
Mostrando entradas de febrero 6, 2022

CfP: 'Philosophical Perspectives on Medieval Theories of Science', Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 27-28 September 2022

Philosophical Perspectives on Medieval Theories of Science.  Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG), Berlin.  27-28 September 2022 ‘Medieval science’ is a fascinating object of study, both when viewed as a historical precondition of the rise of ‘modern science’, and when studied because its instances provide important examples of significantly different, yet highly sophisticated ways of thinking. However, those who wish to study particular instances of ‘medieval science’ in light of general philosophical reflections on science from the Middle Ages will not find much help in the recent literature: no general history of developments and shifts in medieval ‘theories of science’ is available, a state of affairs lamented already more than 50 years ago by Laurens Laudan, and again recently by Ana María Mora-Márquez. Detailed and systematic studies on medieval ‘theories of science’ are, thus, scarce. This is regrettable as a robust evaluation of ‘medieval science’ will, at le

Presentación de la web de la Colección fotográfica de la Exposición Internacional de Barcelona (1929) Biblblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomas, CSIC.

La  Colección fotográfica de la Exposición Internacional de Barcelona (1929)  que se conserva en el archivo ha sido la protagonista de las actividades desarrolladas durante 2021 en la Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás.  A modo de cierre presentamos la  web   que reúne todas estas actividades e incorpora la  visita virtual  a la exposición que tuvo lugar con motivo de la Semana de la Ciencia y un nuevo  podcast  que recrea la participación de Manuel Gómez-Moreno en la Exposición Internacional de Barcelona. A través de la  visita virtual  podéis apreciar con detalle las fotografías, libros y objetos expuestos, acceder a la información de los paneles, visionar los videos y consultar la descripción de los documentos seleccionados en el Catálogo de la Red de Bibliotecas y Archivos del CSIC. 

CFP: Global and Planetary Histories: Materialisms Old and New, Deep Time, and Multi-Species Relationships

European University Institute.  Fiesole, Italy,  13–14 October 2022     Organizing committee: Maria Gago, Tomás Bartoletti, and Troy Vettese       The environmental crisis challenges the writing of history in two ways. First, historians strive to explore how the global histories of empires, capitalism, economic integration, neoliberalism are connected to ecological collapse. Second, by addressing such problems historians are forced to confront a planetary history predicated on deep time and a decentred human subject. These two movements, towards the global and the planetary, reflect the paradox of the current predicament: the concomitant growth of human mastery  and  impotence. Should this problem be understood, as ‘new materialists’ would have it, as the result of a ‘Cartesian’ worldview that divides the world into nature and society? What about the ‘old materialist’ — i.e., Marxist —approach that sees capital as an impersonal but powerful force that subsumes ever more of nature into

CfP: BJHS Themes special edition: The magic lantern at the turn of the century

Contributions are invited to a special edition of  the  British Journal for the History of Science , BJHS Themes  about  the magic lantern at the turn of the century. This projected special issue will be dedicated to historical and philosophical interpretations of the medium of the magic lantern and its uses in knowledge making in popular and scientific discursive and disciplinary communities in the long nineteenth century and early twentieth century.  Papers might attend to the technology's agency in: instrumentalizing and nurturing communities and disciplines forging images and imaginariesk and engendering languages broadcasting and mobilising forms of knowledge transforming and corrupting knowledge and knowledge makers and learners  rescaling, repositioning, occluding and dissolving perceptions and conceptions structuring scientific experiments, narratives and scientific claims legitimizing theories and practices fashioning media and materials  transfiguring concepts and experie

CfP: Lakatos @ 100: A Celebration of the Centenary of his Birth and the Continuing Influence his Philosophy

London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom).  3-4 November 2022   This conference will celebrate the life and work of Imre Lakatos – a central figure in the history of LSE Philosophy and a major influence on philosophy of science and philosophy of mathematics worldwide – on the centenary of his birth.     The keynote speakers of the conference are:     - Colin Elman (Syracuse University)   - Philip Kitcher (Columbia University)   - Alan Musgrave (Otago University)   - Alison Pease (University of Dundee)   - Anya Plutynski (Washington University in St. Louis)   - John Worrall (LSE)     Information about the conference can be found on the conference’s website:   https://www.lse.ac. uk/philosophy/lakatos100     The Programme Committee invites submissions from philosophers and scientists from all fields that engage with the work and thinking of Imre Lakatos, or with Lakatosian themes more broadly construed.    

CfA EASPLS 2022 (Bordeaux): Dealing with Complexity in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences

Sixth European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS)   “Dealing with Complexity in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences”  Institute for Philosophy in Biology & Medicine & ImmunoConcEpT lab, University of Bordeaux & CNRS, Bordeaux, France, September 5-9, 2022 Directors: Thomas Pradeu & Maël Lemoine (Bordeaux); Marcel Weber (University of Geneva) The European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS) consortium will hold its sixth biennial summer school on “Dealing with Complexity in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences” at the University of Bordeaux in France. Young scholars (PhD students and early post-doctoral researchers) in the history, philosophy and social studies of the biological, biomedical, and environmental sciences are invited to apply.  The deadline for applications is February 25, 2022.  Applicants will be notified of decisions by late April 2022. For updates and more details, please see: h ttps://www.phil