
Mostrando entradas de abril 15, 2018

CfP "Frontiers and Border Regions"

Beja (Tunisia): November 28, 29, 30 / 2018 The theme of " Frontiers and Border Regions " could be dealt with respecting the following axes : 1.   History of the border and border regions -   Antiquity -   Middle Ages -   Modern Era -   Contemporary Period 2.   Definition and types of boundaries -   Territorial boundaries -   Maritime borders -   Heavenly borders -   Natural borders -   Artificial borders -   Invisible borders -   "Material" (e.g. South Africa under apartheid) or "immaterial" internal border (e.g. China) -   Materialized borders: police stations, customs line, fortifications, walls) 3.   Fixing the border -   Conquest -   Colonization -   Treaties -   Self-determination -   Plebiscite ...

BSHS Singer Prize

The British Society for the History of Science is delighted to invite submissions for the Singer Prize 2018.  The prize, of up to £300, is awarded every two years to the writer of an unpublished essay, based on original research into any aspect of the history of science, technology or medicine. The prize is intended for younger scholars or recent entrants into the profession. Candidates must be registered for a postgraduate degree or have been awarded such in the two years prior to the closing date.  All nationalities are welcome. Essays must not exceed 8,000 words and should be submitted in English.  They should adhere to BJHS guidance to authors in all respects. The prize may be awarded to the writer of one outstanding essay, or may be awarded to two or more entrants. Publication in the  British Journal for the History of Science  will be at the discretion of the Editor. Essays under consideration elsewhere or in press are not eligible. The deadline for sub

Convocatòria oberta de programes de recerca 2018

Per a l’any 2018, l’IEC ha previst iniciar una convocatòria oberta per al finançament dels programes i projectes de recerca de les Seccions i les societats filials. L’assignació pressupostària està pendent de l’aprovació del pressupost de l’IEC per a l’any 2018   (en principi, prorrogat) i l’aprovació del Consell Permanent. Pel que fa al finançament de les anualitats següents, la quantia també dependrà de la disponibilitat pressupostària de l’IEC. En la reunió del 6 de novembre de 2017, el Consell Permanent, ha aprovat les bases d’aquesta convocatòria, que es regeixen per la «Normativa de funcionament de la Comissió d’Investigació», aprovada pel Ple de l’IEC del 18 de juny de 2001. BASES 1.- La iniciativa de proposar programes o projectes de recerca correspon a la presidència, a les seccions i a les societats filials, sens prejudici que el Consell Permanent, a proposta de la Comissió d’Investigació, a partir d’una visió global de la recerca de l’Institut, pugui suggerir

New Open Access Book: Histories of Technology, the Environment, and Modern Britain

Histories of Technology, the Environment, and Modern Britain brings together historians with a wide range of interests to take a uniquely wide-lens view of how technology and the environment have been intimately and irreversibly entangled in Britain over the last 300 years. It combines, for the first time, two perspectives with much to say about Britain since the industrial revolution: the history of technology and environmental history. Technologies are modified environments, just as nature is to varying extents engineered. Furthermore, technologies and our living and non-living environment are both predominant material forms of organisation – and self-organisation – that surround and make us. Both have changed over time, in intersecting ways. Technologies discussed in the collection include bulldozers, submarine cables, automobiles, flood barriers, medical devices, museum displays and biotechnologies. Environments investigated include bogs, cities, farms, places

CfP: Food, Health and Environment: Sustainability and Challenges

Url:  http://www.ruralhistory.eu/newsletter/2018/rhn-2018-057 Organiser: Centro de História da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa 11-12 October 2018, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Deadline for submissions: 15 June 2018 ***Please find the English version below*** Chamada a Contribuições Seminário Internacional  Alimentação, Saúde e Ambiente: Sustentabilidade e Desafios O Centro de História da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (CH-FLUL) tem o prazer de co-organizar e acolher o Seminário Internacional Alimentação, Saúde e Ambiente: Sustentabilidade e Desafios, que terá lugar em outubro de 2018. Este seminário marca o início da agenda científica do Grupo de Trabalho Transições Tecnológicas: Memórias, Saberes e Práticas, constituído no âmbito do Colégio F3. A articulação entre alimentação, saúde e ambiente expressa, de forma inequívoca, a base em que assenta a relação milenar homem / natureza. Privilegiando uma

CfP: Causality in the Neuro- and Psychological Sciences

CiNaPS 2018: Causality in the Neuro- and Psychological Sciences 19 th -21 st September 2018, Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp, Belgium Part of the Causality in the Sciences (CitS) conference series website : https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/ conferences/cinaps-2018/ contact: cinaps2018@uantwerpen.be Keynote speakers Lise Marie Andersen (Aarhus university) Carl Craver (Washington University in St. Louis) Joanna Moncrieff (University College London) Benjamin Straube (Philipps-University Marburg) CFP Causality is one of the key concepts that require clarification if we want to understand scientific practice. Causal knowledge is useful for prediction and scientific explanation and is indispensable when we endeavour to intervene in the world. Causal relations are ubiquitous, but sometimes hard to discover. This holds for science in general, and for neuroscience and the psychological sciences in particular. Questions relating to ca

Seven Fully Funded Four Year PhD Studentships: University of Göttingen

Position: Seven Fully Funded Four Year PhD Studentships Organisation: University of Göttingen / Seven European Museums Location: Göttingen and Collaborating Institutions Closing Date: 30/04/2018 Job Type: A Salary: Tuition Fees, Maintenance, Research Expenses for Four Years Details: Seven Volkswagon Stiftung Funded Doctoral Studentships University of Göttingen: Department of Art History with Professor of the Materiality of Knowledge, Dr Margarete Vöhringer Senior research professors working in a range of disciplines and departments Zentrale Kustodie / University Museums   Collaborating Museums: National Museum of World Cultures, Netherlands Historisches Museum, Frankfurt Museum of the Second World War, Gdansk Haus der Europäischen Geschichte, Brussels Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich Gustavianum, Uppsala Universitetsmuseum ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe Deutsches Medizinhistorisches Museum, Ingolstadt "Exh

Four visiting fellowships in philosophy(incl. logic), Milan (Italy), Deadline: 21 May 2018

Permanent link:   http://www.dipafilo. unimi.it/ecm/home/persone/ bandi Visiting Fellowship Programme (2018-2019) *The Department of Philosophy ?Piero Martinetti?*, Università degli Studi Milano, invites applications for:  * *2 Senior Visiting Fellows*  * *2 Junior Visiting Fellows* The Department is committed to world-leading research in all areas of Philosophy with particular strengths in:  * The history of philosophy and science;  * Logic, epistemology, philosophy of language and mind;  * Theoretical philosophy, ethics and aesthetics;  * Anthropology, geography and social sciences. In addition, the Department has been traditionally very active in forging and consolidating interdisciplinary links ranging from the arts and humanities, to pure and applied sciences. In recognition of this, the Department has been selected by the Italian Ministry of Research and Education to benefit from a 5 year Excellence scheme (2018-2022). This will further enh

ERC Postdoctoral positions in Ancient Philosophy, Autonomous University of Barcelona

The Department of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona is seeking to appoint 2 postdocs in Ancient Philosophy for a fixed-term period of 24 months. The positions are to support the research project PROTEUS -  Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s) , which is funded by the European Research Council and led by Dr Silvia De Bianchi. Successful candidates will work in a multi-disciplinary research team. They are expected to both perform research independently and coordinate their work with other team members and other project partners. They are also expected to spend up to six weeks per year at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and take part in the activities that Dr De Bianchi will organize there in collaboration with Prof. Fronterotta and Dr Alessandrelli, including a workshop at the CNR-ILIESI in Rome. There are no teaching obligations. Research Profiles Postdoc 1: Successful candidate is expected to work on Plato&#

ERC PhD in Philosophy, Autonomous University of Barcelona

The Department of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona is accepting applications to appoint a PhD in Philosophy for a fixed-term period of 36 months. The position is to support the research project PROTEUS -  Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s) , which is funded by the European Research Council and led by Dr Silvia De Bianchi. The successful candidate is expected to work on Kant's theoretical philosophy, in particular on the Antinomy of Pure Reason and the theory of measurement exposed in the Critique of Judgment in connection with Kant's cosmology and within the wider context of the history of 18th century cosmology. Full-time position (37,5 hours a week) available from 1 September 2018 for a fixed-term period of 36 months. Salary: 20162,76€ per annum Closing Date: 5pm on 14th May 2018. For informal enquiries, please contact Dr Silvia De Bianchi: silvia.debianchi@uab.cat More information on the project can be found

AHRC CDP PhD studentship: The Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and its networks of support and influence, 1675-1742

The Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and its networks of support and influence, 1675-1742 Deadline: 7 May 2018, 17:00 Supervisors: Dr Rebekah Higgitt (Senior Lecturer in History of Science, School of History, University of Kent) and Dr Richard Dunn (Senior Curator for the History of Science at the National Maritime Museum) The Project We seek applications from outstanding postgraduate students for this collaborative doctoral award, starting in September 2017. This project aims to develop a new approach to the institutional history of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Using the Observatory as a central hub, it proposes to explore the local, national and international networks of astronomy, practical mathematics, navigation, education, print and instrument making that supported its work and developing reputation. It will focus on the period of the first two Astronomers Royal, John Flamsteed and Edmond Halley, aiming to better understand the role, milieu and develo

New book "Lavoisier e Parthenope"

Guerra Corinna,  Lavoisier e Parthenope. Contributo ad una storia della chimica del regno di Napoli , Naples, Società Napoletana di Storia Patria & Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici, 2017, V, 391 p. : ill. ; 24 cm  ISBN 9788880440857, 25 euros.  Preface by Renata De Lorenzo; Introduction by Maurizio Torrini. The French Revolution inexorably marked the year 1789 as a turning point in European history, but it wasn’t the only revolution that year that began in France and went on to shake the world.  The Chemical Revolution, led by Antoine Lavoisier, dramatically reorganized the discipline of chemistry with new methodological premises and new discoveries. Like all revolutionary movements, the  nouvelle chimie  was not accepted or acted upon in the same ways or at the same times by communities of scholars as it swept across Europe. The enormity of its impact on chemists in the Kingdom of Naples was no exception. The largest kingdom in Italy at the time, and the