
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 8, 2020

CfP: European Association for the History of Medicine and Health

Url:  https://kuleuvencongres.be/eahmh2021/call-for-papers The European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) invites submissions for its biennial meeting, 7‐10 September 2021. The Association welcomes abstracts for individual papers, panels, roundtables and other short presentations on the general theme   Faith, Medicine and Religion . Faith and religion are part and parcel of the field of medicine and of healing practices. For in times of illness, we are in need of faith. We might express our faith in those who aim to heal us as we recognize and trust their ability to do so. In some settings, both today and in the past, such faith takes on explicit spiritual and religious meanings. It is performed through rituals and shaped by belief systems, shared (or not) between patients, doctors and other caregivers. In other settings, it is the belief in science or other concepts of medicine that drives patients’, caregivers’ and scientists’ search for cures and well-being.

Novedad bibliográfica: Del elefante a los dinosaurios: 45 de años de historia del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (1940-1985)

El libro está editado por la investigadora del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), Carolina Martín Albaladejo, con la colaboración de Soraya Peña de Camus como editora adjunta, y es resultado del proyecto de investigación del Plan Nacional El Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales entre 1939 y 1985: de la disgregación a la reunificación en su contexto nacional e internacional . Publicado por Doce Calles, este volumen aborda el periodo que comienza tras la Guerra Civil con la segregación del Museo en tres institutos de investigación y finaliza tras su reagrupación en el año 1984. El periodo estudiado ha sido muy poco tratado y es prácticamente desconocido tanto para los especialistas como para el público en general. El libro es también un reflejo de los problemas a los que se enfrentó la ciencia en ese momento. La obra compone un mosaico relatado a través de 13 capítulos y 16 investigadores que aportan su visión personal sobre diversos aspectos del devenir de la instituc

Web Hacer Ciencia en España

Se ha presentado la página web Hacer Ciencia en España ( https://es-ciencia.es/ ), una iniciativa coordinada por Carolina Martín y Eduardo Roldán, del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC). HCE está dedicada a divulgar proyectos dedicados a conocer a protagonistas y hechos relevantes de la investigación científica española. Se pretende con esta iniciativa contribuir a comprender mejor un aspecto importante de la historia reciente de España. El primer proyecto presentado está dedicado a presidentes del CSIC que ejercieron su cargo en el período 1980-2000: Alejandro Nieto, José Elguero, Enric Trillas, Emilio Muñoz, Elías Fereres, José María Mato y César Nombela. Con el fin de conocer de primera mano su gestión e ideas sobre ciencia y política científica se realizaron entrevistas en la Residencia de Estudiantes, con excepción de A. Nieto sobre quien se realizó una recopilación indirecta de información. Se realizaron también entrevistas a dos personas que ahora están a cargo de gesti

CfP: DS², Digital Studies of Digital Science, March 15–18 (online)

Url:  https://pencelab.be/events/ ds2-2021/ We are excited to announce the call for papers for the closing conference of our   FNRS MIS Grant :   Digital Studies of Digital Science (DS²).   Our aim in hosting this meeting is to bring together scholars working on two separate trends. First,   the products of science themselves have increasingly become digital   – from big data produced in laboratory contexts to the increasingly dominant roles of social media and preprints in the dissemination of results. Second,   the methods that we use to study those products have also become digitized   – scholars including philosophers, historians, linguists, and sociologists have turned to tools like network and citation analysis, textual analysis (and other tools of the digital humanities), and modeling and simulation, in our attempts to understand science and its changes over time. Both of these shifts have made a substantial impact on the epistemic landscape of science, and are in the process of

CfP: Eighteenth-Century Research Seminar (University of Edinburgh, online)

The  Eighteenth-Century Research Seminar   (ECRS)  series invites proposals for twenty-minute papers from postgraduate and early career researchers addressing any aspect of eighteenth-century history, culture, literature, art, music, geography, religion, science, and philosophy. The seminar series seeks to provide a regular interdisciplinary forum for postgraduate and early career researchers working on the eighteenth century to meet and discuss their research. ECRS will be hosted online by the university of Edinburgh. Seminars will take place on Wednesdays between 4:30-6pm on a fortnightly basis from  27 January to 7 April 2021 . Each seminar will consist of two papers. Abstracts of up to 300 words along with a brief biography and institutional affiliation should be submitted in a Word document to:  edinburgh18thcentury@gmail.com .   In your email, please also indicate any scheduling restrictions you may have. The closing date for submissions is  Tuesday 15 December 2020. To find out

Two PhD Positions, Theoretical Political Science and Philosophy, Bamberg and Bayreuth (Germany)

  *Two, three-years PhD positions* (65%, 13 TV-L) in Theoretical Political Science and in Philosophy, at the University of Bamberg and the  University of Bayreuth. The positions will be affiliated with the Chair of Theoretical Political  Science (Prof. Dr. Johannes Marx) at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität  Bamberg or the Chair of Philosophy I (Prof. Dr. Olivier Roy) at the  University of Bayreuth, as part of the research project „Simulating  Collective Agency“ (SColA), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Description: The SColA project aims at identifying mechanisms underlying the  emergence and stability of collective agency. It will, first,  investigate the role of shared beliefs and intentions for the emergence   and stability of collective agents and, second, it will study how these  shared attitudes contribute to the stability, growth or decline of  autonomy in such groups. The project will do so through a computational  and game-theoretical study of so-called ‘team reaso

CfP: SIEF 2021 "After Breakthrough: New Imaginaries in Human - Landscape Relations"

We welcome proposals for the panel Env03 "After Breathrough" at the Congress of The International Society for Ethnology and Folklore - SIEF2021 - which will be held on June 21-24, 2021 virtually (originally planned in Helsinki, Finland).   CfP is open until November 26, 2020 .  Application Link Panel convenors: Lili Di Puppo (National Research University Higher School of Economics) Anna Varfolomeeva (University of Helsinki) Iwona Kaliszewska (University of Warsaw) Chair:  Francisco Martinez (Tallinn University) Discussant:  Jesko Schmoller (Perm State University) Panel Description: This panel invites papers addressing the way breakthroughs in the form of rapid economic and societal developments reshape human bonds to natural landscapes. Profound social, economic, and ideological changes such as a globalising economy and rapid development of resource extraction impact the ways in which local communities experience and reimagine their attachment to landscape. Rather than consid

CfP: Seeking abstract for book chapter proposals for collected work "Persevering through the Pandemic: Communication, Creativity and Connection "

  A global pandemic, contentious elections, protests for racial justice, 2020 has been a challenging year. We want to hear your stories and scholarship about how you are faring through this pandemic. We are seeking chapter proposals for an edited collection examining the many ways in which people are persevering under such extraordinary circumstances.  Persevering through the Pandemic: Communication, Creativity and Connection  will focus on the many ways people have adapted and/or adopted strategies of resilience, comfort, and productivity in the face of recent societal and social stressors. The collection will offer a broad academic focus and consider a host of methodological approaches to the topic. We envision the aforementioned qualities as the book’s structure and seek abstracts fitting within these specific areas: resilience, comfort, productivity.  Scholarship related to Communication, S torytelling, Media Studies about relationships (roles and shifts), protests, politics, the e

CfP: Special Issue “Science and Values: the interaction of science, technology, and society”

  I. Presentation: A little over 20 years ago, Hugh Lacey (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Swarthmore College) published in Brazil the book  Valores e atividade científica  [Values and scientific activity] (Lacey 1998). Acknowledging the value of this academic contribution to the Brazilian teaching and research scene, in the same year,  Principia  published a book review, authored by Alberto Cupani (1998). As the book in particular, and the science and values approach in general – developed before and after the aforementioned 1998 book –, motivated classes, conferences and further publications, the areas of Philosophy of Science and of Technology were positively affected by the model of the interactions between scientific activities and values, as well as the model itself was refined along the years (Lacey & Mariconda 2014). This model encourages multiple dialogues of the humanities (Philosophy, History, Sociology etc.) with the sciences and technologies by broadening the scope o