
Mostrando entradas de febrero 26, 2012

Llamada de Artículos para la Revista História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos: Bioética y Diplomacia de la Salud

Llamada de Artículos para la Revista História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos El Consejo Editorial de Manguinhos, revista de la Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, recibirá artículos para el volumen, cuya publicación está prevista para el primer semestre de 2013. Este número tendrá por dossier temático: Bioética y Diplomacia de la Salud Recibiremos artículos inéditos sobre temas relacionados con la cooperación internacional en materia de salud, preferiblemente en el contexto de los acuerdos entre países o de comunidades de naciones, centrándose en su historia, problemas, resultados, desafíos y perspectivas, con énfasis en las dimensiones bioéticas que rodean estos procesos. El tema de esta edición especial con aportes analíticos prospectivos sobre la inserción de la salud en las relaciones internacionales debe reunir contribuciones para la comprensión de los diferentes aspectos de esta temática, así como interpretaciones sobre los retos y oportunidades que se le presentan a la política

Call for Papers: Ars et Medicina Symposium

Call for Papers: Ars et Medicina Symposium 7-8. May 2012, The Norwegian Institute in Rome, Italy   From antiquity to the present, medical science and art have been inextricably entwined. The first anatomical theories in Ancient Greece developed in conjunction with and parallel to artistic theories about human proportions.   From the 16th c. artists practiced dissection in order to improve their depictions of human form, and their drawings in anatomical atlases were used to educate generations of medical professionals. The Charcot school in Paris studies art works in an attempt to improve their understanding of psychological phenomena like hysteria. Sigmund Freud´s psychological theories were enriched by his study of literature, and his theories inspired the arts of literature and film. The theory and practice of connoisseurship is based on principles borrowed from medical science. Contemporary artists collaborate with medical scientists, and medical professionals still find inspir

Call for Papers: The Art of Death and Dying

Call for Papers: The Art of Death and Dying University of Houston, October 25-27, 2012 The University of Houston Libraries, in partnership with the Blaffer Art Museum, the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts, the Department for Hispanic Studies, the Honors College and School of Art, will host a three day symposium titled "The Art of Death and Dying" on October 25-27, 2012. We welcome scholars in all disciplines to submit paper proposals on literary, visual, and performing arts topics related to death and dying. Topics of the symposium include, but are not limited to: Depictions or interpretations of death and dying in performing and visual arts Depictions or interpretations of death and dying in literature Depictions of death and dying in film, radio, and television Commemoration of the dead in art, architecture and performance Artifacts of death and dying as represented in archival or museum collections Artistic depictions of the after life Cultural death rituals