
Mostrando entradas de febrero 11, 2018

Call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships at the UOC (Barcelona)

The  Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Research and Innovation Committee has agreed to publish a call for applications for four places for three-year postdoctoral research fellowships . The positions are open to postdoctoral teaching and research staff in any of the fields of study at the University and its research centres – the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute ( IN3 ) and the eLearn Center ( eLC ). The deadline for applications, as indicated in the terms and conditions, is 4th March 2018. As applicants need to be endorsed by a research group, we are seeking candidates who are interested in joining our research group CareNet at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) . The goal of CareNet is to understand the impact of technologies, particularly ICT, on the social and cultural reconfiguration of care and preparedness in the network society. This interest is built upon our interdisciplinary background in Science an

Wellcome Research Bursary at the John Rylands Research Institute

Wellcome Research Bursary at the John Rylands Research Institute Deadline for submissions:   5pm, Thursday 1 March 2018.   The John Rylands Research Institute is offering enhanced support for Early Career Researchers (those currently completing or within two years of the award of their doctorate) who wish to apply for a Wellcome Research Bursary to work on the University of Manchester Library’s Special Collections. If you are interested in this opportunity, please email   jrri@manchester.ac.uk   by   Thursday, 1 March 2018   with a 1 page CV and 250 words outlining how you would use the specified collections of The University of Manchester Library and how this work would form the basis of a larger postdoctoral project.   Full details of the opportunity, including collection highlights and particular areas of interest, can be found at: https://www.jrri.manchester. ac.uk/research/funding/#d.en. 622338

Photograph albums and poems sent to Charles Darwin

To celebrate Charles Darwin’s 209th birthday today, the Darwin Correspondence Project, Cambridge Digital Library, and English Heritage Trust, have released online for the first time, two albums of portrait photographs presented to Darwin in 1877.  They were sent by his admirers in Germany and Austria, and in the Netherlands. Also online for the first time are the texts of a series of poems written in Darwin’s honour by Friedrich Adler, a young lawyer from Prague. See the albums and poems here: https://www.darwinproject.ac.u k/people/german-and-dutch-phot ograph-albums The albums provide a snapshot of networks of supporters of Darwin on the Continent, and will also be a useful resource for people studying Dutch, German and Austrian social history. Very little is known about many of the people featured in these albums. If you can help to identify any of them, please get in touch.

CfP: Society for the Social History of Medicine Conference 2018 – Conformity, Resistance, Dialogue and Deviance in Health and Medicine Liverpool, 11-13 July 2018

Conformity, Resistance, Dialogue and Deviance in Health and Medicine Liverpool, 11-13 July 2018 Hosted by The Centre for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Health, Medicine and Technology The Society for the Social History of Medicine hosts a major, biennial, international, and interdisciplinary conference, and from 11-13 July 2018 it will meet in Liverpool to explore the theme of ‘Conformity, Resistance, Dialogue and Deviance in Health and Medicine’ . This broad theme plays on several levels. It reflects local Liverpool health heritage as a site of public health innovation; independent and at times radical approaches to health politics, health inequalities, health determinants, treatment and therapies (including technological innovation, community and collective practices, and the use of arts in health). The Society for the Social History of Medicine hosts a major biennial, international, and interdisciplinary conference. From 11-13 July 2018 it will m

Job: Harvard University, Lecturer on the History of Science

LECTURER ON THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Department of the History of Science Position Description: The Department of the History of Science at Harvard University seeks applications for one or more lecturers on the history of science. Specific areas of teaching may include the following: history of medicine, history of the human sciences, gender studies. Lecturers will be responsible for advising undergraduate students and teaching as many as four courses. The position(s) may be part-time or full-time depending on the area of specialization and the curricular requirements of the department. The position is for one year with a start date of July 1, 2018 and an end date of June 30, 2019. Keywords:* faculty, instructor, Boston, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MA, Northeast, New England Fields: history of medicine, history of human sciences, gender studies Basic Qualifications: Doctorate in history of science or relate

BSHS PG Engagement Fellowship: Jamaican Natural Science collections at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery

We are pleased to announce the opportunity for a current postgraduate student working in the history of science, technology and medicine, or a closely-related field, to work with the Curator of Natural Science at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery to research the Jamaican Natural Science collections. The Fellowship is worth £2,000 which will support up to one month’s work (20 working days) on a part-time  basis   from April 2018, with further funding of up to   £1,000   towards project outputs. All work is expected to be complete by the end of December 2018.   The collections to be studied comprise 3 volumes of bound herbarium (1786-1790s) collected from Jamaica by Bristol-born Dr Arthur Broughton; 4 volumes of illustrations of Jamaican natural history and accompanying handwritten text including  The   Elegancies of Jamaica  by Reverend John Lindsay (1758-1788); and an unpublished manuscript of Robert Long containing his theorems on the natural history of Jamaica w

CfP - 12th History of Recent Economics Conference (Octobert 5-6, 2018)

The twelfth History of Recent Economics Conference (HISRECO) will be held at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) of the University of Cergy-Pontoise on October 12-13, 2018. Since 2007 HISRECO has brought together researchers from various backgrounds to study the history of economics in the postwar period. It is the organizers’ belief that this period, during which economics became one of the dominant discourses in contemporary society, is worth studying for its own sake. The increasing availability of archival materials, along with the development of new perspectives inherited from the larger history and sociology of knowledge, has helped to provide insightful histories of the development of recent economic practices, ideas, and techniques. In particular, this area of research offers good opportunities to young scholars who are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to the history of economics. We invite researchers in all related fields to submit a paper proposal of no