
Mostrando entradas de octubre 4, 2009

Otros recursos de historia de la ciencia, la medicina y la tecnología

Al iniciar este blog me parece absolutamente necesario hacer mención de otros recursos (sin afan de citar todos los posibles) que también llevan años funcionando y pueden ser de utilidad para los lectores de este experimento que ahora se inicia. . El sitio web historiadelamedicina.org (que lleva dos blogs asociados) y que es, desde luego, el sitio más acabado. Mantenido por José Luis Fresquet, de la Universidad de Valencia, se nutre de los conocimientos profesionales en la gestión de este tipo de recursos que ha adquirido el profesor Fresquet. . La Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de la Técnicas tiene su propia lista de distibución (Lista Hª de la Ciencia) que funciona como un foro. . La Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina tiene su propia lista de distribución  (SEHM) . La Societat Catala de Història de les Ciència y de la Tècnica tine su propia lista de distribución (hct-l) Y luego en función de los intereses de cada uno existen muchas listas que pueden

Andrés Ríos Molina, La locura durante la revolución mexicana. Los primeros años del manicomio general La Castañeda, 1910-1920, México, El Colegio de México, 2009, 254 pags. ISBN 978-607-462-038-2.

Andrés Ríos Molina, La locura durante la revolución mexicana. Los primeros años del manicomio general La Castañeda, 1910-1920, México, El Colegio de México, 2009, 254 pags. ISBN 978-607-462-038-2. El manicomio General La Castañeda, inaugurado por el presidente Porfirio Díaz en el marco de las celebraciones del Centenario de la Independencia, fue un imponente complejo arquitectónico de veinticinco edificios con capacidad para mil doscientos pacientes. Este evento fue asumido por la élite porfiriana como el ingreso de México a la modernidad psiquiátrica. Desde su fundación hasta su clausura en 1968, ingresaron más de cincuenta mil pacientes. En este libro se reconstruye la historia del Manicomio con base en los expedientes clínicos de quienes fueron internados durante la primera década de funcionamiento: periodo que coincide con la etapa bélica de la Revolución mexicana. Además de las historias clínicas, en algunos expedientes reposan autobiografías, dibujos y poemas de pacientes y co

Industrial Heritage 2009

Industrial Heritage 2009 4th European contact weekend for industrial heritage volunteers and associations Calais (France), 13-15.11.2009 E-FAITH, the European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage is a platform promoting contacts and co-operation between non profit volunteer associations, the place where those can meet, exchange experiences, learn from each other and support each other’s activities an campaigns. After the succesfull meetings in Beringen (2006), Kortrijk (2007) and Barcelona (2008), each attended by representatives from a dozen countries, E-FAITH is now going to organize a fourth European contact weekend for volunteers and non profit organisations that are engaged in the research, the preservation, the interpretation and/or the presentation of the industrial and technical heritage. It will again be an open and stimulating meeting where organisations and individuals can present and compare their ideas, projects and results - and find o

'The Universities in the Periphery'

Call for Papers for the organization of a session on ' The Universities in the Periphery' at the 7th STEP meeting (17-20 June 2010, Galway, Ireland). Kostas Gavroglu, Agustí Nieto-Galan and Ana Simoes

Sex, Ethics and Psychology: The Networks and Cultural Context of Albert Moll (1862-1939)

The Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease, Durham University Sex, Ethics and Psychology: The Networks and Cultural Context of Albert Moll (1862-1939) A Conference debating the work of Albert Moll in Medical Ethics, Sexology, Psychology and Parapsychology sponsored by the Wellcome Trust and the Wolfson Research Institute, Durham University and supported by the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine Thursday 5th - Friday 6th November, 2009 To be held at Durham University, Stockton on Tees, Queen's Campus, Wolfson Research Institute, Seminar Room For a booking form and further information, please visit http://www.dur.ac.uk/chmd/news/mollconference/ For directions to Queen's Campus, Stockton, please visit http://www.dur.ac.uk/chmd/maps/ It would be appreciated if the poster on the following link could be advertised http://www.dur.ac.uk/resources/chmd/events/mollconference/poster/Posterfinal2.pdf ************* Programme Thursday, 5th No

Wellcome Library workshops

Dear All, The new autumn programme of Wellcome Library workshops can be found on the Library website at:   http://library.wellcome.ac.uk/node32.html The workshops provide introductions to research and information resources at the Library, and are aimed at the general public. The programme includes:  - thematic workshops on Science in the News, Medicine and Literature and the History of medicine;  - training on specific resources such as the Wellcome Images database and Nineteenth Century Newspaper databases;  - and introductions to the Wellcome Archives and genealogical research resources at the library. All workshops are free and available to everyone upon joining the library (library membership is free and open to all). To book a place on any of the workshops, please use the online booking facility link on the library web site:   http://library.wellcome.ac.uk/node32.html With best wishes, Lalita Kaplish Discovery and Engagement Wellcome Library Wellcome

Ciudad y hospital en el Occidente europeo (siglos XIII-XVII)

Ciutat i hospital a l’Occident europeu (segles XIII-XVII) Ciudad y hospital en el Occidente europeo (siglos XIII-XVII) City and hospital in the European West (13th-17th centuries) Ciutat i hospital a l’Occident europeu (segles XIII-XVII) , és una proposta de simposi internacional organitzat en el marc de l’acord de col·laboració entre la Institució Milà i Fontanals (IMF-CSIC) i l’Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs (IEI) per a l’estudi i difusió del patrimoni i de la història de l’assistència hospitalària baixmedieval i moderna a Catalunya. El seu principal objectiu és l’estudi dels intercanvis culturals entre espai hospitalari i ciutat entre els segles XIII i XVII, tot apropant-se al fenomen de l’assistència social amb particular atenció a l’escenari privilegiat que constitueix la institució hospitalària. Concretament, el propòsit d’aquesta trobada és abordar l’estudi dels antics hospitals des d’una perspectiva polièdrica, al voltant d’eixos explicatius, com ara el seu rol


The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology will hold its bi-annual conference from September 2 – 4, 2010 in Trento, Italy. The overall theme will be PRACTISING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PERFORMING THE SOCIAL; and the focus will be explicitly on practice and performance. The conference will be organized in approximately 20-30 parallel thematic tracks. They have an ongoing call for proposals to these tracks, the deadline is October 12! Teams for convening such a track are allowed up to 4 people. On the site ( http://w ww.easst.net/node/2326 ) you find several fields, but two of them “medicine and healthcare as technoscientific practices” and “The ´doing` of bodies and gender in science and technology” could be of interest for scholars in medical anthropology. Submissions for tracks should address broad issues and themes in order to attract a large number of scholars. Further on, submissions are expected to include an outline of the proposed theme and the area of int


Benvolgudes companyes, benvolguts companys, us convidem al Congrés ICREA CIÈNCIA I SOCIETAT A LA CORONA D'ARAGÓ La vernacularització del saber i la configuració de les identitats lingüístiques europees a l'època de Llull i Eiximenis Barcelona, 20-22 d'octubre de 2009 Trobareu el programa a http://www.sciencia.cat/noticies/icrea2009.htm Fins aviat, Alexander Fidora

Postdoctoral Fellowships for up to two years, starting date September 1, 2010. Outstanding junior scholars are invited to apply.

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Department II (Lorraine Daston), announces four Postdoctoral Fellowships for up to two years, starting date September 1, 2010. Outstanding junior scholars are invited to apply. The fellowship is awarded in conjunction with the research project The Sciences of the Archive. Candidates should hold a doctorate in the history of science or related field at the time the fellowship begins; the Ph.D. degree should have been awarded in 2007 or later. Research projects may concern any culture or historical period (including the present). Although projects must have a history of science component, both the human and natural sciences are included under that rubric and additional relevant disciplinary perspectives are welcome. Possible topics include: - The material culture of selecting, collecting, preserving, classifying, and transmitting knowledge (e.g. libraries, museums, and data bases but also collections of astronomical observati

Workshop ‘Iberian-Netherlandish Knowledge Exchanges’

Workshop ‘Iberian-Netherlandish Knowledge Exchanges’ Barcelona , 27-28 November 2009 Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Carrer del Carme, 47. 08001 Barcelona co-organitzat per la Universitat de Ghent, la Institució Milà i Fontanals i la Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica. La inscripció és obligatòria (per la capacitat limitada de l'espai), però gratuïta. Només cal enviar-me un missatge amb les vostres dades a mcamps@iec.cat abans del 15 de novembre . Ben cordialment," Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica Institut d'Estudis Catalans Carrer del Carme, 47 08001 BARCELONA Tel.: 93 324 85 81 Fax: 93 270 11 80 schct @iec.ca t

Max Planck Research Group Leaders in all fields of research pursued by the Max Planck Society. We encourage applications in the history of science

The Max Planck Society has published a call for applications for Max Planck Research Group Leaders in all fields of research pursued by the Max Planck Society. We encourage applications in the history of science. The call can be found here: http://www.mpg.de/english/institutesProjectsFacilities/juniorResearchGroups/announcement/central/index.html Jochen Schneider Research Coordinator Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin

Professorship in the History of Knowledge

The Max Planck Society and the Department of History and Cultural Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin jointly invite applications for a Professorship in the History of Knowledge (W2; 5 years) combined with a position as an Independent Junior Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. The successful applicant will serve as an Independent Junior Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG). She or he will be required to cover the area named above in research and teaching (with a reduced teaching load of one course per semester) at the Freie Universität Berlin. In accordance with article 100 of the Berlin Higher Education Act (Berliner Hochschulgesetz), a Habilitation, junior professorship, or equivalent postdoctoral qualification is required. For this position, it is necessary that the nominee received her or his Ph.D. no longer than five years ago. The appointee will have a distinguished research background i

Comparative and Cross-National History of Science, Medicine and Technology

Comparative and Cross-National History of Science, Medicine and Technology CALL FOR PAPERS for the organization of a session at the 7th STEPmeeting, National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland), 17-20 June2010.This session assesses the need of further cross-national andcomparative work in history of science, medicine and technologyprompted by current perceptions of disciplinary crisis, aroundquestions such as “big pictures”, the rise of global history, and theintegration of non-Western science in the canon of our discipline.The aim of this session is to contribute to the reinforcement ofSTEP’s research agenda and the historiographical development of thediscipline at large, by presenting papers dealing with more than onenational context in comparative fashion, and includinghistoriographical and methodological reflection on thecharacteristics, advantages, and limitations of this approach.Papers may not cover a whole country and can instead focus oncomparison of regions or more local

Seminario sobre Desigualdades en Salud y Nutrición (26-30 de octubre de 2009)

Seminario sobre Desigualdades en Salud y Nutrición

Call for Papers for the organisation of a session on 'Women in Science in the European Periphery' at the 7th STEP Meeting (Galway, 17-20 2010).

Please find attached the Call for Papers for the organisation of a session on 'Women in Science in the European Periphery' at the 7th STEP Meeting (Galway, 17-20 2010). The aim of this session is to provide case-studies which analyse the participation of women in science from the ‘periphery’ (either within Europe or beyond Europe), and reflect on the historiographical and methodological issues raised. Through the examination of the place of women in science, as well as the shaping of the concept of gender in specific cultural contexts, we hope to enrich our knowledge on scientific cultures and their ideological underpinnings. We are particularly interested in exploring the strategies women use for legitimating themselves, their appropriation of scientific discourse or the shaping of their own, their publication strategies, their alliances (political or religious support for example), their use of networks (i.e. family, religious, political), the ways in which they negotiate wit

PhD-Net “Internationalization of Literature and Science since the Early Modern Period” *

Dear Colleagues, many thanks in advance for a broad distribution of the following invitation to apply for a joint PhD-Net of King’s College London / and the University of Stuttgart *PhD-Net “Internationalization of Literature and Science since the Early Modern Period” * Application deadline: 16/11/2008 The PhD-Net “Internationalization of Literature and Science since the Early Modern Period” is a bi-national PhD programme run collaboratively by King’s College London and the University of Stuttgart, which aims to forge interdisciplinary connections between various subjects in the Humanities (German Studies, English Studies, Comparative Literature, Philosophy, and the Histories of Medicine, Science and Technology). Partner institutions in Germany include the German Literature Archive in Marbach and the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation. An international research group will support and connect projects which address both inter- and trans-national tendenc

Call for Expressions of Interest for two positions as Head of Research Unit

Call for Expressions of Interest for two positions as Head of Research Unit The Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG) present the Joint Research Initiative "Convivencia: representations, knowledge and identities (500-1600 AD)." Convivencia is the traditional term used to designate the cooperative and conflicting co-existence of Jewish, Muslim and Christian communities in themedieval Iberian Peninsula. The aim of the JRI "Convivencia" is to address from a multidisciplinary perspective a formative period of the European world (500-1600 AD) with its cultural and religious heterogeneity. The encounters and exchanges between Jewish, Christian and Islamic communities and elites constitute a historical laboratory of great significance for understanding interaction and transformation processes of cultures in the millennium between the decline of the Roma

Conecta pasa a un blog experimentalmente

Conecta comenzó hace 16 años. Desde entonces la informática e Internet han variado muchísimo y parece el momento de acomodarse un poco a las nuevas realidades. El editor ha tenido noticia de cuanto se visitaba la página web de Conecta, pero lo que realmente nunca he sabido es si lo que enviavamos se leía o no. El esfuerzo de realización de Conecta en el formato actual se ha hecho cada vez mas oneroso y voy a experimentar con esta nueva herramienta. Como siempre una preocupación que he tenido es no abrumar con nueva información. Por ello, siguiendo ahora una periodicidad semanal, recibiréis un recordatorio de que en el blog se han puesto nuevas noticias. Supongo que lo que ocurrirá será lo de antes. El que no quiera saber nada borrará el mensaje sin más y, ahora, el que quiera leer algo seguirá la dirección que pondremos en el mensaje. De momento este es un experimento. Vamos a ir aprendiendo todos y veremos que tal sale. Lo que si es cierto es que un blog tiene más versatilidad que el