
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 5, 2017

CfP: Edited Collection: Culture, Transport, Global Warming

One of humanity’s most serious problems, climate change is clearly a ‘human-made’ catastrophe. Various factors have contributed to global warming now turning into reality. One of the most significant, along with power generation and industry, is of course CO 2 omissions from transport using fossil fuels. While both technological progress and climate change are popular themes in literature, film, and the visual arts, the equivalent cultural obsession with these issues is both scary and paradoxical. Cultural media have celebrated the might of technology, the necessity of mechanization, and humanity’s inability to exist and progress without transport by air, water, and land. At the same time many vigorously powerful narratives draw audiences’ attention worldwide to the problem of climate change caused by industrialization that transportation immensely intensifies. This collection aims to trace the enigmatic and tacit relationship between global warming and transport

CfP: The cultural history of knowledge. Call for submissions to the special Issue of "Anthropology of History Yearbook"

Anthropology of History Yearbook , an academic journal published by Polish Historical Association invites contributions for the upcoming special issue on  the cultural history of knowledge. Anthropology of History Yearbook  is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that seeks to advance the development of research cooperation between historiography and cultural anthropology. The  Yearbook  creates a space for the development of methodologies of multi-level research of the past and its representations in cultures. The journal promotes high-quality scientific work addressing diverse and multidisciplinary perspectives and a broad range of topics in the fields of other humanities and social sciences, in particular, literature and film studies, religious studies, philosophy, and sociology.  For more information visit our website at  http://rah.pth.net.pl/en/ Anthropology of History Yearbook  welcomes submissions of original research articles, review articles, state-of-th

CfP: Abortion in the British Isles, France and North America since 1800

International Conference organised by the University of Paris-Sorbonne (France), 6-8 November 2018. Conveners: Claire Charlot, Adrien Lherm (Paris-Sorbonne, HDEA EA 4086), and Fabienne Portier-Le Cocq (University François Rabelais, Tours, ICD EA 6297). Around the world, 2018 will mark the anniversary of a series of events relating to the decriminalisation of abortion: the enforcement of the UK Abortion Act 1967 (50 years), the US Supreme Court ruling of Roe vs. Wade (45 years), and the Canada Supreme Court ruling of R. v. Morgentaler (25 years). The Republic of Ireland is also planning a referendum on the possible repeal of Article 8 of its Constitution which, if approved, would lead to the decriminalisation of abortion there too. In addition, shortly after the British General Election of 2017, Prime Minister, Theresa May, announced that women from Northern Ireland (currently excluded from the British Abortion Act) would be allowed to travel to mainland Britain

CfP for panel on verticality at ESHS 2018 in London

We plan to propose a panel on verticality in science, with the title Science in 3D: On the role of verticality in knowledge production , for the next meeting of the European Society for the History of Science, which will be held in London, on 15-17 September 2018. In this panel we want to build on a recent observation by Michael Reidy (2017); that the spatial turn in history of science (as in history at large) has focused essentially on the horizontal dimension, and that an apparent bias against the vertical is an historiographical limitation that needs to be overcome. Scientific practices do not just occur in, and construct, two-dimensional space, but take place in three dimensions. The sciences of height, depth and volume are fundamental to the emergence of the three-dimensional, technologically-mediated world which we inhabit, but the specifics of these sciences have been largely absent from recent concerns with the spatiality of scientific knowledge. The adopti

Seeking peer reviewer for Nottingham medical collection

Here at Nottingham City Museums and Galleries we are currently reviewing all sections of our social history holdings.  Our medical collection consists of around 1,900 objects ranging from the contents of a chemist shop (purchased in the early 70s), to intelligence tests, medical tools and material directly related to hospitals.  We are looking for a reviewer to spend around three days in store viewing around 20% of the medical collection, inspecting storage and reviewing our documentation.  They will then produce a report of their findings, plus recommendations (a template for findings will be provided). We invite prospective reviewers to quote for five days work plus expenses. Work to be completed late 2017 or early 2018. For further information, the full brief (with methodology) and an example report please contact: Maria Richards Curator of Community History and World Cultures Nottingham City Museums and Galleries Maria.Richards@nottinghamcity. gov.uk

CfP: Journal Issue: Disability Studies and Ecocriticism: Critical and Creative Intersections

This CFP calls for critical essays and creative works that address the intersection of disability studies and ecocriticism, or disability and the environment. In terms of critical essays, we will consider analyses of novels, poetry, comics, dance, art, and movies. We will also consider creative works (including creative nonfiction, poetry, and fiction) that center on an exploration of the relationship(s) between disability and the environment. We are particularly interested in works that address the following broad questions in specific ways: What can be gained by investigating ecological issues through the lens of disability studies? What can be gained by investigating disability through the lens of ecocriticism? How can these two viewpoints be joined? In disability studies the environment is already an issue as the social model situates the impaired, and possibly disabled, body in the world . It is the social environment that disables after all. To state th

CfP: Bucharest Graduate Conference in History and Philosophy of Science

Bucharest Graduate Conference in History and Philosophy of Science: Methodology, Experimental Practices and Concept Formation 16-17 March 2018 Keynote Speakers: Hasok Chang (Cambridge University), Laura Georgescu (University of Groningen), Friedrich Steinle (Technical University Berlin) Venue: IRH-ICUB, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, and the Institute for Research in Humanities, University of Bucharest, are happy to announce the 7th edition of the Bucharest Graduate Conference on History and Philosophy of Science: Methodology, Experimental Practices and Concept Formation. The conference will take place at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, and at the IRH-ICUB. Advanced MA and PhD students working in the field of History and Philosophy of Science are invited to participate. We welcome submissions on any topic related to the field of History and Philosophy of Science.

CfP: IDTC Special Issue on HPS–&–Education: Methods and Cognitive Modelling in the History and Philosophy of Science–&–Education

Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science  ( www. historiographyofscience.org ) is pleased to announce: Call for Papers: IDTC Special Issue on HPS–&–Education: Methods and Cognitive Modelling in the History and Philosophy of Science–&–Education • Special Issue Guest Editor: Prof. Raffaele Pisano, Lille University, France / President IDTC • E-mail: raffaele.pisano@univ-lille3.fr MAIN AREAS/DISCIPLINES • Teaching Sciences/Pedagogies; • History/philosophy of science & Teaching sciences; • Nature of Sciences; • Historiography of sciences; • History/philosophy of sciences (physics, mathematics, engineering, chemistry, logic); • Historical epistemology of science. RATIONALE & CRITERIA • Generally speaking, based on IDTC policy (i.e., please see Lille summer schools 2015, 2017 and IDTC website), we are expecting to receive submissions related to reflections on methods and modelling in teaching sciences, theoretical and pr

CfP: The Maladies, Miracles and Medicine of the Middle Ages, II. Places, Spaces and Objects

As medievalists, we access our period through the written records, sites, and items that survive in order to form a deeper understanding of the period, one that goes beyond the page or the ruinous buildings that remain today. Using a wide range of sources is particularly valuable when considering the miraculous and the medicinal.  After all, it is not just the writings, but the spaces, places and objects of both healthcare and of the holy which can inform and shape our research, and thus of understanding.  Indeed, in many instances these two elements combine, as can be seen through the production of miracle cures, the monastic collections of medical treatises, and medieval hospitals and monastic infirmaries. But, what can these sources tell us of miracles, of medicine, of maladies?  How did the miraculous and the medicinal relate to and/or oppose each other?  What can we learn of faith and the faithful, and of ill-health and healing?  It is questions such as these

CfP: Social History of Military Technology @ ICHOTEC 2018

Saint-Etienne, France, 17–21 July 2018 CFP deadline:  31 January 2018 We seek proposals for papers to be presented in the 13th Annual Symposium of the Social History of Military Technology (SSHMT), scheduled as part of the program for the 45th Conference of the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC), Saint-Etienne, France, 17–21 July 2018. ICOHTEC has selected the general theme of “Technological Drive from Past to Future? 50 years of ICOHTEC.” Among the several subthemes listed, one is particularly relevant to our symposium: Heritage in the centennial commemorations of World War I: industry, technology, and the Great War . In submitting a proposal for SSHMT, you are encouraged, but not required, to address the ICOHTEC theme and subthemes. For the 2018 ICOHTEC conference as a whole, including the ICOHTEC call for papers with all subthemes and information about registration, accommodations, travel grants, and so forth, see: http://www.icohtec.o

CfP HAPOP-4, 23 March 2018, Oxford

First Call for Papers for the fourth symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming, organised by HaPoC, Commission on the History and Philosophy of Computing ( http://www.hapoc.org ). The symposium aims to bring together historians, philosophers as well as computer scientists and practitioners to discuss the broader historical, philosophical and societal aspects of programming.  The submission deadline is 1 January 2018 and the symposium will take place on 23 March 2018 in Oxford and will be co-located with a Meeting on History of Computing (22 March 2018), hosted by the British Society on the History of Mathematics.  For more information about the symposium, please see the official web page https://www.shift-society.org/ hapop4/ , which has a full CFP as well as links to the previous three HaPoP symposia, 

Jobs at the Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds

Url:  http://www.thackraymedicalmuseum.co.uk/header-links/vacancies/ Collections, Interpretation and Activity Director - 37 hours per week 3 year contract Salary: £35,000 p.a. Outline: We are seeking an enthusiastic and experienced professional in the heritage sector to join our busy team as Collections, Interpretation and Activity Director. This is an exciting new post which has been created to lead on a number of strategic objectives for the museum collections, to lead on the development and delivery of the museum’s interpretation plan and activity plan, and to manage the curatorial and learning teams. The post holder will work closely with the museum’s CEO and Leadership Team and will directly manage the Assistant Curator, Librarian, Interpretation Development Officer (from 1 April 2018), Project Registrar (from 1 April 2018) and Learning Manager. The successful applicant will be highly motivated, with excellent organisational skills and be f

Graduate funding opportunities in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine at Cambridge: funding deadline of 6 December

Graduate funding opportunities in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine at Cambridge, 2018-19 The Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge is the largest of its kind in the UK, and has an unrivalled reputation for teaching and research. Staff have expertise in the history, philosophy and sociology of a wide range of sciences and medicine. They run major research projects in association with the AHRC, Wellcome, the European Research Council and national museums.  If you are interested in studying for an MPhil or PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge, you will find on our website everything you need to know about the Department, the courses (MPhil in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine; MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society; PhD), the academic staff ( http://www. hps.cam.ac.uk/people/staff. html ), our placement record for PhD students ( https://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/ study/graduate/phd/placement-

CfP: Yale Naval History Conference

In 2016, Admiral John Richardson, the Chief of Naval Operations, admitted that for the first time in decades, the United States Navy is facing a return to a multi-navy great power rivalry. No longer can it be assured of continuing maritime supremacy. The inaugural Yale Naval History Conference takes Richardson's warning as inspiration. How have navies in previous eras of multi-polarity grappled with the challenges of preparing for great power conflicts? The organizers welcome papers that address this question from a variety of angles, including but not limited to: the regional and global distribution of forces; trade and communication protection; arms races; the emergence of naval challengers; fleet design; logistics; technology; civil-naval relations; and grand strategy, past, present, and future. The organizers encourage submissions that look beyond the Anglo-American world, and that cover topics from the age of sail to the present. Papers will be twenty