
Mostrando entradas de enero 7, 2024

Novedad bibliográfica: Enric Novella "Las políticas de la locura. Psiquiatría y sociedad en la España de Franco" (PUV, 2023)

El profesor de historia de la ciencia de la Universidad de Valencia e investigador del IILP Enric Novella acaba de publicar la monografía "Las políticas de la locura. Psiquiatría y sociedad en la España de Franco" dentro de la prestigiosa colección Historia y Memoria del Franquismo de Publicacions de la Unversitat de València. Adjuntamos el texto de su presentación editorial. En los últimos años, el estudio de la evolución de los discursos y las prácticas psiquiátricas durante el franquismo se ha convertido en un capítulo relevante de la historiografía de la ciencia en la España del siglo XX. A pesar de que dicha evolución se desplegó en coordenadas cambiantes y comprendió aspectos muy dispares (como el cultivo de la especulación clínico-teórica, la introducción de novedades terapéuticas, el afianzamiento institucional de la especialidad o la difusión del nuevo ideario de la salud mental), el franquismo constituyó sobre todo un periodo en el que la medicina mental se vio par

Call for the 2025 DHST Dissertation Award

The Division of History of Science and Technology of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (DHST/IUHPST) is happy to invite submissions to the 8th DHST Dissertation prize, awarding promising young scholars in the broad field of the history of science and technology Starting at the 22nd International Congress of History of Science in 2005 held in Beijing, DHST now awards the prize every two years. Up to three awards for recent PhD historians of science and technology will recognize outstanding doctoral dissertations completed and filed between 2 September 2022 and 15 April 2024. The Prize does not specify distinct categories, but submissions must be on the history of science, technology, or medicine. The Award Committee endeavors to maintain the broadest coverage of subjects, geographical areas, time periods, methodologies and so on. Prizes consist of a certificate, waiver of registration fees, and assistance with accommodation expenditures to t

De revelaciones a revoluciones: la contribución de la antropología europea en el abordaje y transformación de la violencia ginecológica-obstétrica

Please consider submitting a proposal to the panel De revelaciones a revoluciones: la contribución de la antropología europea en el abordaje y transformación de la violencia ginecológica-obstétrica at the next EASA meeting or sharing our CfP among colleagues, friends and students. The Call for Papers is now open and closes at 23:59 CET on 22 January 2024. Short Abstract: Se propone una discusión de las contribuciones de la Antropología para la conceptualización y análisis de la violencia ginecológica y obstétrica a lo largo de las últimas décadas en el contexto europeo, por su capacidad de análisis holístico y de establecimiento de puentes interdisciplinarios. Long Abstract: En este panel se busca resaltar las significativas contribuciones de la Antropología en la conceptualización y análisis de la violencia ginecológica y obstétrica a lo largo de las últimas décadas en el contexto europeo. Se subraya el valor intrínseco de la ciencia antropológica al establecer diálogos interdisciplin

CfA: Biasing Mechanisms in Scientific Research. Leibniz University Hannover May 31st – June 1st, 2024

In the philosophy of science, recent work has led to an emerging consensus that science is not value-free, and that values, including social and political values, play different roles in the research process. It has also become clear that, values can have both a positive and a negative impact on science. Sometimes, values can contribute to science’s epistemic and social goals, while other times, they can have a detrimental effect on science’s epistemic goals, i.e., biasing research results. With this framework in mind, the main goal of this workshop is to clarify the negative roles of values in scientific research, and in particular their sometimes-biasing effects. While it is well-known that biases impact scientific research results, we have a less clear understanding of the different types of biases, their mechanisms, and their scope. Current invited speakers include: Heather Douglas (Michigan State University) Jacob Stegenga (University of Cambridge) David Teira (Universidad Naciona

Launch of IFRC's Library & Archive Catalogue

The L&A Catalogue, now available to the public, offers reference details on published resources and IFRC historical archives. When they exist, digitized versions of published resources and IFRC archives are available for viewing and download through the L&A Catalogue. Explore IFRC’s Library & Archive Catalogue here .

CfP: Disability, Technology and Change: Adjusting, hacking, and repairing as practices of inventing

Recently, we see a growing scholarship in design, art, technology, and science regarding their relationships with disability and thus exploring issues of materiality as well as complex embodiment and cognitive difference. In opposition to previous narratives, these novel and critical accounts center disability as a creative force, an embodied experience that fosters innovation and allows for new affordances of already known and circulating objects, practices and knowledges. These works [e.g., Hamraie 2017, Hamraie, Fritsch 2019, Dokumaci 2020, 2023] delivered by scholars with and without disabilities, academic allies and engaged research practices expose the agency, political force, and creativity of people with disabilities, thus opposing discourses that presented them as recipients of technological solutions provided by able-bodied professionals, for whom they have served as challenge or as an inspiration [Jackson, Williamson 2019]. The access and participation of people with disabil

Postdoc (IUSS Pavia): Epistemology / Philosophy of Mathematics

18-month Postdoc (with possible 6-month extension): Epistemology / Philosophy of Mathematics Project: Disagreement in Mathematics School of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia https://www.iusspavia.it/en The School of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia invites applications for an 18-month Postdoctoral Fellowship (with the possibility of a 6-month extension) in epistemology and/or philosophy of mathematics. The postdoctoral fellow will work as part of the Italian National Research Project (PRIN) Understanding Scientific Disagreement and its Impact on Society with PI: Silvia De Toffoli (co-PI: Filippo Ferrari, University of Bologna). The main task will be to investigate foundational and epistemological questions concerning disagreement, focusing mainly on the occurrence of disagreement in scientific and mathematical contexts. Some of the main questions that will guide the research are: Is rational disagreement possible at all in mathematics? What are the popular misconceptions about scientific disagre

Call for chapter proposals - Scientists and The Establishment of Mass Environmental Awareness (1950-1990)

To be published by Tab edizioni, Rome, Italy (Series: Zenit) in March 2025, Scientists and The Establishment of Mass Environmental Awareness (1950-1990) is looking for contributions dedicated to analyzing the relationships between scientists and policymakers; between scientists and environmental movements; between scientists and cultural institutions; between scientists and the world of work (companies, trade unions, workers). The book's editors are Professor Federico Paolini from the Università di Macerata, and Ms. Jingyuan Wu from the University of Tokyo. This book focuses on the 1960s and the late 1980s, at most reaching the early 1990s but not beyond. There are no geographical limits. We are seeking contributors for the following questions: What role have scientists played in creating mass awareness of environmental problems? Can we talk about scientific objectivity, or has the role of scientists been influenced by their relations with political and economic decision-makers? H

CfP: Mini-conference on Welfare States and Gender Inequality: Regional and Global Perspectives @SASE

Call for papers for the mini-conference on Welfare States and Gender Inequality: Regional and Global Perspectives (#MC10), held at SASE in Limerick, Ireland, June 27-29 2024. Deadline to submit abstracts is January 19, 2024. For more details see: https://sase.org/event/2024-limerick/#mini Conference description: This mini-conference convenes scholarship on how welfare states across the world have shaped policy-making on gender equality, with a focus on barriers, drivers, and consequences of policy development. A substantial body of research, primarily conducted in the Global North, particularly in OECD countries, explores how gender systems interact with and are influenced by welfare states. There is a strong consensus that over the last 50 years, welfare states have facilitated women’s attachment to the labor market in high-income countries. Cross-national studies show that subsidized childcare and paid parental leave have the highest power in explaining cross-country variation in fem

CfP: Bucharest, 30-31 May 2024: Media and Epidemics: Technologies of Science Communication and Public Health, 20th-21st Centuries

Bucharest, 30-31 May 2024 Media and Epidemics: Technologies of Science Communication and Public Health, 20th-21st Centuries Organizers: Media and Epidemics Project, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest, in collaboration with the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester Place and date: Bucharest, 30-31 May 2024 Abstracts submission deadline: 31 January 2024 Epidemics provide significant opportunities to reflect on the ways in which media, technology and society are co-constituted. As medical and social phenomena, they tend to be highly mediatized events, although the limits and local inflections of that mediatization are yet to be subjected to sustained critical attention in both historical and contemporary settings. Moreover, as the Covid-19 pandemic has reminded us, outbreaks of infectious diseases represent a veritable test for a country’s underlying socio-economic and political structures. This includes the ability to harn

CfP: The Epistemology of Narrative Knowledge - Rivista di Estetica 1/2025

Rivista di Estetica n° 88 (1/2025) - The Epistemology of Narrative Knowledge Advisory editors: Erica Onnis (University of Turin), Sarah Worth (Furman University). Deadline: March 15th, 2024 Historically, human beings have been variously characterised as “social”, “political”, “rational”, or “economic” animals. Recently, another definition has presented them as “storytelling animals” belonging to the species Homo fictus, the “great ape with the storytelling mind” (Gottshall, J., The Storytelling Animal, p. 10). Humans do love to tell stories, but storytelling is not only an amusing and entertaining activity, nor a peculiar and more or less successful style of communication. Stories play fundamental epistemological roles. They help humans in organising and understanding the complex dynamics in which they live; they provide a structure to facts and ideas that would otherwise remain separated; they encode a form of knowledge that is easy to remember and enables action; they describe the w

CfP: Circulating Knowledge - 20 Years On!

Circulating Knowledge – 20 Years On. Conference/Symposium. Research, Translation, Teaching, August 7-10, 2024 www.cosmolocal.org In August 2004, the Circulation of Knowledge conference—jointly organized in Halifax, Nova Scotia by the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Science, the British Society for History of Science, and the History of Science Society—set out challenges to the then-dominant centre-periphery models of the origins and dissemination of scientific knowledge. Jim Secord’s keynote address, “Knowledge in Transit”, outlined the issues at stake. Scholarship on the circulation of knowledge has since exploded and it is time not only to take stock, but to open new research avenues in globalised History/Philosophy of Science and Science and Technology Studies. Circulating Knowledge – 20 Years On proposes to revisit the circulation of knowledge, 20 years after this pioneering conference, through a series of plenary presentations, individual talks, roundtables, and spe

CfP: Special Issue on Transparency in Medical and Healthcare Expertise

Diametros ( https://diametros.uj.edu.pl/diametros ) invites scholars and researchers to contribute to a special issue focusing on the critical theme of transparency in the realm of medical and healthcare expertise. This call is inspired by the article "Expertise, disagreement, and trust in vaccine science and policy. The importance of transparency in a world of experts" authored by Alberto Giubilini, Rachel Gur-Arie, and Euzebiusz Jamrozik (available here: https://diametros.uj.edu.pl/diametros/article/view/1871/1688 ). Submissions: - Commentaries on the Article: We welcome analytical and critical commentaries on the article "Expertise, disagreement, and trust in vaccine science and policy. The importance of transparency in a world of experts", reflecting on its themes, arguments, and implications. - Independent research papers: Additionally, submissions of independent research papers exploring broader issues of transparency in medical and healthcare expertise are

History of Nursing PhD project (deadline 26th January)

Student applications open for a fully-funded History of Nursing PhD (deadline 26 January) Intersection and Identity: Exploring the Professional and Personal Lives of Post-War Black Nurses in Britain LAHP Collaborative Doctoral Award between Queen Mary University of London and Royal College of Nursing In 1969, 19-year-old Neslyn Watson-Druée arrived in England from Jamaica to start her nurse training. She undertook fieldwork practice as a health visitor in Brixton, where she ‘came face to face with abject poverty’ for the first time and ‘face to face with being ashamed about being black’. ‘I didn’t understand history.’ She later reflected in an oral history in the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) collection. ‘I didn’t understand economics and I didn’t understand how society worked.’ An intersectional approach to caring – between race and class, between professional and personal identities, between healthcare, politics and society – will open up new angles on Black British history, the