
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 27, 2011


Alertas Culturales de Extensión Universitaria (Universidad de Cádiz) VIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DOCEAÑISTA. Permanece abierto el plazo de presentación de comunicaciones al VIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DOCEAÑISTA. DOS SIGLOS LLAMAN A LA PUERTA: 1812-2012 , que tendrá lugar en el Edificio Constitución 1812 de Cádiz los días 13, 14 y 15 de marzo de 2012. Hasta el 16 de enero de 2012. Más información en: http://www.uca.es/app/celama/2011ec/bicentenarios/congresodoce _____________________________________ UCA, Universidad de los Bicentenarios VICERRECTORADO DE PROYECCIÓN SOCIAL, CULTURAL E INTERNACIONAL Servicio de Extensión Universitaria Edificio Constitución 1812 (antiguo Cuartel de la Bomba) Paseo Carlos III, 3 11.003 Cádiz tfno: 956015894/00 fax: 956015891 extension@uca.es

Durham University Addison Wheeler Early Career Fellowships

Durham University Addison Wheeler Early Career Fellowships Durham University is delighted to announce that applications are now being accepted for its prestigious Addison Wheeler Fellowships, which are designed to provide young researchers of outstanding promise with three years to pursue original ideas, free from teaching and administrative responsibilities.  Addison Wheeler Fellowships are funded through the bequest of Addison James Wheeler to encourage 'efforts for increased knowledge of people and their make-up so as to enable them to make better use of their life here on Earth'.  Addressing this aspiration is one of the conditions of the Fellowships but it is intended to be interpreted broadly and should not be seen as restrictive. The Fellowships are aimed at researchers of a high calibre, who have completed their PhD at the time of application and are at an early stage in their career.  Fellows will pursue new research ideas of their own design, underta

Search for the Healthy City

Join us for the 7th Search for the Healthy City study   tour in Italy, September 2 - 12, 2012, in Padua and Venice.   The theme this year is Healing through the Ages.   During this residential seminar we will discuss classics of medical history and public health, visit healing and cultural sites, and examine how health systems and medical educators have responded to epidemics and plagues from the Renaissance until today. Seminar faculty will include Samuel Cohn, PhD, Professor of Medieval History at the University of Glasgow and author of the recent book Cultures of Plague, who will guide us through the site of an old plague hospital in Venice, and Giorgio Zanchin, MD, Professor of Neurology at the University of Padua Medical School, who will introduce us to the famous archives and anatomic theater of the oldest active medical school in Europe . After three nights in Venice we will spend a week in Padua at the Hotel Majestic Toscanelli ( www.toscanelli.com<http://www.t

Research Fellowships in the History of Medicine at the New York Academy of Medicine

Research Fellowships in the History of Medicine at the New York Academy of Medicine The New York Academy of Medicine offers two fellowships to support visiting scholars working in the history of medicine and public health: The Paul Klemperer Fellowship in the History of Medicine for scholarly study of the history of medicine, using the collections of the New York Academy of Medicine Library The Audrey and William H. Helfand Fellowship in the History of Medicine and Public Health for scholarly study of the history of medicine and public health, with a preference for the use of visual materials Each Helfand or Klemperer Fellow receives a stipend of $5,000 to support travel, lodging and incidental expenses for a flexible period between June 1, 2012 and May 31, 2013. Our selection committee, comprised of prominent historians and other scholars, will choose both fellows. We invite applications from anyone, regardless of citizenship, academic discipline, or academic status. For

Call for Proposals for a History of the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)

Call for Proposals for a History of the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), in partnership with the University of Toronto Press (UTP), invites interested historians and other experienced authors to submit a proposal for a comprehensive history of SickKids. SickKids is one of the world’s largest and most respected children’s hospitals which dates back to 1875. Its story is a blend of clinical excellence, leadership in research and discovery combined with an ongoing commitment to education and learning. At the root of these accomplishments is SickKids’ vision of improving the health of children. The role SickKids has played in children’s’ health extends beyond its walls on University Avenue to the City of Toronto, the Province of Ontario, Canada and internationally. Our goal is to have a finished manuscript by 2014 with publication in 2015. The Publisher envisions a manuscript of approximately 175,000 words accompanied by photogra

CHF History of Science Fellowships for 2012-2013

The Chemical Heritage Foundation, an independent research center, library, and museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, would like to encourage applications for long-term and short-term fellowships in residence at CHF for the academic year 2012-13. These fellowships are for scholars working in some area of the history of science, technology, medicine, or related industries in all periods and geographical areas. All fellowships should be in topics appropriate to the collections in the CHF library and museum. To get a better sense of the kinds of research we support, please visit our website ( http://www.chemheritage.org/research/fellowships-and-travel-grants/index.aspx ) and review the work being done by our current and past fellows. Philadelphia is a particularly dynamic and fruitful area in which to be working in the History of Science.  The Philadelphia Area Center for the History of Science brings together 12 institutions and a host of faculty members scattered throug

CFP: Canadian Society for the History of Medicine Annual Meeting 2012 deadline extended to Dec. 15

The deadline for proposals for the annual meeting of the Canadian Society has been extended to December 15, 2012.  Please see full CFP below. The Canadian Society for the History of Medicine is launching a call for papers for its annual meeting which takes place at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo between 26 – 28 May 2012.  The general theme of this year’s Congress is “Crossroads: Scholarship in an Uncertain World.” The Program Committee for the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine thus invites researchers from all disciplines to submit proposals in English or French related to the Congress theme.  The Committee will also consider proposals which are not directly related to the theme but are related to the history of healthcare and medicine in Canada and elsewhere.  Graduate students are especially encouraged to apply. The Program Committee encourages proposals for

Call for Papers: Phenomenology Towards the Crisis: Philosophy, Science, and the Call for a New Epoch

International Society for the Study of European Ideas 13th Conference, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 2–6 July 2012 Conference Topic: The Ethical Challenge of Multidisciplinarity: Reconciling ‘The Three Narratives’—Art, Science, and Philosophy Workshop Title: Phenomenology towards the Crisis: Philosophy, Science, and the Call for a New Epoch Chairs: Tziovanis Georgakis (PhD, University College Dublin) & Christos Hadjioannou (PhD Candidate, University of Sussex / Freie Universität Berlin) Phenomenology towards the Crisis: Philosophy, Science, and the Call for a New Epoch Edmund Husserl’s later diatribes, especially those collected in The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, ring the alarm for a humanitarian crisis of a rather different proportion. The modern European world, in its agonizing advance towards philosophical wisdom and technological dominance, has found itself in a state of a profound crisis. However, the Husserlian diagnosis of mode

Eramsus Mundus PhD program Dynamics of Health and Welfare

Dear Friends of the closer and further away past! I am sending a link to our new EU sponsored PhD program PHOENIX Dynamics of Health and Welfare, a continuation of a master program with the same title: http://www.phoenix-jdp.eu/ Here you will find information and form for application. The deadline is at the end of Decembetr 2011, the program starts in September 2012. Some on this list are in a stage where they might be interested to apply for themselves, some of ny highly merited colleagues and friends might be aware of students in their neighbourhood who would be interested. The condiotions are comparatively generous, since there will be at least eight EU fellowships covering three year studies, including insurances, social security and a monthly salary fbased on an employment contract. We already have quite a number of applications but are eager to invite as many as possible to secure that we find the most dedicated and skilled members of the future rese

CFP: Histórias da saúde: privada, pública e social - Histories of Health: private, public and social - Estudos do Século X, universidade de Coimbra

Histórias da saúde: privada, pública e social - Histories of Health: private, public and social A revista Estudos do Século XX é uma publicação do Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX da Universidade de Coimbra – CEIS20, com sistema de arbitragem científica que tem por finalidade dar a conhecer os resultados das investigações que se vão realizando sobre a História Contemporânea. A sua redacção prepara agora o número 12, a sair em 2012 e que terá como tema “Histórias da Saúde: privada, pública e social”. Pretende- se, desta forma, aprofundar, com coerência, os estudos num universo historiográfico, reconhecidamente complexo e sensível. Com efeito, a história da saúde, nos tempos contemporâneos, constitui uma temática vasta e interdisciplinar pois envolve fontes e documentos de diversas áreas científicas e profissionais. Assim, optámos por especificar o título genérico “Histórias da Saúde: privada, pública e social” nos seguintes tópicos:  1.  História cultural d

Wuppertal workshop: "Modeling and LHC" January 26-28th 2012

The research collaboration "Epistemology of the LHC" organizes a workshop on modeling and high energy physics entitled "Modeling and LHC", which will take place at Wuppertal University from January 26th to January 28th 2012. (The LHC is the Large Hadron Collider, the new accelerator at CERN, Geneva.) The workshop will feature talks by 14 distinguished invited speakers from both physics and philosophy. Topics covered will include, among others, the relation between models and fiction, the connection between models and simulation, the role of models beyond the standard model for LHC research practices, and the conceptual connection between models and effective field theories. Talks will be given by Arianna Borrelli, Nazim Bouatta, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Koray Karaca, Chuang Liu, Margaret Morrison, Kent Staley (philosophy), Herbert Dreiner, Robert Harlander, Jay Wacker, James Wells (theoretical physics), Hannes Jung, Kevin Kröninger, Christian Zeitnitz (experimenta