
Mostrando entradas de abril 23, 2023

CfA: Reassessing the “Scientific Revolution”

Edited by: Simone Guidi  (CNR-ILIESI, Roma) Ludovica Marinucci  (Università degli Studi di Salerno) Marco Storni  (Université Libre de Bruxelles) Since the early twentieth century, scholars have provided manifold characterizations of the momentous change in scientific culture traditionally categorized as the “Scientific Revolution.” Alexandre Koyré has famously described the new physical science as a form of knowledge based on quantitative reasoning and measurement, whose emergence marked the passage from the “world of approximation” to the “universe of precision” (Koyré [1948] 1961). The introduction of mathematics into natural philosophy, the focus on quantity rather than on quality, the pursuit of accuracy and objectivity, are all general traits that several historians have referred to while characterizing the birth of modern science. One famous example is the discussion of the “quantifying spirit” of the eighteenth century, that John L. Heilbron has defined as a generalized “passio

CfA: 7th International Workshop on Science and Literature: Communicatiοn of Science and Literature in the multiverse

The Municipality of Aegina, The Greek Physicists Society,  The International Commission on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST, The Science, Technology and Medicine Laboratory of the School of Humanities, Hellenic Open University, The Institute of Historical Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, The Chair of  Science, Technology and Gender Studies, Friedrich-Alexander University, and  the Department of Sociology of the University of Athens organize a three-day workshop to study the Communication of Science and Literature  in the multiverse. The CoSciLit workshop has already an established tradition and papers presented in it have been published in thematic volumes, e-books, international journals etc. This year’s workshop aims to discuss various views on the role and presence of science and literature communication in a highly diversified world.  Science Diplomacy is also a main subject of the workshop as it is connected with our questions for the past, the present and the fu

CfPs: Hermeneutics of Science and Technology (and World of Games) - Technology and Language

The tenth issue of "Technology and Language" has appeared, and with it a  new call for contributions that is primarily addressed to philosophy,  cultural studies of technology and art, semiotics and hermeneutics. https://soctech.spbstu.ru/en/i ssue/10/ www.philosophie.tu-darmstadt.d e/T_and_L The current issue features submitted papers that contribute to various  ongoing discussions in the journal. The philosophical discussion of the  work of Ernesto de Martino adds to the analysis of Technology and Magic  in issue 3:4. Two papers are the first in a series on hermeneutic  approaches to science – one regarding the authors and readers of  experiments, the other on the question of “understanding” quantum  mechanics. Three papers query on a fundamental level the conflation of  technology and language and whether this conflation might prove  productive, e.g., in respect to “computer languages” or the notion of  “composition” in music, language, and programming. A third paper  disc

CfP: Galileo and Literature

Edited by Massimo Bucciantini Deadline for submission: 30 November 2023 The aim of this call is to draw attention to two specific issues of historical, literary, and philosophical research. On the one hand, the objective is to explore how Galileo considered and used literature; on the other, to observe how past and current writers and intellectuals have tested and enriched their knowledge with Galileo’s teachings. To what extent did Galileo cultivate his interest in literature and what kind of literature was he passionate about? How much did his attention to literary aspects affect his way of writing philosophical and scientific works? To what degree do the diffusion and success of a book depend on the literary and rhetorical choices made by its author? As Galileo leaves the known paths and the traditional certainties, he identifies “speech” and “digression” as the privileged space for the representation of a new way of thinking. However, when we talk of “Galileo and literature”, we do

Open access book: Histories of Technology, the Environment and Modern Britain

Edited by Jon Agar and Jacob Ward Free download:    https://bit.ly/ 3NaThT2 Histories of Technology, the Environment and Modern Britain  brings together historians with a wide range of interests to take a uniquely wide-lens view of how technology and the environment have been intimately and irreversibly entangled in Britain over the last 300 years. It combines, for the first time, two perspectives with much to say about Britain since the industrial revolution: the history of technology and environmental history. Technologies are modified environments, just as nature is to varying extents engineered. Furthermore, technologies and our living and non-living environment are both predominant material forms of organisation – and self-organisation – that surround and make us. Both have changed over time, in intersecting ways. Technologies discussed in the collection include bulldozers, submarine cables, automobiles, flood barriers, medical devices, museum displays and biotechnologies. Environ

MSCA post-doc fellowships in Philosophy of Science at the University of Turin: Call for Expressions of Interest

The research group in Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Turin encourages young and promising researchers to present expressions of interest to apply jointly with the Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences at the University of Turin for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. More information about these fellowships, including eligibility requirements and how to apply, can be found at   https://marie-sklodowska- curie-actions.ec.europa.eu/ calls/msca-postdoctoral- fellowships-2023  . The deadline for the 2023 call is  13th September 2023. The Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences in Turin is a vibrant and dynamic intellectual community, among the leading departments for philosophy in Italy, and ranked 45 in the World according to the last QS Universities Ranking. The Department comprises roughly 90 permanent academic research staff in addition to numerous PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. It is currently hosting 4 successful MSCA ap