Director of the CHF Museum The Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF) is recruiting for the position of Director of the Museum. The Director of the Museum will be responsible for establishing and implementing mission-driven goals for the museum, overseeing museum operations and exhibition development, and directing the growth, care, and management of CHF’s collections of artifacts, instruments, and art. Working collaboratively with an experienced group of curators across the institution, the Director of the Museum will proactively engage researchers and staff at all levels of the organization to promote the history of science and technology through outreach, exhibitions, and innovative programming, while raising awareness of CHF’s role in the field both nationally and internationally. The Director will lead the museum team in implementing the vision set forth in the strategic plan. The focus of CHF’s museum is on 19th and 20th century scientific instrumentation, the sciences and technologi
Mostrando entradas de mayo 18, 2014
Registration for the ESHD 2014 Conference is open till June 15th
Dear colleagues, Registration is open for the ESHD Conference (Alghero, 25-27 September). We take the opportunity to inform you that the deadline for the payment of Regular Fees has been fixed on June 15th 2014. Thank you very much to all the colleagues that have already registered. On the web page you can find as well the final programme, with other related information (conference venue, accommodation/travelling information, registration fees, etc.) Do not hesitate to report any inaccuracies in the programme or problems in the consultation and use of the web page. For further details you can contact the local organizers at the following addresses: / We look forward to meeting all of you in Sardinia at the Conference. Secretary
SHOT announces its first ever Three Minute Dissertation video contest for PhD students and recent graduates!
“Pitch” your dissertation topic in an accessible and entertaining three minute video and win registration, accommodations, and a banquet ticket for a SHOT meeting of your choice. We warmly welcome submissions from graduate students and recent graduates in all fields whose work focuses on technology and has a historical dimension. If you are interested in STS, the histories of technology, science, medicine, or material culture, we'd love to see your video. All entrants will have their videos featured on SHOT’s Vimeo channel and the best ten will be featured on Technology’s Stories . Deadline for submissions is August 1. Please see for details and resources to help you get started! -- Suzanne Moon, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief Technology and Culture Technology and Culture Editorial Offices The University of Oklahoma Cate Center 4, Rm 484 332 Cate Center Dr. Norman, OK 73019 405-325-2076 suzannem
Noticias LLULL
Ya se encuentran disponibles en RECYT y en DIALNET: El último número de LLULL, Vol. 37, Nº 79 (2014) Y el texto completo de LLULL, Vol. 35, Nº 75 (2012) Además, Dialnet ha completado los textos del Vol. 29 (Nos. 63 y 64) 2006. Saludos cordiales, Elena --- Dra. Elena Ausejo Directora de LLULL Catedrática de Historia de la Ciencia Facultad de Ciencias (Matemáticas) Ciudad Universitaria E-50009 Zaragoza (Spain) Tfno. 976 76 11 19 Fax 976 76 11 25 Móvil 652 91 39 50
International Workshop: Teaching HPST in Higher Education, Paris, 19-20 June 2014
Dear colleagues, we would like to invite you to the international workshop “Teaching HPST in Higher Education: Challenges and Experiences at the Undergraduate Level.” We are organising this workshop which will be held here in Paris on the occasion of the launching of a new minor speciality in HPST. For more information and a detailed programme, we invite you to visit the workshop website : Best regards, Sebastian Grevsmühl -- Sebastian Grevsmühl post-doc dans le projet TEUS (The Earth Under Surveillance) à l'UPMC, Paris 6 Tél.: OSU Ecce Terra Tour 46/00, 4e étage, case courier 112 Université Pierre et Marie Curie 4, place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05 France
Summer School - IEHCA
Dear all, I herewith forward the brand new website of the IEHCA Summerschool: please, circulate this URL as wide as possible (the deadline has been prolonged with a couple of weeks). Thanks a lot, Best wishes from Brussels, Peter Scholliers History Departement / FOST Vrije Universiteit Brussel