
Mostrando entradas de marzo 5, 2023

4.º Encontro Ibérico de História da Matemática (EIHM)

Nos próximos dias 22 a 24 de junho de 2023 terá lugar no Museu de Leiria o 4.º Encontro Ibérico de História da Matemática (EIHM), uma iniciativa organizada conjuntamente pela Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME) e pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática (SPM), através do seu Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática.  As comunicações podem ser apresentadas em português ou em espanhol, e terão duração aproximada de 30 minutos, incluindo 5 minutos para questões da assistência.  A quem queira apresentar uma comunicação pede-se o envio de um título e de um resumo entre 10 e 20 linhas, se possível com bibliografia, que não ocupe mais do que uma página A4 em Times New Roman (tamanho 12).  As propostas de candidatos espanhóis devem ser endereçadas a Eduardo Dorrego ( edorregolopez@gmail.com ) e as dos portugueses a Luis Saraiva ( lmsaraiva@fc.ul.pt ). As pessoas de outras nacionalidades podem dirigir a sua proposta indistintamente a um dos organizadores: Luis Saraiva ou José Ferr

New open access book: Women in the History of Science (UCL Press)

UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a new open access book that may be of interest to list subscribers:  Women in the History of Science: A sourcebook,  edited by Hannah Wills, Sadie Harrison, Erika Lynn Jones, Rebecca Martin, and Farrah Lawrence-Mackey .  Download it free:  https://bit.ly/3IZlyJO ****************************** ************* Women in the History of Science:  A sourcebook Edited by Hannah Wills, Sadie Harrison, Erika Lynn Jones, Rebecca Martin, and Farrah Lawrence-Mackey Free download:  https://bit.ly/ 3IZlyJO ****************************** ************* Women in the History of Science  brings together primary sources that highlight women’s involvement in scientific knowledge production around the world. Drawing on texts, images and objects, each primary source is accompanied by an explanatory text, questions to prompt discussion, and a bibliography to aid further research. Arranged by time period, covering 1200 BCE to the twenty-first century, and acr

CfP: Sights of Insight: Meteorological Knowledge between Observation and Theory

A volume in Brill’s series “Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture” Edited by Ulrike Gehring, Andreas Lammer, and Claus Zittel   Meteorological phenomena are complex sets of causal interaction and interdependent conditions, themselves incessantly shifting. While some of these can be observed and described in detail, many cannot be examined directly. Too far away is the rainbow, too transitory is the flash of lightning, too quickly travelling is even the cloud. Those in history who tried to grasp the  meteôra  and their causes often resorted to hypotheses or openly acknowledged the intrinsic difficulty of their endeavours. In meteorology, the epistemological issue of inferring universal knowledge from individual observations is often a trap: even if someone  could  compare two or more storms, flashes, raindrops, or rainbows, which occurred at one place, no one could be sure that the conditions elsewhere led to the same result, e.g., at the coast compared to the

CfP: 4th Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science (LICPOS 2023)

Submissions are now open for Proposals for Symposia to be presented at the  4th Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science (LICPOS 2023) , organized by the  Centre for Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL )  on its 20th anniversary. The Conference will take place in Lisbon, at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Ciências ULisboa), on  July 12-15, 2023 .  As a satellite event, on July 15, LICPOS 2023 will host the 2nd Meeting of the Iberian Network of Philosophy of Science (ReIFiCi). The Lisbon International Conferences on Philosophy of Science are periodic conferences directed to a wide audience with interests in the philosophy of science broadly conceived. Reflecting the main lines of research of CFCUL, we are especially interested in proposals related to: Epistemology and Methodology; General Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics; Philosophy of Physics; Philosophy of the Life Sciences; Philosophy of Artificial I

Jornada d’ideació i innovació “Com faries una ciutat més cuidadora?”

En el marc del projecte PECT de “Mataró-Maresme: ecosistema d’innovació per a les ciutats cuidadores”, des de l‘Ajuntament de Mataró i conjuntament amb el TecnoCampus organitzem una “Jornada d’ideació i innovació” amb l’objectiu de generar idees innovadores que ens ajudin a pensar com fer una ciutat més cuidadora. La millor idea serà premiada!   L’acte, de format participatiu, dinàmic i creatiu, neix amb la voluntat de crear un espai de diàleg entre ciutadans, especialment estudiants, professionals, empreses, tots del sector sociosanitari, i persones majors de 60 anys, per generar  idees i solucions  innovadores d’envelliment actiu i saludable en l’entorn urbà. Jornada d’ideació i innovació “Com faries una ciutat més cuidadora?” Dia: dijous, 30 de març, a les 10 h Lloc: TecnoCampus Inscripcions: A través de  agenda.tecnocampus.cat/go/ jornadadreambig Agrairíem que ho poguéssiu fer extensiu a aquells a qui creieu que li pot interessar.

CfP: Approximation Methods in the Sciences

Contributions are invited to a Topical Collection of  Synthese  on: “Approximation Methods in the Sciences.” The Topical Collection is co-edited by Alexander Blum, James Fraser, and Pablo Ruiz de Olano. The Topical Collection follows up on two workshops on the same topic that took place at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, in the context of the Max Planck Research Group on “Historical Epistemology of the Final Theory Program.” For more details on this research group, please check: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg. de/research/projects/ historical-epistemology-final- theory-program Approximation methods, such as perturbative expansions, Hartree-Fock methods, and numerical integration techniques, play a central role in the practice of many areas of mathematized science. Yet, where philosophers of science had much to say about theories and models, approximation methods have received comparatively little attention. In many contexts, approximation methods essentially contribu

CfP: Modernization by the State and its Ecological Consequences Conference 2023 - “THE STATE AND PLANETARY BOUNDARIES”

ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: MOSEC 2023 or Modernization by the State and its Ecological Consequences Conference 2023 is an interdisciplinary online conference for the environmentally focused humanities and social sciences, organized by the Center for Economic and Social History, University of Ostrava, Czechia. MOSEC 2023 aims to explore, discuss and disseminate new cross-disciplinary scientific knowledge about the global environmental crisis with a particular focus on the role of the state and state institutions.   KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: BART ELMORE, Associate professor of Environmental History at the Ohio State University. Author of the praised Citizen Coke: The Making of Coca-Cola Capitalism and Seed Money: Monsanto’s Past and Our Food Future. Recipient of the Dan David Prize in 2022.   ZSUZSA GILLE, Professor of Sociology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prize winning author of the highly influential From the Cult of Waste to the Trash Heap of History most recently

Hosts wanted for 2023 BSHS Engagement Fellows

The British Society for the History of Science (BSHS) is delighted to announce the fifth round of scheme to support small and local museums, archives, galleries and libraries whose collections can be linked to themes in the history of science, technology, engineering and medicine. The scheme funds the placement of a  Master’s or PhD student with heritage organisations and museums . The Engagement Fellow receives £2000 for the equivalent of about one month’s work at 35 hrs per week (timescales can be arranged between the partner museum and student) and the institutions receive £1000 towards the costs of public engagement outputs related to the research undertaken.   If selected, your proposal would be circulated to postgraduate students studying the history of science, technology, engineering and medicine who will then apply to be involved in the project.   The deadline for applications is  Monday 17 April 2023  and application forms and further details are available on our website:  ht

CfP: 9th Congress of the Society for the Philosophy of Science

The 9th Congress of the Society for the Philosophy of Science (SPS,  https://www.sps-philoscience.org/ ).  University of Paris Nanterre (France).  May 31. - June 2. 2023 The proposed theme for the 2023 edition of the Congress is “Gender and science”   (for example, contributions can be about the status of women in scientific practice, criticisms of bias in science, objectivity and feminism, the naturalization of sexual difference, etc.) But note that, this year like in previous editions,  any proposal for a contribution relating to the philosophy of science broadly conceived will be examined. Also note that the congress will give rise to a publication in the form of a special issue of the online journal  Lato Sensu .   Announced plenary lectures Round table: Objectivity in science (Wed. May 31. 2023) •  Guilhem Corot , EHESS doctoral student •  Claire Grino , Senior FNS Researcher - UNIGE University of Geneva, Institute of Gender Studies. •  Julie Jebeile , CNRS Res