
Mostrando entradas de abril 27, 2014

Introducción a la filosofía de la psiquiatría

Curso:  Jaca (Huesca), 24 y 25 de julio de 2014 Director D. Enric Novella Gaya, Profesor Ayudante Doctor de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Interés académico y social del Curso / Taller Considerando las limitaciones de los distintos presupuestos filosóficos (implícitos) que informan mayoritariamente la teoría y praxis actual de la psiquiatría, en los últimos años han proliferado una serie de iniciativas que han reivindicado   un mayor papel de la reflexión filosófica en el análisis crítico del conocimiento psicopatológico y en la determinación de los valores que inspiran los discursos y las prácticas en el ámbito de la salud mental. A pesar de contar con una modesta pero significativa tradición previa y del interés que han mostrado recientemente numerosos estudiosos y profesionales     de la psiquiatría por los fundame

CHSTM, Manchester: graduate studentships in the history of biology and/or medicine

The Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) at the University of Manchester offers two fully funded studentships (including maintenance allowance) for graduate study in the history of the biological sciences and/or medicine after 1800. The positions are supported by the Williamson Fund, which was established to further the study of these subjects at the University. Candidates may apply for a studentship in either of two schemes: *(a) Master’s plus PhD study. * This scheme is open to students with an undergraduate qualification. It covers, initially, full course fees and a living allowance for our one-year taught Master’s (MSc) in History of Science, Technology and Medicine, which will provide training for doctoral research study. If the student shows satisfactory progress on the MSc, it will then be extended to cover three years of full-time PhD study, again including full course fees and a living allowance. * **(b) PhD study.* This scheme is open to students

Falleció Alberto Elena

Alberto Elena, explorador de mundos cinematográficos El cáncer con el que llevaba luchando muchos años venció ayer a Alberto Elena (Madrid, 1958), fallecido ayer en Madrid a los 55 años. Hace no tantos, Bollywood todavía era un secreto para el mundo occidental y su presencia en letra impresa podía pasar por una errata tipográfica, una confusión con su hermano mayor estadounidense. Por entonces, Alberto, llevado de una insaciable curiosidad intelectual, ya se conocía todos y cada uno de los locutorios y tiendas de VHS indios de Madrid y otros lugares de España, puntos de distribución de la diáspora en los que alquilaba películas en hindi o urdu, de tres horas de duración y que carecían de subtítulos. Así se fue forjando el que, a la postre, se convertiría en el principal estudioso español del world cinema o, como él prefería llamarlo en su versión castellanizada, cine periférico, como en su libro (frecuentemente citado) Los cines periféricos: África, Oriente Medio, India (Paidós). Tambi

Medicine Anthropology Theory an open-access journal in the anthropology of health, illness, and medicine

Medicine Anthropology Theory an open-access journal in the anthropology of health, illness, and medicine Medicine Anthropology Theory – MAT – is a new, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal in medical anthropology, the anthropology of biomedicine, science and technology studies, and critical global health studies. MAT seeks to provide a forum for top-notch scholarship, engage ‘applied’ anthropologists and activists, and rethink classical anthropological theory in light of contemporary ethnographic research in biomedicine and health. The journal will be fully online and indexed. The first issue will be published this December. Submissions are currently being accepted for the following sections of the journal: Articles, Book and Film Reviews, Think Pieces, Photo Essays, The Nightstand, Dissertations in Brief, and Tea ching Materials. Descriptions of each type of submission and manuscript guidelines are available at: www.medanthrotheory.org. Please send submissions and queries to: edit

The Navigators

The Navigators, my history of NASA's deep-space navigation over the past half century, is now in print. It will be available on Amazon in 5-7 business days, and it is on sale now through the CreateSpace eStore. This is the story behind NASA's successful exploration of the solar system. For a half century, NASA has sent one probe after another into space, achieving scientific and technological successes along the way and adding to humanity's knowledge of the solar system. NASA has reaped these great rewards thanks to a small investment in deep-space navigation. With rare exceptions, navigation's great achievements-and scientific accomplishments-have gone unobserved. The failures of the Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander shed navigation in a negative light, yet the indispensable role of navigators behind NASA's many successes over the past half century has not come to light-until now. The institutional home of deep-space navigation is the NASA's Jet Propul

Science Museum Group Journal now online

http://journal.sciencemuseum.org.uk/ Science Museum Group Journal now launched - The first issue of the Science Museum Group Journal is now available to view online. The journal presents the global research community with peer-reviewed papers relevant to the wide-ranging work of the Science Museum Group. Through the journal, we will share research conducted by SMG's four national museums as well as inviting contributions that resonate with our collections and practice. Issue one includes new research on William Bally's set of phrenological heads and the historical significance of James Watt's workshop, as well as a close look at how 18th-century instrument makers used printed books.

ESHD 2014 Conference, Final Programme and Registration Open

Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the programme of the ESHD Conference (Alghero, 25-27 September) is now on line, on the web page www.eshd.eu, with other related information (conference venue, accommodation/travelling information, registration fees,etc.) Registration is now open. We take the opportunity to inform you that the deadline for the payment of Regular Fees has been fixed on June 15th 2014. Do not hesitate to report any inaccuracies in the programme or problems in the consultation and use of the web page. For further details you can contact the local organizers at the following addresses: conference@eshd.eu / cromao@uniss.it We look forward to meeting all of you in Sardinia at the Conference. Secretary

THOS HUMANITARIO Y GUERRA - SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL (Residència d'Investigadors, 19 y 26 de mayo, y 2 de junio de 2014)

En el 75º aniversario del fin de la Guerra Civil Española y del inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ETHOS HUMANITARIO Y GUERRA: RAZONES Y PASIONES, IDEOLOGÍAS Y CREENCIAS SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL Barcelona, Residència d’Investigadors Lunes 19 y 26 de mayo, y 2 de junio de 2014 El auge del internacionalismo humanitarista en las últimas décadas ha propiciado un renovado interés por la realidad presente y pasada de las intervenciones urgentes de socorro a colectivos humanos afectados por catástrofes de todo orden, o en defensa de los derechos humanos allá donde grandes atropellos se acometan. La conmemoración este año del 75 aniversario del fin de la Guerra Civil Española y del estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial parece una ocasión propicia para explorar los móviles del comportamiento humanitario en ambas guerras así como en diversos conflictos violentos de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Más allá de visiones habituales que han circunscrito las ideas humanitaristas al ámbito trascendent