchronous communication, instantaneous connectivity, and 24/7 availability, the 2024 SSNCI Conference aims to bring together researchers from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds to consider ‘time’ itself as a neglected dimension of Irish history. A critical approach to temporality in nineteenth-century Ireland and amongst the Irish diaspora might embrace a variety of methodological foci, from visual, dramatic and literary representations of time to its perception, measurement and use in everyday life. From the rise and fall of local ‘time zones’ to the disruptive ‘annihilation of time’ brought about by steam, locomotion and telegraphy, the emergence of modern synchronized ‘clock time’ accompanied seismic shocks in Irish life. Yet the playwright JM Synge’s claim to have introduced the first alarm clock to the Aran Islands in 1901 might best be taken as a prompt to explore the persistence of alt

CfP: Long-term waste, Slow disasters

Waste is considered ubiquitous and an inevitable outcome of living in “Late Industrialism.” (Fortun 2014). The cumulative outcomes of societies informed by ideas of growth have manifested in multiple ways thus not always readily visible to the eye. Waste depends on systems and infrastructures that remove unwanted or discarded materials in order to make problems of waste invisible and the system(s) seem coherent (Liboiron & Lepawsky 2022). While waste may seem inevitable in modern life, managing and administrating waste is both politically and socially contested and opens up questions of responsibility and expertise. The seemingly innocent packaging is connected to larger systems where economic ideas or technological advantages do not always provide adequate answers (or solutions) to a booming waste economy. Moreover, as historians have shown, global waste trade is deeply implicated in colonial and capitalist structures of exploitation (Müller etc) . “The future of plastic is in th

CfP: History of Physics symposium for ICHST 2025

The Inter-Union Commission for the History and Philosophy of Physics (IUCHPP) is organizing a symposium on Histories of Physics, with several sub-symposia sessions with specific foci, for the 27th International Congress of History of Science and Technology (ICHST) to be held on 29 June - 5 July 2025 in Dunedin, New Zealand (a hybrid conference). The IUCHPP is seeking participants in the following sub-symposia within its Histories of Physics symposium: Cold Wars and International Physics Quantum Century, 1925-2025 Historiographical Trends in the Physical Sciences (for instance, women’s history, global history, material culture and instrumentation, etc.) If you would like to participate in one of these sessions, please send your name, affiliation, email address, and the topic/title of your talk to communication@iuchpp.org by 23 March 2024. (At a later date, organizers will request a one-page CV and 250-word abstract, but these are not needed at this time). We are also open to proposal

Accepting submissions: History of Social Science

The  History of Social Science , published by the University of Pennsylvania Press on behalf of the Society for the History of Recent Social Science (HISRESS), will launch in early 2025. The journal is accepting submissions . History of Social Science offers an international forum for the examination of the transformations of the social sciences since the early twentieth century. The journal covers a variety of disciplines, from the core social sciences of economics, political science, and sociology, to disciplines with links to natural science, such as anthropology, geography, and psychology, and disciplines closer to the humanities, such as history and philosophy. Related fields, including area studies, business, communication studies, criminology, law, and linguistics, are also included under the journal’s editorial scope. An important editorial commitment of the journal is to solicit and cultivate scholarship on the history of the social sciences throughout the world, as well as w