
Mostrando entradas de abril 6, 2014

WEHC2015: Call for Dissertations / Call for Posters

The International Economic History Association (IEHA) is delighted to announce its 17th World Economic History Congress (WEHC) to be held in Kyoto, Japan, from August 3rd to 7th, 2015. Call for Dissertations and Call for Posters have been started at our online submission page ; 【 Call for Dissertations 】 -        This is the competition for recently completed doctoral theses in economic history or related fields: young scholars are invited to present their doctoral research. -        To be eligible for participation in the dissertation competition, candidates must have been awarded their doctorate or equivalent after January 1st, 2011 and not later than September 1st, 2014. -        The deadline for submissions is 31st July, 2014. For more details, please refer to http://www.wehc2015.org/scientificprogramme-call_for_dissertations.html 【 Call for Posters 】 -        Applicants should be PhD students or junior postdoc researchers. -        The deadline for sub

CFP New Journal: Sound Studies

Sound Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Editors Michael Bull, Professor of Sound Studies, University of Sussex, UK Veit Erlmann, Professor of Ethnomusicology and Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin, USA Call for Papers Sound Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal will be an international, peer reviewed and inter-disciplinary journal in sound studies, providing a unique forum for the development of the subject within a range of disciplines such as history, sociology, media and cultural studies, film studies, anthropology, philosophy, urban studies, architecture, arts and performance studies. The journal will encourage the study and research of sound by publishing submissions that are interdisciplinary, theoretical, empirically rich and critical in nature and situated at the cutting edge of sound studies. It will build upon the pioneering work of key academic s in the field such as Veit Erlmann, Douglas Kahn and Jonathan Sterne, and encourage further innovative th

Book Review: Wellock on Melosi. Atomic Age America

Martin V. Melosi. Atomic Age America. Boston: Pearson, 2012. xvii + 366 pp. $62.00 (paper), ISBN 978-0-205-74254-7. Reviewed by Thomas Wellock (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission) Published on H-Environment (April, 2014) Commissioned by David T. Benac https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=40485

CfP: "Learning How" Workshop, 5.-6.2.15, Berlin, Germany

Call for papers: Learning How: Training Bodies, Producing Knowledge , Workshop 05-06 February 2015, organizers: Nina Lerman, Stewart Allen, Research Group Histories of Planning, Dep. III, Artefacts, Action and Knowledge, Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany The focus of this workshop will be on processes of learning in relation to material production: how a less-knowing body becomes more-knowing; how mastery is understood by both "masters" and others; what provisions and resources might be available, and to whom, in a particular time and place. Finding words to analyze knowledge of material processes is often a contested project, but whatever terms scholars choose -- regenerating/ acquiring/ emulating/ developing knowledge -- we propose there is a common set of questions to explore and a rich conversation to be had. The tools of the project "Histories of Planning" are particularly adept at opening and analyzing processe

CEIICH-UNAM De la circulación del conocimiento a la inducción de la ignorancia. 3-4 junio 2014

http://www.ceiich.unam.mx/0/60EncFic.php?y=2014&m=06&d=3 De la circulación del conocimiento a la inducción de la ignorancia. Historia de las plantas medicinales (siglos XVI-XVII) Fecha: 2014-06-03 al 2014-06-04 Lugar: Auditorio del CEIICH, Torre II de Humanidades 4º piso, Ciudad Universitaria Coordinador(a): Angélica Morales Sarabia, Mauricio Sánchez Menchero y José Pardo Tomás Martes 3 10:00 Norma Blazquez. Palabras de bienvenida 10:30 Javier Puerto Javier Puerto / Universidad Complutense de Madrid La transculturización en el ámbito de la terapéutica farmacológica 10:50 Mauricio Sánchez Menchero / CEIICH-UNAM El tabaco bajo el cielo de París 11:10 José Pardo-Tomás /Institución Milà y Fontanals, CSIC Y los remedios serán los más caseros . El arsenal terapéutico mesoamericano en la obra de Agustín Farfán (1578-1592): entre la desconfianza y la incorporación del sucedáneo 12:30 Angélica Morales / CEIICH-UNAM La materialización de los sacramento