
Mostrando entradas de mayo 31, 2020

Historia de la Psicología: una beca para hacer la tesis en Groningen

CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA HASTA EL 1 DE JULIO, 2020 Invitamos a toda persona interesada en realizar una   tesis doctoral   en el ámbito de la historia de la psicología (en algún tema relacionada con la historia de los tests psicológicos, el franquismo o las tipologías) a participar en la convocatoria abierta para una beca de doctorado a la Universidad de Groningen (con el grupo de investigación Theory & History of Psychology). Para más información, véase el siguiente enlace: https://www.rug.nl/education/ phd-programmes/phd- scholarship-programme/phd- scholarships?details=00347- 02S0007RFP

CfP: History and Historiography of Science

www.historiographyofscience. org The upcoming December 2020 edition of  Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science  will not feature a special issue (dossier) on a specific point of the historiography of science , as usual . Due to the large number of regular articles on open and broad themes in history and the historiography of science constantly being received and which do not fit in special issues – but are particularly important to the field –, this next edition of  Transversal  aims at bringing together different viewpoints on the writing of the historiography of science and additionally, the history of science, philosophy of science, and science education. The aim is to display, in an open and broad sense, the different possibilities and approaches to this field of study. We hope to receive articles that discuss the history and historiography of distinctive disciplines (physics, mathematics, biology, geography, sociology, etc.) as well as differ

CfP: Society For the History of Discoveries 60th Anniversary Conference

Where:  New Orleans, Louisiana When:  12-15 November 2020 Venue:  Williams Research Center of the Historic New Orleans Collection    Extended Deadline June 15, 2020. Our 2020 Annual Meeting, 12-15 November, will be held at the Williams Research Center of the Historic New Orleans Collection. The opening reception will take place on  Thursday evening (November 12), followed by the conference on November 13 and 14. At that time, the Historic New Orleans Collection will be hosting a major exhibit on Spanish Louisiana, that will include numerous Spanish documents rarely seen in the United States. Conference participants will have opportunities to view HNOC’s regular cartographic holdings, and an optional historical excursion is planned for Sunday, November 15, following the conference. Theme:   New Orleans and the Mississippi Delta: Cultural Crossroads Louisiana is home to some of the earliest Paleo-Indian sites in North America, and the area which became New Orleans was se

CfP: "Situated Nature"

Field collecting practices and the construction of scientific locality in the long nineteenth-century PDF here:  https://www.academia.edu/43263 635/_Situated_Nature_Call_for_ Papers_for_collective_ thematic_issue?source=swp_ share Field collecting is a political gesture. Sampling nature is a combined result of specific gestures of the hand, the use of dedicated tools, a reliance on intermediaries, on-site negotiations of natural history knowledge, and the mobilisation of agencies that are not neutral. The context of nation and empire building in the nineteenth century paralleled a soaring accumulation of natural objects supporting naturalist trade and both private and institutional collections. Practices of field collecting resonated with social and political stakes that were intertwined with matters of appropriation of the land and the environment. In the nineteenth century, experience of the field was key in the legitimation of science, and we propose a close-up approach o

Novedad bibliográfica: Las matemáticas en España durante el siglo XVIII a través de los libros y sus autores

Autoría: Carmen López Esteban y Alexander Maz Machado Url:  https://eusal.es/index.php/eusal/catalog/book/978-84-1311-295-4 Este trabajo analiza los libros utilizados para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en el siglo XVIII en España, para ello se identifican y categorizan los libros de texto matemáticos publicados en este siglo según su contenido: aritmética, álgebra, geometria y análisis (cálculo). Asi mismo, se busca identificar las fuentes u obras que les han influido y su proyección en libros posteriores, para posteriormente llevar a cabo un estudio comparado de las mismas. El estudio espera contribuir al conocimiento de la ciencia española en el siglo XVIII en lo que se refiere a las matemáticas y mostrar cómo los conceptos fundamentales, formales y aplicados, de ellas se difunden en la sociedad mediante los libros de texto. El siglo XVIII tiene dos puntos de inflexión importantes para la ciencia española, la llegada de una nueva dinastia con los cambios culturales q

CfP: Science Discourses in Cold War European Cinemas and Media

Science discourses in media and the public sphere, as we unwittingly witness in the Covid-19 era exhibit the  dynamic relationship and competition among   diverging political agendas, economic concerns, and state-sponsored research. Yet anxieties and fear of what’s to come are no new phenomena when it comes to the public sphere. Between 1945 and 1990, the East and West competed not only ideologically, but also in terms of their scientific feats and media representation of their successes. The Cold War offered a rich terrain for competition, showdowns, and reflection: from the release of Sputnik I in 1957, to reclaiming the cultural heritage of European scientists, to responding to Wernher von Braun’s involvement into Explorer I and II and public support or dissatisfaction with nuclear armament. The space craze engendered entertainment genres such as the  utopische Filme  in the East and sci-fi in the West, popular documentaries, and educational features that shaped the public imag

CfP: Gender, bacteria and viruses

Deadline: 15 of June, https://www.ichst2021.org/#dat es To submit symposia proposal to the 26th International Congress of   History of Science and Technology to be held in Prague July 25-31,  2021, were are looking for a small group of colleagues who may be working  on the history of infections, pandemics and/or bacteriology from a  gender perspective. I am trying to find a group able to reflect on the  present pandemic on the light of the history and historical  epistemology of women and gender in biology and biomedicine, including  bacteriology, microbiology and virology, and the practices of  infections and issues related - practices of care, laboratory  performances and bedsides. Organiser:  María J Santesmases.

Open Call: Environmental and Biological Hazards and Redistribution in Rural History

Participants sought for session at ‘Rural History Conference 2021’, August 23–26, Uppsala, Sweden. Session deadline is 15 September 2020, so initial expressions of interest are welcome before that date! Let me, Daniel R. Curtis, know at curtis@eshcc.eur.nl Abstract: Throughout history, environmental and biological hazards have caused distress and suffering for rural societies. However, as well as aggregate damages – sometimes leading to disasters – hazards also had powers of redistribution for wealth, property and resources. In some cases, this created a ‘leveling effect’, making societies more equitable, and in some cases, buffers, consolidation or speculation combined to further widen or entrench inequalities. Questions remain unanswered, however. What explains the different redistributive directions seen after hazards, and furthermore, what explains the different magnitudes of redistribution? Why is some redistribution more structural and long lasting, but other redistributi

Early Career Grants for ESHS 2020 Bologna

The ESHS offers Early Career Grants for PhD students, post-docs or junior scholars (with a maximum of 3 years after completion of PhD) presenting at the ESHS Bologna 2020 conference. Preference is given to those delivering an individual paper. If delivering a joint paper, the applicant has to be the sole speaker. This year, as the conference is taking place online, the grant consists of a waiver of the conference registration fee. Submission of applications for Early Career Grants will open on 5 June 2020 and close on 20 June 2020. The applications should be sent by email to ESHS Secretary Simone Turchetti and should include: - A short CV (maximum 500 words) with an indication of date of PhD. - Confirmation of acceptance and title of talk to be presented at Bologna. - A short justification on reasons to apply, including a statement that the applicant has no other sources of financial support. The recepients of Early Career Grants will be notified on 30 June 2020.

CfP: 13th International Conference on History of Chemistry (ICHC), Vilnius 18-22 May 2021

Since 1991, when the first meeting was organized in Veszprem (Hungary), the Working Party on the History of Chemistry (WPHC) of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) organizes an international conference on the history of chemistry, open to colleagues from all over the world. Thirty years later, t he 13 rd  International Conference on History of Chemistry (13ICHC) will be held in Vilnius (Lithuania), from the 18 th  to the 22 nd  of May 2021. See: ( https://www.ichc2021vilnius. chgf.vu.lt/ ). The ICHC aims to bring together historically interested chemists, chemistry educators and historians of chemistry from all over Europe and beyond. For more information on the WP, see the website: http://www.euchems.eu/ divisions/history-of- chemistry-2/ . The conference will be hosted by Vilnius University (established in 1579), in the premises of the old city. The Department of Chemistry was established in 1797, still holding a position of one of the most popular departments at th

CfP: Society for the Study of Early Modern Women & Gender

The Society for the Study of Early Modern Women & Gender ( https://ssemwg.org ) will sponsor up to  three  panels at next year’s annual conference of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA), to be held in Dublin, Ireland, on 7-10 April 2021.  The SSEMWG supports and promotes inclusive and creative scholarship on women and gender across the early modern world. We are committed to interdisciplinary, intersectional approaches that are historically sensitive and theoretically exploratory.   The Society is soliciting proposals for pre-formed panels (or roundtables) in any discipline that explore women and their contributions to the cultural, political, economic, or social spheres of the early modern period and whose interest in it includes attention to gender and representations of women. Proposals that include young/emerging scholars are especially welcome.  Sponsorship of a panel (or roundtable) by the SSEMWG signifies that it is pre-approved and automatically accepted for

CfP: Mining for the Earth-Based Sciences (RSA 2021 Dublin)

Organizers: Stefano Gulizia (PAN, Warsaw); Katie Jakobiec (University of Toronto) This panel is sponsored by the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (CRRS), University of Toronto, for the 67th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, to be held in Dublin, Ireland, on 7-10 April 2021. We warmly invite submissions and hope to select 3-4 papers for presentation according to the following outline. Between 1450 and 1650, in the aftermath of a great technological change in metallurgy, a vast Central European space including centres such as Trento, Chemnitz, and Goslar specialized and clustered into new industrial hubs. In our historiography of the period, as well, mining has emerged as a nexus for studying the interface between natural history, physiology, and the processing of materials. Thanks to Anna Marie Roos’s The Salt of the Earth (Brill 2007) and Laboratories of Art , edited by Sven Dupré (Springer 2014), to name only a few contributions, we have a

Job Opening for Archivist in FDA History Office

he FDA History Office, in Silver Spring, MD, is recruiting an Archivist and  would be grateful for your help spreading the word.  Applicants must  demonstrate expertise in digital archives management (particularly in working  with electronic records management systems), as well as experience working in   public health, medicine and or scientific archival collections.  Familiarity  with federal records guidelines is strongly preferred.  The position is GS11  with promotional potential to GS12.  Applications must be submitted through  USA Jobs and received by close of business on Thursday 6/11/20.  More details about this opportunity can be found here: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob /ViewDetails/570135500