
Mostrando entradas de febrero 25, 2018

Vídeo mesa redonda: 'Ciencia, filosofía e ideología. Enfoques materialistas'

El vídeo de la mesa redonda 'Ciencia, filosofía e ideología. Enfoques materialistas' está disponible en youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=_tSzxHWohPc&feature=share La mesa tuvo lugar el 15 de febrero en la Facultad de Filosofía de la UB y asistieron unas 70 personas. Se organizó en el marco del Máster de Historia de la Ciencia (UAB-UB-UPF) y participaron Gustavo E. Romero, Laura Nuño de la Rosa y Javier Pérez Jara. Presenta Lino Camprubí.

Fully-funded Collaborative PhD Studentship

DEADLINE FRIDAY 9 MARCH Culture Institute PhD Studentship in History of Medicine and Technology University of Leeds and Thackray Medical Museum "The ‘Oxford Knee’: From Local Collaborations to Global Surgical Dominance, 1966-present" Supervisors:  Dr James Stark  and  Professor Graeme Gooday Drawing on extensive archives at the  Thackray Medical Museum  in Leeds, the student will explore and explain how a chance collaboration between medicine and engineering led to a device which dominates global markets. Drawing on oral histories with practitioners and patients, correspondence, medical literature, newspapers and company records, the project will provide the first complete history of the Oxford Knee, helping us to understand how medical innovations become “successful” and the social impact of changing practices in orthopaedics. For more details, see: https://www.leeds.ac.uk/arts/ news/article/5168/fully- funded_cultural_institute_phd_ studentsh

Call for chapters: Politics of Urban Knowledge

BERT DE MUNCK (University of Antwerp) & JENS LACHMUND (Maastricht University) At least since early modernity, the worldwide process of urbanization has been accompanied, and partly shaped by, the formation of the city as a distinct domain of knowledge. Cities provided environments whose dynamics and complexity was unprecedented, and knowledge making was key when planners, experts and policy makers, as well as ordinary inhabitants tried to make sense of its variegated phenomena and problems. In the context of the Scientific Research Community (WOG) ‘ Urban Agency: The Historical Fabrication of the City as an Object of Study ’ , we are planning an edited volume which explores  the mutual entanglement of the development and worldwide spread of the city, and the creation and circulation of knowledge about   the city.  The guiding question of the volume will be how contextually contingent knowledge-making by sciences, professions and civic knowledge agents have been m

CfP: Workshop Women in the History of Science, Philosophy and Literature

Workshop Women in the History of Science, Philosophy and Literature July 12-13, 2018, Syros, Greece The International Commission on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST, the Commission on Women and Gender Studies DHST/IUHPST, the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn University, the School of Humanities of the Hellenic Open University, the Institute of Historical Research/National Hellenic Research Foundation, and the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Athens organize a two-days’ workshop to study Women in the History of Science, Philosophy and Literature. The CoSciLit workshop ( http://coscilit.eap.gr/)  is already an established part of the very prestigious “Hermoupolis Seminars” which have been organized for more than 30 years every July on Syros Island. This workshop aims to rediscover and to re-evaluate the impact and role of women in the history of science, philosophy, and literature. In recen

EXPOSICIÓ: "Epistemologies de la prevenció del VIH/sida"

Coincidint amb el festival del FICAE4, el pròxim dijous 1 de març de 2018 s’inaugurarà l'exposició EPISTEMOLOGIES DE LA PREVENCIÓ DEL VIH/ SIDA a la sala d’exposicions temporals de l'Institut interuniversitari López Piñero (Palau Cerveró. Plaça Cisneros, 4) "Epistemologies de la prevenció del VIH/sida" Des de l’inici, les campanyes de prevenció del VIH/sida han generat representacions socials sobre la infecció i han configurat coneixements i prejudicis com a respostes al desconeixement de la malaltia. Vist el fracàs obtingut pel model d'informació genèrica, moltes vegades dirigida a la “població general", aquesta exposició posa la mirada en aquelles campanyes destinades a diferents categories socials, sexuals, ètniques i culturals, que aborden sense tabús els temes de la sexualitat, el plaer, la toxicomania, la malaltia i la mort, i faciliten una informació completa i explícita sobre els comportaments preventius adaptats a cada tipus

CfP: Victorian Interdisciplinarity International Conference 2018

Durham University 12 May 2018 CFP Deadline: 16 March 2018 Hosts: Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies & Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies Organising Committee: Rosemary Mitchell, Efram Sera-Shriar (Leeds Trinity University); Bennett Zon (Durham University); Helen Kingstone (University of Glasgow) Keynote speaker: Gowan Dawson (University of Leicester) The Victorian Interdisciplinarity project combines expertise at Durham and Leeds Trinity to build upon a current project called Victorian Culture and the Origin of Disciplines, led by cultural historian Bennett Zon (Durham) and historian of science Bernard Lightman (York University, Canada). Begun at Durham’s Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies, that project explores the factors underpinning the coalescence of modern disciplines, while problematizing conventional notions of disciplinary crystallization and exposing deep channels of interdisciplinary interaction. Led by a combination of scholars at

CfP: Technology’s workforce. Inventing, operating and learning technology throughout history

The 41 st History of Technology Conference will be held at the Klostergut Paradies in Schlatt near Schaffhausen, Switzerland on 16 and 17 November 2018. The Conference has served as an outstanding platform for the exchange of ideas between research, teaching and industry since 1978. The speakers and the invited guests come from universities, libraries, collections and museums or contribute their business and industrial experience. The conferences are renowned for the breadth and topicality of the papers presented. You can find information on previous conferences at: www.eisenbibliothek.ch . This international and interdisciplinary event is organized by the Iron Library (Eisenbibliothek), Foundation of Georg Fischer Ltd. Responsibility for the content of the conference is in the hands of a scientific advisory board consisting of Dr. Gisela Hürlimann (ETH Zurich), Prof. Reinhold Reith (University of Salzburg) and Prof. Friedrich Steinle (TU Berlin). Conference top

CfP for Special Issue on "Political Genealogy after Foucault"

Genealogy is now accepting submissions for a Special Issue on the theme, “Political Genealogy After Foucault.” Inspired by the work of Michel Foucault, this issue invites essays from scholars employing political genealogy as a methodology and model of theoretical inquiry representing a wide range of disciplines, from the social sciences to the humanities, from philosophy to geography to urban studies to cultural theory. The goal of this special issue is to publish some of the best and most current work in political genealogy, showing how this work invites us to rethink many of the key concepts in political theory as well as real ground-level political practice. Broadly conceived, the editorial team is interested in articles which demonstrate how political genealogy helps us to understand what Foucault calls “the history of our present,” while at the same time looking to our future, to what being a political subject will look like in a post-representational world. So

CfP: Law, the Body and Embodiment: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives

This special issue (journal to be announced) wishes to foreground the body and embodiment in relation to the law, from both contemporary and historical perspectives. In so doing, this CFP invites contributions that consider the following, but not exclusively: what is the relationship between law and the body, and law and embodiment? How does the law preclude, encourage, marginalize, or stratify particular kinds of embodiment, if at all – and how are particular kinds of embodiment gendered, sexed, classed and/or racialized?  What role does culture play in relation to law and the body, and vice-versa? What are the embodied consequences of particular legal decisions, and vice-versa, how might modes of embodied resistance lead to legal change? What are the multiple and varied relationships between the body and the law, and their mutually constitutive, interdependent relationship? How autonomous can we truly be in relation to our bodies, before the law steps in? What effe

CfP: Synthese Special Issue - Reasoning in Physics

Modern Physics provides an extremely rich testing ground for philosophical theories of scientific reasoning. In recent times, we have seen the emergence of many new forms of theory confirmation, necessitated by the empirical inaccessibility of some of the most prominent theories of modern physics and cosmology. This special issue aims to explore new forms of scientific reasoning and argumentation in physics, with a focus on the relationship between these new reasoning strategies and existing philosophical theories of scientific reasoning and argumentation. We welcome submissions of individual papers covering topics related to reasoning in physics, broadly construed.  Submissions:  Contributions must be original and not under review elsewhere. Although there is no prescribed word or page limit for submissions to Synthese, as a rule of thumb, papers typically tend t

Worth Library Research Fellowship

The Edward Worth Library, Dublin, is offering one research fellowship (duration one month) , to be held in 2018, to encourage research relevant to its collections. The Worth Library is a collection of 4,300 books, left to Dr Steevens’ Hospital by Edward Worth (1676-1733), an early eighteenth-century Dublin physician. The collection is particularly strong in three areas: early modern medicine, early modern history of science and, given that Worth was a connoisseur book collector interested in fine bindings and rare printing, the History of the Book. Research does not, however, have to be restricted to these three key areas. Further information about the collection and our catalogues may be found on our website: http://www.edwardworthlibrary. ie/Home-Page The closing date is Monday 26 March 2018 .

JOB POSTING: 3 PhD positions in ethics of science/philosophy of science, Hannover/Bielefeld (Germany)

Please consider this job posting for 3 PhD positions at Leibniz Universität Hannover & Bielefeld University, Germany. Feel free to forward it to potentially interested students and colleagues. You can find further details are on our website: https://grk2073.org/apply 3 fully funded positions for doctoral candidates in ethics of science and/or philosophy of science Starting Date: October 1, 2018 Within the research group "Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Science" (jointly organized by the philosophy departments of Leibniz Universität Hannover and Bielefeld University, Germany) (probably) 2 positions at Leibniz Universität Hannover, 1 at Bielefeld University Net salaries roughly between 1500 and 1600 € per month, plus benefits such as health insurance Appointment for 1.5 years, another 1.5 years extension planned Working language English, no command of German required Application Deadline: May 20,

clystere n° 63 - mars 2018

Clystère n° 63 – Mars 2018 est paru ( March 2018 is online) : http://www.clystere.com SOMMAIRE N° 63– MARS 2018 Histoire des instruments : - Le Vibrostat, appareil de massage vibratoire (Bernard Petitdant) - Seringues à insuline : du classique à l’automatique (Jean-Pierre Martin) - Cherche poinçon désespérément ! (Philippe Mereau)  Histoire de la santé : - Numismatique pharmaceutique : Médaille de l’Exposition Internationale pharmaceutique,  Prague 1896 (Frédéric Bonté) - Louis XV (1710-1774) (Xavier Riaud) Courrier des lecteurs La chronique de lecture de Jacques Hotton : Le soleil sous la soie. Nouveautés en librairie