
Mostrando entradas de marzo 13, 2016

Dynamis 2016; 36(1) Sumario

DYNAMIS Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam VOLUMEN 36 (1)                                                                                      2016 SUMARIO DOSSIER MODELOS ANATÓMICOS. CUERPOS Y OBJETOS EN LA CIENCIA CONTEMPORÁNEA Editado por Alfons Zarzoso Colecciones anatómicas y regímenes de exhibición. Una introducción. Alfons Zarzoso Modelando ciencia. La ceroplástica de Ignacio Lacaba en el Colegio de Cirugía de San Carlos de Madrid Maribel Morente The spatial rhetoric of Gustav Zeiller’s popular anatomical museum Nike Fakiner Divinos cadáveres: género, discurso médico y colecciones anatómicas en la leyenda de Pedro González de Velasco Alba del Pozo Pathological anatomy and self-portraiture Glenn Harcourt and Lisa Temple-Cox ARTÍCULOS Los peritajes médicos en la Valencia bajomedieval: los casos de envenenamiento Carmel Ferragud Barberos, charlatanes y enfermos: La pluralidad médica de la

Spirituality, Health and Healing

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  April 22, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  Health and Health Care, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Philosophy, Religious Studies and Theology, Social Sciences Spirituality, Health and Healing 1st Global Meeting   Call for Presentations 2016   Thursday 1st September – Saturday 3rd September 2016 Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom   Without the transcendent and transpersonal we can get sick, violent, and nihilistic, or hopeless and apathetic. We need something “bigger than we are” to be awed by and commit ourselves to in a new naturalistic, empirical, non-churchly sense. Abraham Maslow, Toward a Psychology of Being (1968), iii–iv.   How people are in the world can be fundamentally influenced by the balance that they experience between their physical and spiritual selves. Spiritual experience is fundamentally implicated in personal development and human aspirations.

CfP: Seeking Legitimacy: Authority and Expertise in Modern Britain University of Birmingham 20th-21st June 2016

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  June 20, 2016 to June 21, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  British History / Studies, Contemporary History, Cultural History / Studies CALL FOR PAPERS Seeking Legitimacy: Authority and Expertise in Modern Britain University of Birmingham 20th-21st June 2016 noun: value ; plural noun: values 1. the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. Seeking Legitimacy is a two-day workshop for postgraduates and early career researchers (within five years of completion) that aims to explore the relationship between authority and legitimacy in modern Britain. We wish to confront the historically contingent nature of value: who or what is valued at different historical junctures, how is value bestowed, sought after or fought for, and how do people come to feel valued (or not). Value and legitimacy are informed by authority and expertise that necessarily en

Wellcome Trust-funded Master's at CHSTM, Manchester

The Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Manchester in the UK (CHSTM) seeks a candidate for the 2016 Wellcome Trust’s Master’s Award scheme, offering fees and living allowance for one year of taught Master’s study in the history of medicine or medical humanities. The University of Manchester can propose one candidate per year to the Wellcome Trust, which considers applications from various institutions and has the final say in whether funding will be awarded. CHSTM has a strong track record of successful applications to the Master’s scheme. Full details of Trust’s policy on selection and entry requirements are provided at www.wellcome.ac.uk/Funding/ Humanities-and-social-science/ Funding-schemes/Masters- awards/index.htm CHSTM will run an internal selection process to choose a ca

SAVE THE DATE. 6th International Conference on the History of Occupational and Environmental Health

Wednesday 29th to Friday 31st of March 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden Conference goal: Interaction among practitioners, researchers and policy-makers in assessment of the historical development of occupational and environmental health. The 6th International Conference on the History of Occupational and Environmental Health is being organized by the Scientific Committee on the History of Prevention of Occupational and Environmental Diseases of ICOH (International Commission on Occupational Health). The scientific program will cover the history of risk assessment, occupational stress, dusty trades and the transition from seeing risks primarily as occupational to viewing them as part of broader environmental concerns. There will also be themes about the evolving history of occupational and environmental health in a global world, as well as work-related disability. Program and conference updates including abstract submission information will be continuously updated at the webpage of the

CFP - Gravity: Its History and Philosophy

Call for papers 32 nd Boulder Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science Gravity: Its History and Philosophy University of Colorado at Boulder Oct. 28 -30, 2016 Invited speakers Peter Saulson, Syracuse University, LIGO Michel Janssen, University of Minnesota Peter Bender, JILA, University of Colorado The conference topic is gravity from antiquity to the present. Historical and philosophical papers on both theory and experiment are welcome. Deadline for Submission: August 1, 2016 Acceptances will be available by September 1, 2016 Extended abstracts (1000 words)  should be sent to Allan.Franklin@colorado.edu

New issue of CORE available now

The 2016 issue of CORE, the Museum’s annual publication on computer history, exhibits and programs at CHM. This issue's theme is Women in Computing. Explore Core as contributors Ursula Martin (Oxford University), Marie Hicks (Illinois Institute of Technology), Dag Spicer (CHM), and Marguerite Gong Hancock (CHM) take a critical look at the significance and changing roles of women throughout computer history. Also highlighted in this issue is a remarkable, in-depth look at Cisco co-founder Sandy Lerner, featuring exclusive interviews from her Cisco co-workers and colleagues. And there’s more! Go behind the scenes of the Museum’s newest exhibit, Thinking Big: Ada, Countess of Lovelace; learn how the Cisco Archive is connecting Silicon Valley to history; get a first look at the Museum’s newest artifacts; and discover how CHM is empowering educators with Raspberry Pi. Pick up your copy here: http://s3.computerhistory.org/ core/core-2016.pdf

Call for papers : Products from Overseas in Europe: Circulation, Transformation and Consumption (16th-18th centuries)

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  March 24, 2016 Location:  France Subject Fields:  Atlantic History / Studies, Early Modern History and Period Studies, Economic History / Studies, European History / Studies, World History / Studies Call for papers: Products from Overseas in Europe. Circulation, Transformation and Consumption (16 th -18 th centuries) June 30, 2016 (University of Nantes, France) This workshop aims at bringing together scholars working on various tropical and colonial goods: raw materials, foodstuff, plants, drugs, and manufactured goods shipped from Asia, Africa and America to Europe. Recent studies in the history of consumption, long-distance trade and global history have provided historians with a better understanding on the many ways in which the trade in overseas products affected European consumption and manufacturing in the early modern ages (Berg 2015, Riello 2013, Coquery 2011). Sugar, coffee, tobacco, amongst others, trans

The Cycle of Life in Art, Literature and Science Conference 1st July 2016

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  April 3, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Health and Health Care, Literature, Theatre & Performance History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology This is an interdisciplinary conference exploring meanings, perceptions and the scholarly and creative reception of cycles of life in art, literature and science in historical and contemporary cultural contexts. The aim is to bring together a wide range of scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds, including those with interests in the History of Art, English Literature, Shakespeare, Theatre, Early Modern History, Classical Studies, Medical Science, Psychology and the Social Sciences. The 400 th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death takes place in 2016. To mark this important event and as part of the international celebrations that will be taking place, Coventry University is hosting a con

Emerging Expertise: Holding Accountability Accountable

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  April 6, 2017 to April 9, 2017 Location:   Massachusetts, United States Subject Fields:   Diplomacy and International Relations, Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies, Human Rights, Law and Legal History, Psychology Emerging Expertise: Holding Accountability Accountable The Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Clark University) 6-9 April 2017 Successful innovation brings together novel ideas and methods in ways that generate new forms of expertise. The Strassler Center’s conference on Emerging Expertise will put a diverse array of scholars, lawyers, policymakers, and practitioners working on issues germane to Holocaust and Genocide Studies (broadly defined) into conversation with one another with this goal in mind. The central focus will be on “accountability” as a theoretical concept, methodological concern, moral principle, legal demand, and form of ethical engagement. First, “accountability”

Call for Papers: Care and Carers in Education: Performing, imagining and resisting

One-day conference 5th September 2016, University of Roehampton, London, UK This one-day event is co-organised by RISE (Research in Inequalities, Societies and Education),  School of Education, University of Roehampton, UK, and CEEHE (Centre of Excellence for Equity  in Higher Education), University of Newcastle, Australia. It is concerned with care in education, with  care understood broadly as ‘everything that we do to maintain, continue and repair our “world” so  that we can continue to live in it as well as possible’ (Fisher & Tronto, 1990: 40). We seek papers  which engage critically with what Kathleen Lynch has termed the ‘careless’ culture of contemporary  (higher) education which she argues values subjects without caring responsibilities and is  premised upon hyper-masculinized subjectivities (Lynch, 2010). Within this context, feminized  labour, female subjects, and relationships and pedagogies that are (mis)named as feminized  continue to be devalued, misrepresen

CfP: PSX5 - Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation

22-23 September 2016. University of Belgrade Belgrade, Serbia Organized by the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade , and the Center for the Studies of Bioethics , Belgrade This conference series is intended to give a home to philosophical interests in, and concerns about, scientific experimentation. The fifth conference will focus on philosophical exploration of various aspects of the relationship between experimentation and policy. For instance, are there epistemically optimal ways of organizing a scientific laboratory? Is there a set of policies concerning division of cognitive labor that can ensure that small, large, or mega laboratories produce relevant scientific knowledge in the most efficient way? Recent philosophical studies have addressed these and similar questions and produced interesting results, often with the help of computer simulations and quantitative methods of analysis. Also in biomedical and related sciences the condu

Premios SEHM

La Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina convoca dos nuevos premios: Premio destinado al mejor Trabajo de Fin de Grado que, sobre un tema de naturaleza histórico-médica o relacionado con la historia de las biociencias, se haya presentado y defendido en alguna titulación biocientífica de las universidades españolas durante un año natural. Premio destinado al mejor Trabajo de Fin de Máster que sobre un tema de naturaleza histórico-médica o relacionado con la historia de las biociencias se haya presentado y defendido en algún Máster de las universidades españolas durante un año natural. Bases de las convocatorias: http://www.sehm.es/pages/ organizacion/premios

CfP: XII Congreso Internacional de Antropología Filosófica

 Plazo de envío de comunicaciones: hasta el 1 de mayo de 2016 . El Grupo de Investigación Consolidado HERAF :  Hermenéutica y Antropología Fenomenológica H69 de la Universidad de Zaragoza organiza la XII edición del Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Hispánica de Antropología Filosófica (SHAF) en el que se abordarán diferentes secciones temáticas. El Congreso se celebrará los días 28, 29 y 30 de septiembre de 2016 en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Campus de San Francisco , de la Universidad de Zaragoza .   Con el título “ Patologías de la existencia” invitamos a pensar en un tema que incluye, además de los conceptos de estar sano o sentirse enfermo , también los que se recogen desde antiguo en la expresión “pathos” y que alberga, en general, formas de existencia del ser humano, las disposiciones afectivas que son vividas y los sentimientos en que se manifiestan. Las pasiones humanas entendidas, en suma, como los diversos modos de encontrarse o de ser compro

Europan Avanced Seminar in Philosophy of the Life Sciences

Nous vous rappelons que la quatrième édition du "Séminaire européen avancé de philosophie des sciences de la vie" (EASPLS) se tiendra à Klosterneuburg (Vienne, Autriche) du 5 au 9 septembre 2016. Thème préférentiel pour cette année: "Function and malfunction in the biological and biomedical sciences, and the social sciences.  Vous trouverez sur le lien ci-après toutes les informations sur les soumissions (Jusqu'au 31 mars 2016) et l'inscription:  http://www.easpls2016.kli.ac. at/

El Fons Antic de la Secció de Botànica de la Facultat de Farmàcia incorporat al Catàleg de la Universitat de Barcelona

http://crai.ub.edu/ca/Noticies -butlleti/catalogacio-fons- antic-seccio-botanica-facultat -de-farmacia S'acaba d'incorporar al Catàleg del CRAI de la Universitat de Barcelona, un notable fons antic provinent de la Secció de Botànica de la Facultat de Farmàcia . Es tracta d’un conjunt de 108 obres impreses entre els segles XVI i XX i dos manuscrits , que constitueixen una mostra representativa de la botànica europea d’aquest període. Aquest fons, incorporat al Catàleg des dels CRAI Biblioteques de Farmàcia i de Reserva , està format per obres majoritàriament publicades a l’Estat espanyol i a França, juntament amb alguna obra publicada a Lisboa i a Ginebra. Moltes d'aquestes obres destaquen per estar profusament il·lustrades.

Metascience-new issue alert

We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 25, Issue 1 of the journal Metascience. Editors: Luciano Boschiero and K. Brad Wray http://link.springer.com/ journal/11016/25/1/page/1 In this issue: Editorial Metascience, 1 year later K. Brad Wray , Luciano Boschiero Pages 1-2 Book Symposium Steve Fuller: Knowledge, the philosophical quest in history Francis Remedios , Brom Anderson , Jeff Kochan , Steve Fuller Pages 3-23 Symposium Understandability Richard Creath Pages 25-30   Symposium Quine’s “predilection” for finitism Gary Ebbs Pages 31-36   Symposium Carnap’s surprising views on the axiom of infinity Gregory Lavers Pages 37-41 Symposium Replies to Creath, Ebbs, and Lavers Greg Frost-Arnold Pages 43-49 Essay Review Chance regained: David Albert’s oeuvre revisited Kerry McKenzie Pages 51-55

Pictet Prize 2016 : History of Meteorology and Climate Sciences

Type:  Prize Date:  June 1, 2016 Subject Fields:   History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Environmental History / Studies The “ Société de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle (SPHN) de Genève ” invites applications for the: Marc-Auguste Pictet Prize 2016 : The History of Meteorology and Climate Sciences The Prize rewards a published or unpublished contribution (dissertation or book) in the history of science, on the specified topic, from a scholar at an early career stage. The Prize is endowed with an amount of CHF 10’000 (1 CHF ≈ 1USD) , and may be shared. The work (in English, French, German or Italian) should be submitted in two printed copies or as electronic file, and include a summary in English or French (max. 4’000 words) and a curriculum vitae. One copy of the prize-winning work, if printed, will remain the property of the SPHN. The applications should be sent before June 1st 2016 to the following address : President of the SPHN

2016/17 Visiting Fellowships Scheme at University of Leeds

The School of Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science at University of Leeds invites applications to its Non-Stipendiary Visiting Fellowships scheme for the academic year 2016-17. Visiting Fellows will be provided with full library and information systems access, and with office space where possible. There are no formal duties. Fellows will be expected to pursue their research and to participate in seminars, reading groups, and other aspects of the research life of one or more of the Research Centres affiliated with the School: Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Centre for Metaphysics and Mind, Centre for Ethics and Metaethics, Centre for Aesthetics, Centre for Philosophy of Religion, and Centre for Religion and Public Life. Fellowship periods can be from a couple of months to one year. Junior and senior applicants are equally welcome, though applicants must hold a PhD. Proposed research projects should clearly mesh with the research interests of members of o

PhD-fellowship in philosophy of biology / metaphysics at the University of Geneva

The Departments of Philosophy at the University of Calgary, the University of Geneva, and the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Minnesota have PhD fellowships in conjunction with the project “From Biological Practice to Scientific Metaphysics,” sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation. This project brings together philosophers to address the challenges of drawing metaphysical conclusions from science by reconceiving the success of science in terms of practice and asking what the world must be like for successful practices to have evolved into particular forms. Successful candidates will be expected to conduct thesis research on a theme related to scientific metaphysics and biological practice. This will be executed in close collaboration with members of the Core Team of the project. Details about the project can be found here: http://biological-practice-to- metaphysics.org/ For the PhD-fellowship based in Geneva we invite application

AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Studentship on Reception of theStethoscope

Applications are now invited for this fully funded AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Studentship. Making the Pulse: the Reception of the Stethoscope in nineteenth century Britain, 1817-1870. The University of Leeds Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science, in collaboration with the Science Museum, invites applications for a fully-funded three-year PhD studentship on the reception of the stethoscope in Britain. The studentship award has been made by the Science Museums & Archives Consortium under the AHRC’s Collaborative Doctoral Partnership scheme. The project, due to begin in October 2016, will be supervised by Dr Adrian Wilson and Dr Jonathan Topham, at the University of Leeds, and by Dr Oisín Wall at the Science Museum. The project student will explore the multiple channels of reception of the stethoscope in Britain between 1817 and 1870. The beginning of the stethoscope’s widespread use is widely acknowledged as a foundational moment in the tech