
Mostrando entradas de mayo 29, 2016

Novedad editorial: Terapias de cine. 50 películas básicas en torno a la medicina

Autor: Carlos Tabernero Holgado Sinopsis: La medicina y el cine son parte de nuestro día a día. Acudimos a la consulta o a la sala en busca de algún tipo de alivio y de puertas a otros mundos. Y la consulta y la sala, la medicina y el cine, se miran de reojo. La medicina quiere al cine para mirar, explorar y estudiar, diagnosticar y operar; también como herramienta publicitaria y de propaganda, para construir su autoridad. Y el cine cuenta muy a menudo con la medicina porque trabaja con experiencias rutinarias de salud y enfermedad, sus miedos y sus osadías, sus servidumbres y sus rebeldías. La medicina y el cine caminan de la mano con la experiencia cotidiana de la muerte y de la vida. Y la medicina es cine porque es soñar, cuestionar y luchar, como lo es sufrir, morir y amar. Y es por esto mismo que también, en nuestro día a día, el cine es medicina. Url:  http://www.editorialuoc.com/terapias-de-cine

CfP: Mad, Bad, and Dangerous: The Politics of Reproduction in the Age of Neoliberalism

Type:  Call for Publications Date:  August 1, 2016 Subject Fields:  Human Rights, Sexuality Studies, Women's & Gender History / Studies CALL FOR PAPERS Seeking essays for an edited collection entitled Mad, Bad, and Dangerous: The Politics of Reproduction in the Age of Neoliberalism Editors: Modhumita Roy and Mary Thompson Deadline for Abstracts: August 1, 2016 “[I]t is crucial to consider the degree to which one woman’s possession of reproductive choice may actually depend on or deepen another woman’s reproductive vulnerability.” -Rickie Solinger, Beggers and Choosers (2001) The first two decades of the 21 st century have witnessed intensified interest in definitions and understandings of reproduction in the U.S. and around the world.  Less discussed, however, have been those narratives that problematize the normalized scripts of reproductive desire, labor, and choice-making to reveal the division of labor that separates those who

Job opportunity: Alan Turing Institute Fellowships in Data Science and Ethics (and much more)

Applications for Alan Turing Institute Fellowships in Data Science and Ethics (and several other areas of research) are open. This is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to join The Alan Turing Institute. The Alan Turing Institute (ATI) is the UK’s new national institute for data science, established to bring together world-leading expertise to provide leadership in the emerging field of data science. The Institute has been founded by the universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, UCL and Warwick and the EPSRC. Fellowships are available for 3 years with the potential for an additional 2 years of support following interim review. Fellows will pursue research based at the Institute hub in the British Library, London. Fellowships will be awarded to individual candidates and fellows will be employed by a joint venture partner university (Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, UCL or Warwick). For more details please check https://turing.ac.uk/jobs/ fel

Novedad editorial: Peripheral Flows: A Historical Perspective on Mobilities between Cores and Fringes

Simone Fari e Massimo Moraglio (eds.),  Peripheral Flows: A Historical Perspective on Mobilities between Cores and Fringes . (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016). ( http://www.cambridgescholars. com/peripheral-flows ) Book Description The main purpose of the eleven contributions to this volume is to reconsider and re-assess the role of cores and peripheries in shaping modern socio-technical systems. From this perspective they explore a terrain of highly complex systems mainly operating on the so-called Western model: Railways, telegraphs, motor vehicles and airports were, in fact, all born in classic cores areas in the West and then spread out into the peripheries. The approach in itself is not new, but this volume has managed to bring out interestingly innovative elements and viewpoints. The contributors are not content with the traditional definitions of peripheries and flows, but tend to put them to the test, revise them and eventually of

Postdoctoral opportunities: Medical Translation in the History of Modern Genomics

Two Postdoctoral Research Fellows are required for the ERC-funded project “Medical translation in the history of modern genomics” led by Dr Miguel Garcia-Sancho investigating the history of the international initiatives to map and sequence the human, pig and yeast genomes. One post will investigate the yeast genome initiative and the other the mapping and sequencing of the pig genome.  Evidence of high quality academic research in the field of History of Science and/or Science and Technology Studies; expertise in archival research methods and socio-historical studies of mid-to-late 20th century biomedicine; and a willingness to work across your own field of expertise are all essential.  These two full-time fixed-term posts are available for 42 months from no later than 1st October 2016. Salary: £31,656 - £37,768 per annum Closing Date: 5pm (GMT) Wednesday 8th June 2016 https://www.vacancies.ed.ac. uk/pls/corehrrecruit/erq_ jobspec_version_4.jobspec?p_ id=

NOVEDAD BIBLIOGRÁFICA: Los límites de la ciencia. Espiritismo, hipnotismo y el estudio de los fenómenos paranormales (1850-1930)

El libro trata de las prácticas espiritistas que afloraron en Estados Unidos y Europa a partir de mediados del siglo XIX. Movidos por la curiosidad y el deseo de entretenerse, muchos ciudadanos se congregaban por las noches para ver bailar mesas o escuchar golpes extraños que parecían contener mensajes inteligentes. Una vez dicha práctica alcanzó los países europeos, adoptaría un significado más específico. Se estableció como filosofía racional, basada en la mediumnidad, con aspiraciones religiosas y científicas. Como movimiento social alcanzó cierta popularidad, aunque siempre mantuvo un carácter muy fragmentario. Pronto algunos científicos se vieron involucrados en la comprobación de los fenómenos paranormales exhibidos en las sesiones. Con ello se inició un espacio de confrontación y negociación entre ambos colectivos así como en el seno de los propios científicos, conforme a una dinámica de definición de competencias y  demarcaciones profesionales. El estudio se estructura en di

Doctoral fellowships

Type:  Fellowship Date:  May 20, 2016 to June 15, 2016 Location:  France Subject Fields:  Asian History / Studies, Colonial and Post-Colonial History / Studies, Labor History / Studies, Sociology, World History / Studies PSL Research University Paris ( https://www.univ-psl.fr/en ) and the Program Global Studies offer two doctoral fellowships, to start in 2016-7. Candidates can be from every field in the humanities and social sciences. Their projects must express a clear global topic and analysis related to the main axes of the program (hereafter). Global studies is an international program lead at PSL Research University Paris a community of 25 Parisian Universities, Research Centers and Institutes among which the Collège de France, ENS, EPHE, EHESS, EFEO, Paris Dauphine, Mines ParisTech, CNRS).  Complete list here: https://www.univ-psl.fr/en/main-menu-pages/3801 Global studies stimulates ways of thinking about humanities and social scien

Clystere n° 51 - juin 2016

Clystère n° 51 – Juin 2016 est paru ( June 2016 is online / Junio de 2016 acaba de salir ) : http://www.clystere.com   Sommaire :   L’image du mois : Un instrument… deux poinçons ! Histoire des instruments : -    Restauration d’une boite en carton (Bernard Petitdant) -    Un petit clystère à l’apéritif ? Ou réflexion sur les clystères aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (Louis-Jean Dupré) -    A propos d’une trousse chirurgicale proposée par l’entreprise Charrière dans le catalogue de la firme Menier de 1860 (Alain-Jacques Ségal) -    Le Spiro du docteur Jos Jullien (Laurent Jullien) Histoire de la santé : -    Paul Revere (1735-1818), le « cavalier de minuit » (Xavier Riaud) -    Les cigarettes antiasthmatiques Escouflaire (Frédéric Bonté) Actualités Annonce Nouveautés en librairie En musardant sur la Toile (Bernard Petitdant) Annonce de l’association « Les amis du Baron Larrey »

Concurso FCT para Atribuição de Bolsas Doc e Pós-Doc

Concurso FCT para Atribuição de Bolsas de Doutoramento e Pós-Doutoramento - 2016   Submissão de candidaturas:  15 junho a 15 julho 2016,  17:00H (hora de Lisboa)   Guião de Avaliação Regulamento Aviso de abertura (a disponibilizar em 15 de junho de 2016) Guião de Candidatura (a disponibilizar até 15 de junho de 2016)     Como concorrer   As candidaturas devem ser submetidas eletronicamente, utilizando o formulário disponível, a partir do dia 15 de junho de 2016, no  portal de concursos a bolsas .  Cada candidato poderá apresentar apenas uma única candidatura.     Visão Geral e Objetivos   O concurso de bolsas individuais apoia investigadores, em qualquer área do conhecimento, que pretendam desenvolver trabalhos

JOB: PhD scholarship, philosophy of science (University of Antwerp)

Full-time (100%) vacancy: PhD position in philosophy of science (and related domains) at the University of Antwerp Project: Interlevel causation from an interventionist point of view. Solving problems in the philosophy of mind and in the philosophy of the psychological sciences. ·   Duration: 2+2 years ·   Starting date: September 2016 (negotiable, but not later than January 1, 2017) ·   Domain(s): philosophy of science, analytic metaphysics, philosophy of mind ·   Net income: approximately 1900 EUR/month (Dehousse-scholarship) ·   Deadline for applications: July 3, 2016. Job offer The Centre for Philosophical Psychology of the University of Antwerp (Belgium) is offering a full-time position for 2+2 years, for a pre-doctoral researcher, starting September 2016 or later (negotiable, but in any case not later than January 1, 2017). The position is part of the project “Interlevel causation from an interventionist point of view. Solving problems