
Mostrando entradas de julio 11, 2021

Call for Book Chapters: "Pandemic and Narration: COVID-19 Narratives in Latin America"

Vernon Press is seeking contributions for a forthcoming edited volume on narration and COVID-19 in Latin America. From the first contagion to the peak of the death toll's curve and the timid returns to 'normality' after the lockdowns declared globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has been subjectively and collectively narrated across Latin American; in the news, government reports and statistics, presidential speeches, literature, theatre, cinema, photography, social media etc. Fictional and non-fictional stories, official discourses, as well as personal and political accounts, have documented and represented the health crisis, laying bare how – in Latin American countries – the spread of the virus intersects with corruption, gender violence, inequality and exclusion, and a disconcerting rise of authoritarianism. Departing from the fact that, in the time of COVID-19, life not only continues to be experienced but also continues to be told, this book will put together pandemic and

CfP: Historicizing ‘Therapeutic Culture’ - Towards a Material, Pragmatic, and Polycentric History of Psychologization / Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences

Call for papers for a special issue of the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, entitled "Historicizing 'Therapeutic Culture' - Towards a Material, Pragmatic, and Polycentric History of Psychologization." Article proposals in the form of a 1500-signature abstract should be sent by September 15, 2021 to the main coordinator of the special issue: Rémy Amouroux Full papers are expected by February 15, 2022. Authors should submit their paper electronically on ScholarOne via the submission portal on the JHBS website. For more information on the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences and the Author's Guide: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15206696?tabActivePane=undefined


Deadline for Abstract Submission: September 30, 2021 Contact email: Gisela Heffes & Arndt Niebisch We welcome submissions for the edited volume Uncontained Toxicity: The Dialectics of Loss and Control. Book Description: Toxicity creates a double-bind. On the one hand, it poses the threat of contamination; its danger lies in its ability to cross borders in case of undesired industrial spills, the overuse of pesticides and herbicides in corporative agrobusiness or assassination attempts (Navalny). On the other hand, precisely this ability makes it necessary to create containment that isolates as well as protects the environment from toxicity. Toxic flows and disruptions may create an uneven blueprint of dissemination and allocation. Toxicity, as any other matter, contains “agentic” properties, an active role for what has been considered “inert matter” but that also animates relationships, interaction of multiple relational subjects that constitute collective forms of social agency (E

CfP: Enjeux épistémiques et éthiques autour de la pandémie de Covid-19 - 16/17 février 2022 - Université Clermont Auvergne

Dans le cadre du projet ANR “Epancopi”, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la tenue d’un congrès sur les enjeux épistémiques et éthiques autour de la pandémie de Covid-19 , qui aura lieu le mercredi 16 et jeudi 17 février 2022 , à l’Université Clermont Auvergne.  La pandémie de Covid-19 implique de nombreuses questions éthiques qui sont étroitement liées à des problèmes épistémologiques, qu’il s’agisse par exemple de l’éthique des essais cliniques, des décisions de confiner tout ou des parties du territoire, ou des politiques de vaccinations. En effet, il semble difficile de se demander si ces différentes pratiques sont moralement acceptables et justifiables sans s’interroger en même temps sur les connaissances scientifiques qui les sous-tendent. Le but de ce congrès est de faire émerger un espace de réflexion, en rassemblant épistémologues, éthicien.nes, philosophes, historien.nes et médecins qui sont engagé.es sur ces sujets. Ce travail débouchera sur la publication collective des

CfP: Medicine, Myth and Memory - Dec 2021

Online event – Wed 8/Thu 9 December 2021 Medicine, Myth and Memory: Trusted Voices in the Pandemic   Since March 2020, medical museums across the UK have shown an impressive ability to adapt to new ways of working, keeping audiences and collections at the forefront when their doors have been forced to close. Medical Museums occupy a unique space in the culture and heritage sector. Their historical collections, education and learning programmes, and public engagement offers are more important than ever, as UK citizens seek answers and information during this challenging time for public health.   Just when we need a long view of medicine and health, our museums are facing operational challenges and uncertain futures. However, there’s a greater crisis in which medical museums could be playing a greater role – as trusted spaces to capture and share the stories of COVID-19, contextualised within the historic human struggle against disease.   This online event will be free to attend. It is b

CfP: Feminist Media Histories - Special Issue on Media Histories of Care, guest edited by Olivia Banner & Hannah Zeavin

COVID-19 has forced medicine and psychiatry onto tele-platforms, a shift some claim will be permanent. For the technology industries, this is a welcome acceleration of health care’s digitalization. For care workers and their patients, this shift away from environments of inperson care to the screen interface may be less welcome. At the same time, disability activists are highlighting that after decades of being told remote access to care was impossible, those barriers have diminished—but for how long? By reconfiguring social and temporal relations, everyday media technologies encourage new dynamics among doctors, patients, activists, medical institutions, and care collectives. What does feminist media studies, with its rich histories of heightened attunement to mediated bodies, mediated care, and media of care have to contribute to this shift? Noting these contemporary reconfigurations, this special issue takes as its cue media studies work that has established how medicine, psychiatry

CfP: LSE-Sciences Po Seminar in Contemporary International History

The seminar welcomes presentations from faculty and PhD students at any institution on any aspect of 20th or 21st century contemporary international history, broadly defined. The seminar is an ideal environment to share works-in-progress, such as PhD chapters, journal articles, or sections of monographs and books by providing a forum for the discussion of new research by PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty members from across the world. All seminars will be held in-person as hybrid sessions when possible, but otherwise will take place on Zoom on Wednesdays, 4-6pm in London, and on Wednesdays, 5-7pm in Paris, between October and December 2021. Two seminars during this term will be joint LSE-Sciences Po sessions on Zoom. Presenters will be asked to submit a 15-20 page paper ten days before their presentation, to be circulated to participants beforehand. Presentations will be 20-30 minutes and are followed by a Q&A discussion. Applicants are welcome to apply to both th

New issue of EJPE now available: Special issue on the philosophy and economics of pandemics

The latest issue of the Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (EJPE) is now available online at   http://ejpe.org/ . It includes a special issue on the philosophy and economics of pandemics, an interview with Deirdre Nansen McCloskey, the launch of our new section   Into the Archives   devoted to archival texts, and more. Please see below for an overview—with links—of the issue.   EJPE  is a peer-reviewed bi-annual academic journal supported by the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics at the Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam. EJPE publishes research on the methodology, history, ethics, and interdisciplinary relations of economics, and welcomes contributions from all scholars with an interest in any of its research domains. EJPE is an Open Access Journal: all the content is permanently available online without subscription or payment.     **OVERVIEW OF EJPE ISSUE 1, VOLUME 14, 2021**     ARTICLE