
Mostrando entradas de febrero 12, 2012

Reminder: Four PhD Studentships at Leeds 2012-13

FOUR PhD STUDENTSHIPS IN PHILOSOPHY/HPS 2012-13 The School of Humanities at the University of Leeds intends to offer up to four studentships in Philosophy and History & Philosophy of Science (HPS) to suitably qualified candidates for its full-time (FT) or part-time (PT) PhD programmes. One studentship is associated with the AHRC Block Grant Partnership and will pay full Home/EU fees (currently £4,200 p.a. FT) and (for those eligible for a full award) the standard maintenance component for AHRC doctoral awards (currently £13,590 p.a. FT).   Up to two additional school studentships will be offered paying full Home/EU fees and substantial maintenance awards. Applications for studentships are welcome from all areas of philosophy/HPS research in which the school can provide PhD supervision (see http://www.leeds.ac.uk/arts/info/20048/philosophy/1094/postgraduate/6 ).   For further information about PhD research at Leeds please contact: * for Philosophy, Dr Jason Turner ( j.t.turne

CfPs Area of History and Philosophy of Computing

Dear colleagues,   this is a reminder for the forthcoming three deadlines for Call for Papers related to the area of the History and Philosophy of Computing.   best wishes, Liesbeth      (1) ------------------------------   Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming 5-6 July 2012   http://www.computing-conference.ugent.be/hapop12   part of AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012 - Alan Turing 2012 2-6 July 2012   We expect contributions about the following topics and their intersections:   1. The history of computational systems, machines and programs 2. Foundational issues and paradigms of programming (programming logics, semantics and proof-theories for distributed, secure, cloud, functional, object-oriented, etc.)   SUBMISSION DETAILS: The programme will consists of 2 Invited Lectures and up to 8 Contributed Papers. It will takes place in the afternoon session of the 5th and the morning session of the 6th of July. We cordially invite researchers working in a field relevant to th

Jornadas de Neurociencia en la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina

El próximo 23 de febrero en el ciclo "Jornadas de Neurociencia" (3ª sesión) se impartirá, a las 19 horas, en la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina (C/Arrieta,12. Madrid) la conferencia titulada Los "ganglioblastos" de Cajal a la progresión del cáncer , a cargo de la profesora Ángela Nieto Toledano.

Call for Papers: Science & Education Thematic Journal Issue -- "Mendel, Mendelism and Education: 150 years since the 'Versuche'"

Call for Papers: Science & Education Thematic Journal Issue -- "Mendel, Mendelism and Education: 150 years since the 'Versuche'" A noteworthy Mendel anniversary occurs in 2015: It will be 150 years since the presentation of Mendel’s famous Versuche über Plfanzen-Hybriden paper. Although Mendel himself did not write much, a great deal has been written about him and his impact.   His 1865 paper was adopted in 1900 as the foundational document of modern Genetics. For some this was a delayed recognition of Mendel’s contribution; for others it gave a rise to a myth about the rise of Genetics and more generally about science as a process. Contributions are sought that deal with Mendel, the history of mendelism, and the incorporation of mendelian principles in genetics education. Examples of topics may include (but are not limited to) the following: ·        The impact of Mendel’s work ·         The reception of Mendelism ·        Differing interpretations of Mendel

Call for Submissions: 2012 Computer History Museum Book Prize

The Computer History Museum Prize is awarded to the author of an outstanding book in the history of computing broadly conceived, published during the prior three years. The prize of $1,000 is awarded by SIGCIS, the Special Interest Group for Computers, Information and Society. SIGCIS is part of the Society for the History of Technology. In 2012 the prize was endowed in perpetuity through a generous bequest for the estate of Paul Baran, an innovator and entrepreneur best known for his work on packet switching and networks. Baran was a longtime supporter of the history of information technology and the prize celebrates the contributions of the Computer History Museum to that field. 2012 Call for Submissions Books published in 2009-2011 are eligible for the 2012 award. Books in translation are eligible for three years following the date of their publication in English. Publishers, authors, and other interested members of the computer history community are invited to nominate books.

CFP: AAA panel on drug ethnography

**CALL FOR PAPERS** American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA, November 14-18, 2012 Drug (Ab)use: Border constructions and crossings in the anthropology of psychoactive substances Co-organizers: Tazin Karim, Roland Moore, Gilbert Quintero, Lee Hoffer, and Daniel Lende on behalf of the Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Study Group of the Society for Medical Anthropology This panel invites papers that explore the ideological, legal, and physical borders between sanctioned and illicit drug use through ethnography. We argue that the examination of drug behaviors is particularly salient to anthropology because they traverse and influence many culturally constructed boundaries between work/play, ethical/unethical, mind/body, etc. In particular, the recent development and repurposing of certain psychoactive substances has acted to blur the lines between recreation, medication, addiction, and enhancement. Street drugs like marijuana and certain psychedelics are no