Reminder: Four PhD Studentships at Leeds 2012-13
FOUR PhD STUDENTSHIPS IN PHILOSOPHY/HPS 2012-13 The School of Humanities at the University of Leeds intends to offer up to four studentships in Philosophy and History & Philosophy of Science (HPS) to suitably qualified candidates for its full-time (FT) or part-time (PT) PhD programmes. One studentship is associated with the AHRC Block Grant Partnership and will pay full Home/EU fees (currently £4,200 p.a. FT) and (for those eligible for a full award) the standard maintenance component for AHRC doctoral awards (currently £13,590 p.a. FT). Up to two additional school studentships will be offered paying full Home/EU fees and substantial maintenance awards. Applications for studentships are welcome from all areas of philosophy/HPS research in which the school can provide PhD supervision (see ). For further information about PhD research at Leeds please contact: * for Philosophy, Dr Jason Turner ( j.t.turne