
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 14, 2021

Asclepio. Nuevo número publicado Vol. 73 No. 2 (2021)

Asclepio acaba de publicar su último número. Podrá acceder a su contenido a través del siguiente enlace: https://asclepio.revistas.csic .es/index.php/asclepio/issue/ view/75

Immunization and States: The Politics of Making Vaccines

Immunization and States: The Politics of Making Vaccines   https://www. routledge.com/Immunization- and-States-The-Politics-of- Making-Vaccines/Blume-Baylac- Paouly/p/book/9780367672270 . Through 8 case studies (Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, India and Iran) 12 authors described for their country the change in status that took place at the end of the 20th century for one or more several Public Sector Vaccine Institutions (dismantling, closure, privatization, etc.) and the impact this may have had on national and international vaccination policies. To accompany the release of the book, we also hold a launch conference on Tuesday 23 November at 8 p.m. (registration required)  https://spui25.nl/ pr ogramma/the-politics-of- making -vaccines  during which 4 chapters of the book will be quickly presented and where the question of the geopolitics of vaccines will be addressed, in resonance with the covid-19 pandemic. Two guests, Dr Paulo Gadelha (former president of the

Website 'Beyond Compassion: Gender and Humanitarian Action'

We are very happy to announce the launching of our website for our public engagement project 'Beyond Compassion: Gender and Humanitarian Action'.  https:// beyondcompassion.ch/en/home/ It will include news about the activities scheduled from March to June 2022: a) the organisation of an exhibition with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum; b) a short film festival and a series of round-tables which will take place at the Grütli Cinema (Geneva); and c) the website, which will gather together publications (for specialists and non-specialists) about gender and humanitarian action.  We have already included some of your publications and links to your own website projects in the Media Library  https:// beyondcompassion.ch/en/media- l ibrary/ You can also follow us on twitter  https://twitter.com/ GenderHuman  

CfP: 10th ESHS conference: Science policy and the politics of science, Brussels, 7-10 September 2022

About:  In 2022, the European Society for the History of  Science ( ESHS ) will host its tenth biannual conference. This year’s edition will take place in Brussels, Belgium, and is organised by the National Committee for Logic, History and Philosophy of Science ( NCLHPS ) of Belgium. Theme:  The theme of the ESHS 2022 conference will be  Science Policy and the Politics of Science , a topic with a particular resonance over these past years. The outbreak of Covid-19 has called attention to the shifting legitimacy of science-based expertise and the reliance on expert authority in policy-making by state and national governments. Clearly, this serves as an indication for a need to understand the role of scientists and scholars in society within a broader historical frame.                    From a historiographical viewpoint, the conference will be an opportunity to showcase the latest investigations of scientific institutions across time and space. Beyond the traditional views on history o

CfP: Science Communication in the Digital Age: New Actors, Environments and Practices (DL Abstracts: 1-15 December 2021)

Edited by Julia Metag, Florian Wintterlin and Kira Klinger. Deadline for Abstracts:  1-15 April 2022   |   Deadline for Articles:  15-31 July 2022 Media and Communication , peer-reviewed journal indexed in the Web of Science (Impact Factor: 2.465) and Scopus (CiteScore: 2.9), welcomes article proposals for its upcoming issue "Science Communication in the Digital Age: New Actors, Environments and Practices," edited by Julia Metag, Florian Wintterlin and Kira Klinger. This thematic issue deals with the opportunities and challenges digital environments offer for science communication. It will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of how online environments and practices are shaped by established as well as new actors in science communication. Contributions may focus on issues including, but not limited to, the following areas: Access to and participation in science communication online (new (pseudo-)scientific actors in science communication, consequences of online communi

3 year Postdoc in Science and Values, Leibniz Uni Hannover, Germany

The Institute of Philosophy at Leibniz Universität Hannover invites applications for a  Post-Doctoral Position  funded by the DFG (the main German public research funding organization). Applicants should have a PhD in philosophy, philosophy of science, history and philosophy of science, bioethics, or similar areas; with an AOS in science and values. The postdoctoral fellow will work with Prof.  Torsten Wilholt  (Leibniz Universität Hannover) and Prof.  Manuela Fernández Pinto  (Universidad de los Andes) as part of the project “ A Philosophical Approach to Biasing Mechanisms in Scientific Research .” The project aims at providing a philosophical analysis that contributes to a better understanding of biasing mechanisms in science. Recent work in philosophy of science has convincingly shown that science is not value-free, and that values, including social and political values, play different roles in the research process. It has also become clear that, values can have both a positive and

CfP: Philosophy and Catastrophe Vol. 37 (2022)

Philosophy and Catastrophe Vol. 37 (2022).  Filosofia, Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.  Tiago Mesquita Carvalho (ed.) Submission Process: December 31, 2021:  Abstracts (300 to 1000 words in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, German or English) January 15, 2022:  notification of acceptance July 1, 2022 : deadline for accepted articles October 1, 2022 : publication   Catastrophes are on the agenda. The proximity of an event that breaks with routine crosses nowadays liberal societies, leading to the deployment of vast resources directed at understanding, managing and predicting various types of threats. Sudden events such as floods, landslides, wildfires, pandemics and other slow events like climate change are all cumulative and gradual processes that result from the interaction between natural phenomena and collective human agency. Other natural disasters such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions call  ex post facto  for a set of responsibilities and regulatio

CfA: Engaging Ethics and Epistemology in Science (EES 2022)

T he Call for Abstracts for the   International Conference on Engaging Ethics and Epistemology in Science (EES 2022)   is now open. It will take place on 29-30 September 2022 at Leibnizhaus, Hannover, Germany. Please see the conference website for the Call for Abstracts and more information:   https://grk2073.org/ eesconference2022/ .   Deadline for abstract submission: 5 January 2022. EES2022 focusses on bridging the gap between epistemological and ethical or political approaches as well as theoretical and material approaches to philosophy of science. The 2-day international conference aims to bring together experienced and early-career researchers, including PhD candidates, working in the field of philosophy of science and ethics of science. The conference will consist of parallel sessions and talks will be approximately 25 minutes + 15 minutes for Q&A. We are very pleased that the following invited speakers have accepted our invitation: Sabina Leonelli (Exeter University) Kriste

CfP: The Kuhn Centennial Conference: Thomas Kuhn and the 21st Century Philosophy of Science

Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) is widely considered as one of the most important philosophers of science in the 20 th   century. His book   The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (SSR)   is also regarded as one of the most influential works in the philosophy of science. Kuhn famously introduced the concept of paradigm to analyse the history of science. He also developed the incommensurability thesis. Kuhn’s work contributed to the so-called historical turn in the 20 th   century philosophy of science. Its influence goes beyond philosophy of science and makes a profound impact on history of science, sociology of science, and the social sciences . In commemoration of the 100 th  anniversary of the birth of Kuhn and the 60 th  anniversary of the publication of  SSR , the conference aims to examine Kuhn’s contribution to contemporary philosophy of science, revisit his legacy for the history and philosophy of science, and reflect on the prospect of the Kuhnian philosophy of science. For more info

CfA: 5th Annual TiLPS History of Analytic Philosophy Workshop

  On August 24 and 25, 2022, the Tilburg Center for Moral Philosophy, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) organizes the 5th annual TiLPS History of Analytic Philosophy workshop. This workshop aims to bring together scholars interested in a wide range of topics and thinkers from the history of analytic philosophy (broadly conceived). Keynotes Cheryl Misak (University of Toronto) Alan Richardson (University of British Columbia) More information about the workshop can be found  here . Submission guidelines Please submit an extended abstract (max. 1000 words) and a short abstract (max. 100 words) suitable for blind review. Submissions in all areas of the history of analytic philosophy are welcome. Especially contributions that discuss under-explored thinkers, topics, and traditions are encouraged. The deadline for submissions is January 14. Depending on the state of the pandemic, the event will take place in Tilburg, The Netherlands. In order to make the conference accessible t

CfA: 10 Junior (postdoc) / Senior Fellowships in Aachen (Germany) starting in October 2022 for up to 12 months

We are pleased to announce the call for 10 new fellowships for the acedemic year 2022/2023, starting in october 2022 at the recently established Kate Hamburger Kolleg “Cultures of Research” at RWTH Aachen University (Germany). Eligible applicants are expected to come from the humanities, social sciences and STS as well as from natural, life and technical sciences. This International Center for Advanced Studies at RWTH Aachen University is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Part of its mission is to offer a free space to its fellows to develop their own research and to exchange ideas up to 12 months. The topic Cultures of Research is positioned where the fields of philosophy, sociology and history interface with natural science and technology. The overall focus of the Center’s work is on transformations of science and technology towards complexity, life-likeness and emergence. We are particularly interested in digitalization of research (simulation, artific