ICREA senior research position in History of Science
The Centre for the History of Science (CEHIC) [ http://www.cehic.es/ ] at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Spain, seeks potential candidates for an ICREA senior research position in History of Science. The post is framed in the ICREA (Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies) 2012 call for 20 senior research positions in all disciplines . The home institution's acceptance (CEHIC) will be a necessary requirement to proceed with the application. ICREA scientific committee will make the final selection. The CEHIC leads an active academic community of historians of science in Barcelona with growing international links. Recent appointments at the CEHIC are: Fernando Vidal (ICREA senior 2011, starting in fall) and Massimiliano Badino (postdoctoral research fellow), among others. Minimum requirements for the application are a Ph.D. degree obtained preferably before 2008, with four years of international exposure at pre-doctoral and/or post-doctor